Powerbook 520c issues

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I turn it on, it chimes with the :) chime. But there is just a grey screen and the HD does not spin up. I cant open It as I lost my screwdriver.



Well-known member
Does the hard drive make any noise at all?? I have a PB150 that had a clunking hard drive and I don't really know what I did, but I figured if the drive was bad it won't hurt to open it up and have a look, and when I put it back together, it started working again. Maybe the lubricant in the motor has dried up. I know that sometimes happens and causes the drive not to spin.



Well-known member
well - if the screen lights but nothing else, then power somewhere aint working would be a guess.

otherwise you have two problems - one disk and one display ribbon.

i would go for power first - not sure what to suggest for you, but i have had problems with my 540c in the past where the power was simply not working, then it kinda was, then it worked properly.

do things change when you wiggle the power plug? pull it out then stick it back in again?

my 540c can have problems starting the disk from a cold boot, but i get a weird alarm siren sound, then it kicks in - anything like that happen. its not a chime or bell sound, its more like an emergency siren.

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