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  • And now for something different... Hackintosh hardware issue out of nowhere. Im thinking my power supply might be in the middle of biting-the-dust.
    Ughh, the day I had to move my Mac to the workbench and put in the queue.


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    Nope, not the power supply. Or the video card. Ordered another motherboard hoping that'l work. Luckily, MacOS won't care.
    Turned out to be the ram (Gskill). Odd, Ive never had ram suddenly go bad and temporarily brick a whole computer.
    Welp, time to solder in some new caps on my Mustangs spare ECU. I dont feel like paying around 500 for a working one if it bites the dust.


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    Im hoping those traces are only a little corroded.
    When Apple was thinking of the next gen os (Copland, etc.) I wonder if they thought of using AUX and modernizing it.
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    Reactions: MrFahrenheit
    Probably. Apple had been thinking about a next-gen OS basically since like literally 1988 with Taligent.

    Tough to say how carefully they considered it though and where it was in the running, or where they thought it would fit in.
    Poor beat up ole case. Still better than that awful tower.


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    7200s case arrived today. Its... a little beat up but serviceable. Never had an Outrigger case before. One of Apples more intelligently designed cases, but still brittle plastic though.
    Finally got the adapters to use my SATA-only ATX powersupply but still waiting on the 20-pin adapter.
    This is the first time since using CRTs (75Hz) that I've ran a display at something other than 60Hz. 165Hz is so nice on my hackintosh.
    I'm figuring its my cheapo 68-pin to 50-pin adapter that dont work. The drives power ul but never show on the scsi bus.
    Used my Powerbase to wipe my 460s old scsi drive to drop a copy of 9.1 on there. I know my two 128MB DIMMs work now.
    Does 8.6 have a smaller memory footprint than 9.1?
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    Reactions: MrFahrenheit
    It's supposed to, but IME they're not that different and just enough stuff would really rather be on 9.1 than 8.6 anyway, and if you're on a machine that runs 9.1 poorly, 7.6.1 or 8.1 will likely be that much better, so it sort of depends on what machine/configuration you want or have.

    As ever, my recommendation is to give it a go and see how it works on your machiens with your software!
    Oh 9.1 and probably 9.2 would work dandy on my Powerbase. I was wanting to playsome Diablo 2 and it needs 128MB free, if i remember right. I think I user virtual memory in the olden days to get there. I went through and disabled some unnecessary extensions and suchbut it made little difference.
    I truly hate whoever designed the 8500 case. I cant imagine the mind of someone who looked at it and said "Yep, thats how you make a case".
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    No joke, I got pissed off trying to fit it in there again.
    Got a hold of the 18GB Cheetah 68pin drive to use in my 8500
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    Waiting on my two 128MB DIMMs now. The dude lives a state over too. Still hasnt shipped after several days 😡
    My short lived idea of using a 5 pci riser from a Starmax died. I had hoped Tanzania boards all used the same slot, for some reason.
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