[SOLVED] Mac SE/30 Ram sockets where to buy them?


Active member
Hey everyone!

So I am in the process of de-soldering the ram sockets from a battery bombed SE/30 logic board and I broke one of the ram sockets (and that basically means I will most likely break the other ones); does anyone know where I can buy these sockets :/ ?

Also bonus question; does anyone know where can I buy just 1 socket for the ROM?, mine is quite corroded so I would prefer to change it. The site I saw it asks for a minimum order of 100...


Active member
These appear to have a wrong spacing for the SE/30
really?; how come? -- how do you know? I see they are 2.54mm spacing, no?

Update: Ahh I think you are talking about the spacing between slots, good catch!
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Active member
Thanks!, Iwill be taking a look into that

as for ROM socket I'd advise not going for the silly SIMM slot and just using the PLCC sockets
Duh, actually great idea! I dint think about this

This is also a good source for 30 pin sockets: https://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/store2/#0099
Thanks! I will take a look into that one as well -- I'm in canada so kind of sucks is in UK but will check on shipping! :)


the 30pins really suck.

a silly idea... solder in some machine pin sockets, convert the SIMMs to SIPPs


Active member
hahah -- :O actually I had never thought about that!; I think worst comes worst I would do that -- but then I will have to "prepare" any new ram I put in everytime -- but I dont think this is as bad as is a once in a lifetime thing


a silly idea... solder in some machine pin sockets, convert the SIMMs to SIPPs
Not so silly, I like the SIPP Socket suggestion. That readies the board for a 72pin SIMM daughtercard conversion "upgrade." No increase in memory, but a cheap way to max it out.


Well-known member
Not so silly, I like the SIPP Socket suggestion. That readies the board for a 72pin SIMM daughtercard conversion "upgrade." No increase in memory, but a cheap way to max it out.
Could someone produce a daughtercard that drops into the 30-pin footprint and has two 72 pin sockets on top? If they were angled, it could fit.


Active member
Not so silly, I like the SIPP Socket suggestion. That readies the board for a 72pin SIMM daughtercard conversion "upgrade." No increase in memory, but a cheap way to max it out.
actually, where can I read about this upgrade? -- I have never seen this on a mac se/30 😮


It's just a notion I'd been kicking around with @Bolle for a while. It made a lot of sense when 128MB was very expensive, but such became available at fairly reasonable pricing, so that project is back-burnered to curiosity level for now. I have a new logic board to play with at some point, so SIPP Sockets will be the order of the day.