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8600/300 not booting.


Well-known member
I recently acquired 8600/300. It powers on but doesn’t have chime or video. Any idea where should I start to troubleshoot this. I did replace the PRAM battery. Last 2 pictures are of the processor.


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Active member
Try 2 things. If you have a spare PCI GPU (like a Mach 64 or Rage 128 for Mac) try booting with a graphics card installed. DB15 can be weird at times. It could also be picky/bad/dirty RAM. Remove the RAM modules, clean all of the RAM slots (cotton swabs soaked in 91% rubbing alcohol works fine), clean the module's contacts, and reseat the RAM.


Well-known member
I will have to check if have pci gpu. I think I have one in G3. I did remove the all the RAMs cleaned with WD-40 contact cleaner. No change. I even did cuda reset.


Well-known member
I'm thinking if the dial things on the CPU card adjust frequency, and someone has played with them, it could affect the ability to boot.


Well-known member
Try the contact cleaner in every slot, reseat everything. Contact cleaner inside every socket and on every SIMM/cards + scrubbing with a Q-tip every edge pin connector.

Agree with @MrFahrenheit the little knobs in the CPU card are probably important. Having a spare CPU card does help when diagnosing these machines.

CUDA is weird too, I think these machines are CUDA. Have to reset before you might get a chime/video.


Well-known member
Try the contact cleaner in every slot, reseat everything. Contact cleaner inside every socket and on every SIMM/cards + scrubbing with a Q-tip every edge pin connector.

Agree with @MrFahrenheit the little knobs in the CPU card are probably important. Having a spare CPU card does help when diagnosing these machines.

CUDA is weird too, I think these machines are CUDA. Have to reset before you might get a chime/video.

The issue is compounded with this being a Kansas board. From what I’ve read you cannot use earlier CPU cards in a Kansas board, you must use Kansas generation and above only.

Finding a Kansas + CPU card could be difficult, unless it’s another accelerator.


Well-known member
That's a Powerlogix PowerForce G3, looks like 400MHz based on the sticker, which was top of the line in its day. I did some digging on archive.org and found the chart for the frequency setting knobs: https://web.archive.org/web/20010627114626/http://www.powerlogix.com/support/freqchart.html
I couldn't tell you which knob is A, B, or C, though.
Great find! I tried looking it up last night and couldn’t find that.

I’d recommend starting with 50mhz bus and 300mhz cpu clock just to see if it boots.