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SE/30 subject to analog board recap but decided not to...


I guess this would qualify as some sort of sequel to a part #1 (here: https://68kmla.org/bb/index.php?threads/se-30-recap-with-lifted-pad.37469/#post-405579)

To recap. I have owned this particular machine for a long time. ~4 years ago, i got the simasi pattern and did the full logic board recap. Everything went on normally from there on working perfectly fine. One year ago, it suddenly started to misbehave one day (when starting up i got the initial chime and after a short while a mouse cursor that i could move, but after 3-5 seconds everything would freeze up. The image itself (the grey background) looked perfectly normal without any artefacts or similar. But it froze. I also noticed that HDD activity was gone and so was the FDD activity. The lights were on but there was nobody home so to speak.

Naturally, i started to google this and i eventuall found this excellent book/pdf that described the SE and SE/30 most common issues and solutions to them. Unfortunately, neither of the descriptions matched my case. During this time, i bought an analog board recap kit from Console5, thinking it may have something to do with this. But shortly after this, i put it all on ice (as i have and use a PB170 and PB190 where i upgraded both with SSD (the PB170 with a BlueScsi w. wifi for wireless networking capability).

Today, i took my SE/30 apart, separating the analog board from the PSU, etc and scrutinized everything (and saw the massive amount of glue that Apple applied to capacitors, etc). While hyping up for the task of getting through tons of glue and recapping the analog board, i googled this issue some more and now i found a number of cases where people basically suggested a removal of the ROM board (BMoW in my case) and all ram chips and to clean them all (i therefore cleaned everything with IPA and reassembled it back, making sure that everything was in place snugly.

After connecting everything (incl. flyback connector to CRT) i thought why not test it (oh, i removed the pram battery for a few minutes also for good measure. I replace the original one a long time ago to a "SAFT" model).

Ok, time for the big finale. Connecting everything back and starting it up, i again get the chime AND now i get the familiar sound from the FDD, etc. Awesome. But not really...

Because now my screen only show a tiny "dot" in the middle of it :(

The only thing i can think of is that i did not re-insert the "suction cup with two metal prongs" properly inside the CRT. Does that sound like a feasible cause of this problem?

As i started the machine up this evening, would i need to discharge the CRT in order to re-insert this thing?


Well-known member
The only thing i can think of is that i did not re-insert the "suction cup with two metal prongs" properly inside the CRT. Does that sound like a feasible cause of this problem?
If you're only getting a single dot, it sounds like the deflection is not working at all, which might be an issue with the yoke or the analog board circuitry, not the flyback.


Well-known member
Yeah. It sounds like you didn't plug the yoke back in correctly, or you might have fractured solder joints the connector. It's a 4 pin connector on the top left of the board (closest to the monitor). You'll find it under right under the capacitors an inductors right there.


Hi, got it (and i appreciate the input :)). I'm quite sure that i did not damage anything (solder-wise) when taking it apart. What i'm not so sure about (but will find out tomorrow) is if i did not reinsert the "suction cup" thingy properly (or for that matter, the pcb connecting to the yoke on the back. I'll make sure to see to it that this piece sits where it should).

I'll be back (for better or worse) :)


Well-known member
You can confirm that by just tugging (lightly) on the anode wire (with the machine off, obviously). You will feel the resistence from the cap if it's secure in the tube.


Thx Callan. I checked it and it was snug. But i also found the issue. The P1 connection towards the analog board was not fully inserted ( :oops: ) and when ensuring that it was in fully, the image is now back to normal again :)

But i still have the freeze up issue (where the mouse pointer will move for 1-3 seconds and then everything freezes. As i understand it, this 'could' be caused by a bad SCSI chip (??)

I made a video showing the issue here:



Small update. I swapped out the BMOW and swapped in the original SE/30 rom (and inserted 4x1mb ram instead of the 86 (something) i usually run with. Now the boot is different:

- i get the chime
- mouse works all the time
- FDD tries to read the floppy
- then it gets to the SCSI init-phase and here i get a "bus error" and a restart option (doesn't help to boot with shift-pwr)

I guess its safe to assume that the scsi-chip is gone on this machine. I ordered a new one from Mouser and hopefully that will be the solution.


  • BusError.jpg
    61.9 KB · Views: 9


Well-known member
Small update. I swapped out the BMOW and swapped in the original SE/30 rom (and inserted 4x1mb ram instead of the 86 (something) i usually run with. Now the boot is different:

- i get the chime
- mouse works all the time
- FDD tries to read the floppy
- then it gets to the SCSI init-phase and here i get a "bus error" and a restart option (doesn't help to boot with shift-pwr)

I guess its safe to assume that the scsi-chip is gone on this machine. I ordered a new one from Mouser and hopefully that will be the solution.
What’s the part on Mouser?


Well-known member
Small update. I swapped out the BMOW and swapped in the original SE/30 rom (and inserted 4x1mb ram instead of the 86 (something) i usually run with. Now the boot is different:

- i get the chime
- mouse works all the time
- FDD tries to read the floppy
- then it gets to the SCSI init-phase and here i get a "bus error" and a restart option (doesn't help to boot with shift-pwr)

I guess its safe to assume that the scsi-chip is gone on this machine. I ordered a new one from Mouser and hopefully that will be the solution.
Have you measured the voltages at all? 5v is most important and can be measured on the fifth pin from left, top row, on the rear floppy port. It should be above about 4.90V as an absolute minimum.