Apple's original weird FPU detection method


Well-known member
For years I've had to just enable the FPU for nearly every 030 machine in MAME because otherwise the OS would die immediately after Welcome to Macintosh with an unexpected F-line trap. I just found out it's because of the extremely non-intuitive way Apple was detecting the FPU.

This is from the Quadra 700/900 and PowerBook 140/170 ROM, but many other pre-1992 ROMs have the same code at the same place:

ROM:40803DBA CheckOptionals:
ROM:40803DBA                 btst    #$1C,d2       ; did the Universal table say this machine can have an FPU?
ROM:40803DBE                 beq.w   FPUDone       ; if not, no need for more checking
ROM:40803DC2                 movea.l a6,a2         ; this is the "BSR6" macro you see all over the SuperMario tree
ROM:40803DC4                 lea     CheckFPUReturn,a6
ROM:40803DC8                 jmp     TestForFPU
ROM:40803DCC CheckFPUReturn:
ROM:40803DCC                 beq.s   HaveFPU
ROM:40803DCE                 bclr    #$1C,d2      ; clear the HasFPU bit in the hardware config word
ROM:40803DD2 HaveFPU:
ROM:40803DD2                 movea.l a2,a6
ROM:40803DD4                 bra.w   FPUDone

ROM:40803DEC GotBusError:
ROM:40803DEC                 btst    #$1B,d7    ; Make the BEQ at 40803DCC fall through
ROM:40803DF0                 movea.l a5,sp
ROM:40803DF2                 jmp     (a6)

ROM:40804640 TestForFPU:
ROM:40804640                 movec   cacr,d1
ROM:40804644                 bset    #$1F,d1
ROM:40804648                 movec   d1,cacr
ROM:4080464C                 movec   cacr,d1
ROM:40804650                 bclr    #$1F,d1
ROM:40804654                 beq.s   Not040
ROM:40804656                 movec   d1,cacr
ROM:4080465A                 bra.s   Its040
ROM:4080465C Not040:
ROM:4080465C                 move.b  #7,d1               ; select FC 7 (CPU space)
ROM:40804660                 movec   d1,sfc
ROM:40804664                 moves.w (unk_22000).l,d1    ; read an arbitrary RAM location, but with FC 7
ROM:4080466C Its040:
ROM:4080466C                 cmp.b   d1,d1  ; make the BEQ at 40803DCC succeed
ROM:4080466E                 jmp     (a6)

The comments should be pretty self-explanatory, but the upshot is that it uses the rarely seen MOVES instruction to read RAM with the 68k set to assert function code 7 (CPU private) instead of Mac OS's normal FC 5 (supervisor mode data). I'm unclear if this is a 68K feature or a Mac hardware feature, as I certainly haven't seen it documented either place.

Interestingly, in 1992 Apple threw away this code and switched to a more obvious and straightforward detection method, which you see in the SuperMario tree. This is from the PowerBook 160/180/165c/180c ROM:

ROM:40804640 TestForFPU:
ROM:40804640                 movec   vbr,d1          ; mess with the vector table so F-line traps are caught
ROM:40804644                 subi.l  #$24,d1
ROM:4080464A                 movec   d1,vbr
ROM:4080464E                 moveq   #1,d1
ROM:40804650                 lea     NoFPU,a6        ; tell the F-line trap handler where to jump to
ROM:40804654                 fnop                    ; this will cause an F-line trap if there's no FPU
ROM:40804658                 moveq   #0,d1           ; if there is an FPU this instruction will execute
ROM:4080465A NoFPU:

This is ultimately how they differentiate a PowerBook 140 from a 170 or a 160 from a 180. If you've played with unirom you've seen that there are only entries in the tables for the 170 and 180, and some code we don't see in the SuperMario tree fudges the Gestalt values for those machines if an FPU is not present.


Well-known member
Nice digging. That *is* really strange. Talk about taking the long way around. No real notes in the supermario source as to why it was the way it was.


Well-known member
So I've finally researched this properly and it's indeed an MC680x0 feature, at least for '020 and '030. In CPU space (function code 7), addresses of the form $0002xxxx access CIRs, Coprocessor Interface Registers. Bits 15-13 are the standard 3-bit coprocessor ID, same as you see in F-line instructions, where coprocessor %001 is the 68881 or 68882. And bits 0-4 are the address. So Apple's read of FC7:$00022000 is reading the "Response CIR" from the FPU.

The Motorola manuals aren't explicit about what happens when you read a CIR for a coprocessor that isn't present, but they do hint that a bus error will occur when the transaction times out.

The 68040 doesn't have CIRs at all as far as I've been able to tell. The ROM code that uses the CIR method to detect an FPU assumes that an '040 means you have an FPU. And that leads me to believe they changed the detection method to the more straightforward version because of the impending use of machines with the cheaper no-FPU LC040.


Well-known member
The 68040 doesn't have CIRs at all as far as I've been able to tell.
Nope, they don't, and neither do the internal MMU of the '030 (unlike the MC68851). CIR are only there to support the coprocessor interface at bus level, and so are only useful for external coprocessors running on the bus of a '020 or '030.

For F-line instruction, in the '020 and '030 using an external coprocessor, normally:
(a) the CPU decode the F-line instruction
(b) based on the *class* of the instruction, it initiates the standardized 'dialog' for that class with the coprocessor using the (address of the) appropriate CIRs
Note that the '020/'030 has no idea what types of coprocessor it is talking to. It's entirely abstract for it.

Meanwhile, the coprocessors implement the CIRs (and their own logic) and react to them being written/read in the appropriate way. For a FADD mem,freg, the '881/'882 will first request the CPU to decode the address of the memory operand and send it, and then will free the CPU to continue while it executes the addition internally. This will involve the command CIR, the response CIR, the operand CIR (more than once if the operand is larger than 32 bits), etc. It's quite neat as you can expand the instruction set in any way you want (don't tell the RISC-V crowd, they think they invented extending the ISA...). However, the dialog is quite slow over the bus, even if you move from asynchronous (as the '851, '881, '882 do) to synchronous (which I don't think any coprocessor used back in the day, but I know it works with the '030 because that's what my prototypes coprocessors use).

For the MMU in the MC68030 and later, and the FPU in the MC68040 and later, they are integrated directly in the CPU so there's no need for any of this. FADD is decoded entirely, and the MC680[46]0 will simply execute the memory access and the addition in its internal pipelines directly. Which is much, much, much faster.

The comments should be pretty self-explanatory, but the upshot is that it uses the rarely seen MOVES instruction to read RAM with the 68k set to assert function code 7 (CPU private) instead of Mac OS's normal FC 5 (supervisor mode data). I'm unclear if this is a 68K feature or a Mac hardware feature, as I certainly haven't seen it documented either place.
MOVES ('Move Alternate Address Space') is the standard way of moving data between registers and arbitrary address in an arbitrary memory space (i.e. Function Code). It's a privileged instruction. On the MC68010, you can use it to implement the coprocessor dialog 'by hand' in SW to use a coprocessor as they don't implement it in hardware. I'm not sure anyone ever did that in production, but it was documented by Motorola at the time. Coprocessor lives in the $7 address space, which is the CPU space. No memory/peripherals should be there, which is why PDS device have to check that the FC aren't $7 before answering (they really should check for the appropriate address space, but Apple collapsed everything into just one to make everyone's life easier, 68k were a bit overengineered in some area, the '851 is way overcomplicated for a MMU and had to be trimmed down a lot for the '030).
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Well-known member
Nope, they don't, and neither do the internal MMU of the '030 (unlike the MC68851). CIR are only there to support the coprocessor interface at bus level, and so are only useful for external coprocessors running on the bus of a '020 or '030.
That makes sense. It's funny how over-engineered the 68k and the coprocessors were, and how every later model backed away from the complexity.

MOVES ('Move Alternate Address Space') is the standard way of moving data between registers and arbitrary address in an arbitrary memory space (i.e. Function Code). It's a privileged instruction. On the MC68010, you can use it to implement the coprocessor dialog 'by hand' in SW to use a coprocessor as they don't implement it in hardware. I'm not sure anyone ever did that in production, but it was documented by Motorola at the time.
I believe there was one '010 machine that could use the '851, but I don't remember which one now. There's also an Apple II slot card with an '881 (no actual '0x0 host CPU), and that's presumably how it works.

Sun was the only 68k machine to make extensive use of the multiple address spaces as far as I know, which is why SPARC also has them. Motorola was pretty aggressive with trimming down the over-engineered features in each new generation because they could get away with it. Whereas the 80386 MMU was also wildly over engineered but every OS (and DOS extender in the early days) used a different subset of features so Intel was pretty much trapped.


Well-known member
That makes sense. It's funny how over-engineered the 68k and the coprocessors were, and how every later model backed away from the complexity.
I wouldn't call the coprocessor interface over-engineered - for the time it was quite good, and enabled a very clean programming model for ISA extensions. But (a) there wasn't enough justifiable use cases and (b) moore's law made it easy to simply integrate the most obvious use cases. Having the MMU as coprocessor $0 was neat, but a MMUl is a privileged device and could just as well have been memory-mapped (which is why Sun did, IIRC). The FPU as coprocessor $1 was neat, and the '881/'882 were good at the time.

When I wanted to try the interface in the IIsiFPGA, I went for the 'standard' extension in integer everybody has by now, AES (DES would have been period-accurate but is useless today). I couldn't (can't!) think of another extension that would make sense in a IIsi, other than a faster FPU (but that's a lot more work, and exceptions & BCD are a PITA), and as far as I know back then no-one did think of anything else, either... so the interface went essentially unused, hence why it could be easily dropped when the '040 integrated some of the FPU (some, as it doesn't have the BCD datatype or most of the instructions). Anyway, the end results was that my mildly otptimized set of instructions are faster than doing AES using tables on the '030, but not by a huge margin, as a lot of time is wasted doing all the required bus cycles before/after the FPGA do the AES round...

The annoying bit is really the software for the OS - as soon as you add any state in the coprocessor (if only some user-visible registers), you need not only to support the save/restore dialog & move multiple registers instructions, but the OS need to be modified so that state can be save/restored on a context switch. I did not tackle that yet.