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Wanted: Cap list for M1212 Macintosh Color Display


Well-known member
Has anyone completed a recap of this monitor? I have mated it with my IIfx, and I want to recap and tune it up.


Well-known member
There’s this list at TinkerDifferent. I have an M1212 I need to recap, but haven’t tried yet, so can’t vouch for it.



Well-known member
So, the caps I ordered are correct, but some numbering was incorrect. Also, certain ones HAVE to be a certain height, or they won’t fit under the CRT. Found that out the hard way.

Here is a question: I’ve been recalibration the brightness/contrast. On a “normal” one of these, does reducing the contrast all the way get you a black screen, or just an extremely dim picture? I ask because the cutoff control on mine moves with extremely gross movements. One click one way, and the highest contrast yields brightness on the black borders: too high. Once I get it set to where it looks right (none of that), there is still a dim picture of the screen at minimum contrast. If I adjust it where it is totally black at minimum contrast, maximal contrast is simply not bight enough for a CRT.


Well-known member
FYI, that I'm in the process of recapping an M1212 and I found that the list shared above had some errors -- at least with the version of the M1212 I have (were there multiple?). The differences in my M1212 are:
  • CL11 is a 0.47uF 100V capacitor (85C and 5x11).
  • CP12 and CP14 were reversed on my monitor. CP12 is the 100uF 100V and CP14 is the 1000uF 16V in mine. Big difference.
  • There is no CV17 for my monitor. Instead there is a CV34 which is a 100uF 25V (85C and 7x11).
Given @LaPorta recapped his and the capacitor specs were correct for him (although the id numbers were wrong), I suspect I have a slightly different revision.


Well-known member
Thanks for getting back to this. I actually wound up combining two M1212s at a later date to get this to work. The second did indeed have a slightly different board. I’ll have to check if I have notes on this.


Well-known member
For me, both of my M1212s had a 1 µf, 50v CL11.

- Your reading of the CP12 and CP14 ratings is correct, and was the same for both of mine. This could mean that the list is in error, has them listed backwards, and should be corrected.

- I can confirm your assessment of CV17/CV34: one of mine had a CV17, and one had a CV34. I noted the differences on my hand-written list.


Well-known member
Sorry to reopen a thread, but @LaPorta would you mind just posting the list of caps you ordered please? Where did you end up buying them and what was the cost? I haven't received my monitor yet but I'm sure a recap will be money well spent. Thanks!


Well-known member
Sure, I’ll warn you, however, it’s a written notebook page! I’ll post as soon as I can.


Well-known member
Ugh... my M1212 is acting up today all of a sudden.

It was fully recapped EXCEPT one .. the largest cap (400V one that's hard to find and expensive) which most people feel should be ok to leave.

It's been working ok for 9 months or so? But today, every once in a while the screen image starts shaking, I hear a small pop noise and the image goes a little brighter for a bit but then calms down. It did this for about 15 minutes or so and then stopped and is acting normal again.

I should mention that over the course of the last few weeks, I did notice that upon cold start (ie. it's been off for days) I get some screen wobbling, slightly incorrect geometry, and then after "warming up" around a few minutes, everything stabilizes.

I'm curious whether it's that last super large cap that could be causing it? Or maybe the flyback is on its way out?