Powermac G4


New member
I currently have a Power Mac G4 Digital Audio M7681LL/A (Quicksilver/Digital Audio), I bought at a thrift store several years back for $60, and am wanting to upgrade and add a few of my external hard drives and put them internal. I am in need of a PCI card with 1 or preferably 2 ide slots on it so that I can add a few more drives to this beast. I also would need to know if the PCI card would support OS 9 - X 10.4 as well as boot into both OS. Does anyone know of any PIC IDE cards that can do the trick? I have seen a few on ebay, but most are asking $200+ for these cards.

Thank you in advance, I have included Links for a better visual of what I have and am looking for.


Apple Description of my Mac https://support.apple.com/en-us/112549

Every Mac Description and Photo https://everymac.com/systems/apple/powermac_g4/specs/powermac_g4_733.html

PCI Card i am hunting for or similar example: https://www.thebookyard.com/product.php?cPath=91_55_60_61&products_id=5538


Well-known member

Unfortunately Mac bootable PCI IDE cards tend to be expensive. $200 is high, but they're rarely very cheap.

It would probably be cheaper to get a SATA card and format a large SATA hard disk with several partitions and copy the IDE disks onto the partitions one at a time.

Only problem is that the common type of SATA card that can be flashed have issues with QuickSilvers, for some reason.


Well-known member
Do you know of any SATA cards that are bootable to OS 9?

Also expensive, but you can flash PC equivalents... Except the common ones play up in QuickSilvers like I said. You can replace the regulator with a low dropout part.

The situation is less than $20 if you are willing to do some soldering and flash a card, or $100 or more if not... Unless you're really lucky and find one for sale listed badly, or in a cheap computer.


Well-known member
For SATA in OS9, I currently have the Acard AEC-6290M in one Mac, and AEC-6890M in another.

For IDE, the SIIG SC-MP4A12 2-Port PCI EIDE Ultra ATA-133/100 Controller for Mac comes up now and then for a reasonable cost. I bought one a couple months ago for less than $30 shipped.

BUT! If you want to use it in OS9, you MUST make sure it is an early model. It should look like the picture below. Last year, I ended up with two version 3 cards that work only in OSX.