Cartridge Loader for the Quadra 950!!!!! =8-D


Well-known member
Oh cool. It's the version that wasn't stripped of the front panel by Apple.

I personally would prefer caddy loading CD-R instead. ;)



Well-known member
I have my fingers crossed for you that it doesn't need re-capping!!!

ALL of my caddy-load SCSI Apple CD drives are dead or almost dead and all have leaking caps :(



Well-known member
Plextor made them at least. Possibly Yamaha too. They aren't rare. I picked up a seven drive tower for $20 form a recycler and gave another one to someone to put in their NeXT Cube.



Gah! Recapping! :O Hopefully not, it works wonderfully as is. I couldn't find a CD-RW to burn to test it with, but I can dig a backup out for that.

I wonder if I may need to remove the bezel to mount it in the 950?
