Well-known member
I wanted to make a SmartPortSD for my IIc. I previously mounted a FloppyEMU in the internal drive; that project turned out fine, but precluded use of the FloppyEMU as a SmartPort device without some creepy wiring. I decided to make a SmartPortSD adapter using erichelgeson’s instructions at TinkerDifferent.
Of course, everything comes in multiples—(5) boards from jlcpcb, (3) arduino nano clones from amazon, (6) SD card adapters from china, and why order just one DB-19 connector...? I figured it was good odds if i built five, at least one would work.
I designed a custom case, because that's secretly why I build anything: to indulge my frustrated wish to be part of Frog Design.
The existing "piggyback" case designs are cool, but would not fit my setup--my IIc leaves very little space under its little monitor. I made the SmartPortSD into a little peripheral-unit instead. I used ribbon cable because i thought that would look like an old IIe accessory, and manufactured DB-19-edge-connectors to facilitate the wiring.
One board discharged its blue smoke and ceased working; no idea.
One board simply refuses to work; bad PCB? bad arduino? no idea.
Three boards work fine.
That means i have two extra: want a free SmartPortSD in a funny case? post a picture of your rig. I’ll randomly DM for an address and drop one in the mail. there’s nothing attainable that i want to trade for, and I’m too lazy to charge money; caveats: BYO SD card, no warranty, no guarantee, no tech support, we got a year end clearance, we got a white sale on a smoke damaged furniture, you can drive it away today.
The SmartPortSD reads .PO images...
i have found .2mg, .hdv, but only one .po image courtesy of @bigmessowires
can i convert .2mg to .po? Anyone have non-ciderpress instructions?

Of course, everything comes in multiples—(5) boards from jlcpcb, (3) arduino nano clones from amazon, (6) SD card adapters from china, and why order just one DB-19 connector...? I figured it was good odds if i built five, at least one would work.
I designed a custom case, because that's secretly why I build anything: to indulge my frustrated wish to be part of Frog Design.
The existing "piggyback" case designs are cool, but would not fit my setup--my IIc leaves very little space under its little monitor. I made the SmartPortSD into a little peripheral-unit instead. I used ribbon cable because i thought that would look like an old IIe accessory, and manufactured DB-19-edge-connectors to facilitate the wiring.
One board discharged its blue smoke and ceased working; no idea.
One board simply refuses to work; bad PCB? bad arduino? no idea.
Three boards work fine.
That means i have two extra: want a free SmartPortSD in a funny case? post a picture of your rig. I’ll randomly DM for an address and drop one in the mail. there’s nothing attainable that i want to trade for, and I’m too lazy to charge money; caveats: BYO SD card, no warranty, no guarantee, no tech support, we got a year end clearance, we got a white sale on a smoke damaged furniture, you can drive it away today.
The SmartPortSD reads .PO images...
i have found .2mg, .hdv, but only one .po image courtesy of @bigmessowires
can i convert .2mg to .po? Anyone have non-ciderpress instructions?