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Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jun 2002 : 21:52:00
Ok great we won, now its time for the work! Ok how is all this money getting here, I would think I won't have all of it atleast til Monday then it will be cut throat on getting there Tuesday which is the deadline, I would ask him for extra days but I won't wnaa take any chances on losing this nor do anyone else, my mom is calling Enterpris about Van rentals tomorrow and fees, so I should know about that, the next thing is payments how you guys will get ur cash here, I think that those snail mailing it should send ASAP like Express Mail, I could alos if there is more money sent through PayPal send it to the guy that way, or money order it but it's a vote kinda thing cause its all of our money, well let me know!Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES Edited by - TiMacLover on 04 Jun 2002 21:56:47 |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jun 2002 : 22:41:19
Congrats soldiers!!! Sorry I couldn't participate in the warfare, but, with mucho MUCHO thanks to mathgeek, I scored a haul of my own...and for FREE!!!  666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Regular Disappear! |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jun 2002 : 22:52:42
Not much to cheer about other then the fact that timac waited till after the auction and payed me $40 he owed me. Plus i have to study for finals tomorrow. yuck
LOL! now THAT'S funny! 
Agreed jt. HAR!™ But yeah, good luck with your finals. -------------------------- Pizzabox LCs RULE!!!!!!! Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jun 2002 : 22:57:24
Cine you got Apple Speakers comming your way, would you want that for that keyboard [:-P]Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
911 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jun 2002 : 23:22:51
Hey everyone! I told Penguin on AIM that I was good for $20... It looke dlike we might need it. Although I don't know how you all had decided to divvy it up if we won, which we now have.So, who do we pay? I came in late to this, so I hope I'm not intrudeing.. I don't want any finished systems... just some unclaimed parts... like the Quadra 630 style TV tuner or presentation system you can find in the pictures, and maybe some other extra boards and chip upgrades. :-) ~Marchie ~Chaplain Marchie Holder of the Compact Mac - -Stick of Justice, with Explodeing CRT head -Wand of Power with Shocking Flyback Transformer Tip ~~"We are all Mad here"~~ |
Full Member
537 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jun 2002 : 23:31:11
I wish I'd seen this at the start and had some more cash. It looks like you guys got the deal of the centuary It also looks like there'll be a lot of miscelaneous parts in there. So if there's a spare floppy bezel and cd-rom shielding for a 9600 style case, or cache for a Performa I'd be interested cash waiting. Perhaps once you guy's have claimed your stakes you could let us know whats left over or you guy's don't want, as Marchie said though I hope i'm not intruding. Eww I feel like such a scanvenger.... Edited by - gothikon on 04 Jun 2002 23:42:34 |
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 02:01:47
Heh heh heh its all good. Should we post the secret link so they can see what weve got on paper?Anyway, I can paypal Id prefer it actually. Missing out now that weve actually won would suck major so just tell me how much to send and where and Ill get it to you. P.S Im going to be out of town Monday thru probably Thursday hope this isnt going to be a problem. 
Junior Member

United Kingdom
273 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 03:53:49
OK this will probably get lost in all the confusuion but I'm looking for 2 Performa 630 I/O doors (the plastic bit that fits on the back over the logic board fence) as I broke a clip off mine and it no longer holds the small plastic panel on over the Mains socket and the security lock. I'll give whoever is in posetion of the box of stuff I saw several of these sticking out (I'm guessing TiMac) of $3 for each panel and will pay whatever shipping is needed to get 'em to the UK. I pay to US by PayPal only on small items.E-me off boards or contact me by AIM if you need to discuss further. If I'm away on AIM leave a messafe with ur e-mail and I'll get back to you. -- Mark Benson Visit FlatPackMacs Online We have feets  Wooohoo! I have a green star  Macs Liberated = 10 Edited by - SiliconValleyPirate on 05 Jun 2002 03:56:30 |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 03:59:09
Sounds liek i missed major partying, bummer. But anyhue, if we want to get this paid off immidately, i can go over and hit the Paypal button right now and have that done with. I mean everything is already goign to go thru my email(i already have an email from him asking for payment and how its going to get picked up...). So tiMac, if you can get back to me with prices for picking up and all that, be nice.And yes, i feel that link deserves attention, here is "the secret location": ~The Penguin |Captain, Intelligence Operations| There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
Captain Z
Mobile Ops Commander
637 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 05:08:02
i can go over and hit the Paypal button right now and have that done with. I mean everything is already goign to go thru my email(i already have an email from him asking for payment and how its going to get picked up...). So tiMac, if you can get back to me with prices for picking up and all that, be nice.
So I take it that you already have enough funds to cover, and we can send you the money to repay you in the coming week? (It'll still be another few days before the money on my end will be ready to head to you on PayPal) ------------------ Captain Z - Mobile Operations Commander 68K Macintosh Liberation Army 18 68K Macs Liberated Visit Captain Z's Starbase of EV Stuff |
Full Member
729 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 05:37:27
hold on about paying, I emailed penguin about a plan i had:We talk to the seller and tell him this: Timac goes and picks the stuff up and when he gets there and everything is in order he hops online (if that is possible...) or get the man a 5 minute phone card. and tells penguin to wire the guy his money. That way the dude doesn't skip town or is ripping us off in any way. ...just like in the movies, or on the a-team...
 Anyway, it was just a thought. I'm a little concerned about how many cases actually have mobos in them. Or if there is all that stuff to begin with. Since we have to pick it up, the seller shouldn't have a problem with it. And if he does, then there might be a reason. Talk it over. Got to goto school. Sgt. Thelip Heavy Weapons Specialist 950 division Liberated Macs: 12
Creator and Keeper of THE NEWTON STYLUS ALLIANCE |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 06:13:25
I just emailed the seller back asking him if this was ok. Hopefully we will have a reply soon. Also, if we want to avoid long distance calling and all that, TiMac can call cine and just have him go online and mail me. Would this work you two? Also, Ti- when are you planning on picking this up and do u have the truck rates as well?~The Penguin |Captain, Intelligence Operations| There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
Junior Member

308 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 06:16:15
"And the Mac angels sing"Did anyone notice the clear green pieces of plastic in picture 8? They don't really look like the same shade of green that the green iMacs were made of. I wonder what they are off of. I will send out my percentage of the money as soon as I get a name and address to send the check to. Is Penguin pooling the money and then sending Timaclover what was left over to pay for the rental, or is Timaclover pooling the money and paying the guy in person? I would also like to put in a request for a stick or two of 168 pin ram if there is any left over. AnubisTTP, Tank Commander, Bolo Division 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:21 |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 06:29:42
i still need to get a choice on those extras i was waiting to choose after everybody else picked when they bought in too! i think i'm SOL on getting a box, unfortunately, but hopefully i'll end up with something significant instead.does anybody have any idea what all those platinum cover panels are for? there are some shapes there that i can't fit onto anything that comes to mind readily. jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 06:42:20
Trash,if u want a box, name it and its yours. I'm pretty sure i speak for everyone when i say u played ahuge role and deserve more than left overs. So name something, and if someone truely has a problem with it, let them speak there mind and suggest somethign else.~The Penguin |Captain, Intelligence Operations| There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 07:00:26
Trash,if u want a box, name it and its yours. I'm pretty sure i speak for everyone when i say u played ahuge role and deserve more than left overs. So name something, and if someone truely has a problem with it, let them speak there mind and suggest somethign else.
nah! i don't wanna bring anybody down off the high!i'm in it hoping there's more parts than just the keyboard for the paladin and for whatever REALLY cool stuff might be in there that wasn't big enough or important looking enough to be on top in those shots of the boxes. we don't even know if the boxes will all work anyway, so let them stand where they are now. just look out for me when we divvy the miscellaneous swag and make sure i get a good cut of the best of the stuff nobody was anticipating and i'll be happy even if it doesn't amount to all that much in the end. actually, doing it this way will make the whole thing really exciting for me for quite some time yet!    jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Captain Z
Mobile Ops Commander
637 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 07:06:43
Proposal:Because I requested both a 9600 case and a 7200 case, I don't necessarily need the 7200 (I do however, need the 9600). I also just realized that the 7200 logicboard wasn't on the list (somehow we overlooked it). If you want Trash,you can take the 7200 off my list, and i'll add the 7200 logicboard. Then you won't be out of luck on getting a box, and you would have something to use your new Paladin keyboard on!  I see it as you deserve something for all the help you have given to this endevor. You should have the pick of the litter, so to speak. To me, it doesn't seem right to not ask for anything after giving so much. ------------------ Captain Z - Mobile Operations Commander 68K Macintosh Liberation Army 18 68K Macs Liberated Visit Captain Z's Starbase of EV Stuff Edited by - Captain Z on 05 Jun 2002 07:12:43 |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 07:31:18
Because I requested both a 9600 case and a 7200 case, I don't necessarily need the 7200 (I do however, need the 9600). I also just realized that the 7200 logicboard wasn't on the list (somehow we overlooked it). If you want Trash,you can take the 7200 off my list, and i'll add the 7200 logicboard. Then you won't be out of luck on getting a box, and you would have something to use your new Paladin keyboard on! 
you illustrate my point perfectly, Z, thanks anyway, but i'da been sure to pick one of the boxes that was somebody's FIRST choice. and we may need that mobo for one of the troops who winds up without one in the box they were expecting. the seller estimated 10 working macs from the lot, so i wouldn't expect to find any more than 10 mobo's in that lot, no matter how many cases are in the pictures. we may have a couple of dissapointed troopers to take care of too. i've got plenty of macs, so i'll be happy to take a chance on "the pick of the litter", i know all of you will look out for my interests when the time comes to divvy up all the extra goodies! i'm happy! i'm even happier that we pulled of our first BIG@$$ Consortium deal as a group. if we make it thru the payup, pickup, division and shipping with our comradeship intact and the door open for future incursion missions on the eBay front, i'll be REALLY happy! <gloat mode> frag'em-n-tag'em, troops! WE GOT IT DONE! </gloat mode> jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 05 Jun 2002 07:36:20 |
Captain Z
Mobile Ops Commander
637 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 07:46:17
Either way, I only really need the 9600 box. The reason why is because a blurb of info I found on LowEndMac. The 9600/350 originally shipped with a 560W power supply to run the high speed 604e processor. Depending on what card I get (if I get... I don't even know if there is one), I will probably need a very strong power supply to run the PowerExpress logicboard. And if it doesn't have a processor card, I'll be getting a G3 Carrier card to use with my 350MHz G3 pulled from my B&W.------------------ Captain Z - Mobile Operations Commander 68K Macintosh Liberation Army 18 68K Macs Liberated Visit Captain Z's Starbase of EV Stuff |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 07:58:57
Depending on what card I get (if I get... I don't even know if there is one)
BINGO! we all took a chance, i'd said i'd kinda like to get a box too, if i don't it's not the end of the world! just leave everythiong as it stands and none of us will be any more disappointed at the fallout than we expected we might be when we rolled the die!  best of luck findin' the hottest card available in one of those boxes for your new toy!  i'm happy! if i don't end up all that much better off than i am now i won't be all that disappointed, we can drop this non-issue now, k?  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
911 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 08:46:43
*Marchie convulses, falls down, and then gets back up, eyes glazed over and speaking in tongues. A quick trip to the local Bablefish distributer reveals the following*And lo, the soldiers of the Army of Light came together, and battleing the evil scourge of vultures, lurkers, and last-minute bidders, they walked thru the battledfields of e-Bay victorius! The rank and title of all those soldiers shall forever be heard in song and high praise. With eyes of the Hawk, the grizzled wanderer of the Night saw the coming battle approach. " 'nuff said." say he, and it was begun. The Gorilla, his heart a pound, did incite our warriors, proving again that despite the Approval Factors of each soldiers surroundings, that one mans "junk" is another mans hackage! The next to have their hearts stolen by the glitter of platinum, were from the Land of Jobs. Ti's Chariot of Delivery waited for but and order, as Graphite sat indecisive, waiting to be a Pawn or King, and his Mordor cube's fate sat in the edge of a blade. But then, The Egyptian King with legs deep underground, saw Duo-ality in the prizes to be had, disguised in rare form. This man, learned in all things Strange and Wonderous, was Anubis. Cries began to be heard... desperate cries of longing, and cries of battle. iWant! iWant! a lover of Macs indeed. And then the Grizzled Warrior, with eyes of Pink, Laid the final stone on the road that was to be the race.. and upon his 100 green-backed steeds led the others into battle. Our captain, and the flightless bird, their eyes a glaze, followed, dreaded forces to be sure, and battle-sick with desire, greed, and the promise of things to come. A wild dog in the Wide World's Webbed Forrest, and He who encircled the mad, mad, mad world, were followed at last by the Keeper of The Book, and the battle raged. Glorious it was, tho not loud. Long they waited in anxious breath, and as the final hours approached, panic. Panic for what they could not control. Who would win this battle today? a Battle of minds and of mettle. Theives were to be helkd at bay, and the threat of thunder and lightintg caused a tinge of fear... but all were to walk out VICTORIOUS! And the cries of victory could be heard above the clinking of glasses. And these were the warriros, that stole the piles of treasure from the hordes. Each is to be praised, commended and even revered, tho none more than He who's watchful eyes did first catch glimpse of the treasures to be had, and in the end sat humbly by content with small wealth, and the much deserved thanks of his comrades. 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 08:54:11
<a single tear rolls down El Cine's cheek>Jeremy, I do still want those "speakers" (or whatever they turn out to be). I have the USB keyboard and mouse, a complete 7100/66 and an incomplete 7100/80, along with all that other broken stuff (and some new stuff) you wanted/may want as trade for them and anything left over after the cash-paying soldiers have taken their lot. 
666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 8 I Have No Legs! |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 09:26:22
 jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 12:40:01
Ok, the seller said that that is fine, but he wants to confirm his Paypal money transaction before Timac leaves. Also, he wants you to give him a call TiMac. I will either AIM or email you the number. Also, have we decided dates and prices of all this?We aren't done yet nor completely victorius, altho, i did like that marchie!  ~The Penguin |Captain, Intelligence Operations| There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
Full Member
729 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 13:13:07
ok, great. I'm glad that the seller is ok with that. MAkes me feel a lot better about the whole thing. Yeah, how do we continue? penguin, you get my email?Sgt. Thelip Heavy Weapons Specialist 950 division Liberated Macs: 12 Creator and Keeper of THE NEWTON STYLUS ALLIANCE |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 13:30:51
ok, great. I'm glad that the seller is ok with that. MAkes me feel a lot better about the whole thing. Yeah, how do we continue?
muahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa!makes me feel better about it too! yah! send info so i can get a money order to send out! LOL! "The saga of the Big@$$BoxLotOffensive"  we're still behind enemy lines, so it is a bit premature to immortalize the campaign in that epic format, but i just got a whole lot better feeling about the final outcome of the whole thing! that was very cool, comrade marchie! we did pull off something of a coup just to get this far, gang!  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 15:55:33
I am in the process of getting prices rates now...Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Full Member
537 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 16:01:14
I had another look at the pics. I think one of those green bits of plastic is the handles you get inside the 9600 style case to swing the drive rack out the other could be something to do with the button on these cases. They're certainly that colour. At least some of those platinum panels look like they are from 9600 style cases too, the one that runs along the top (lid?). Most of the others I could see looked like bits of the 6400 style case too, certainly a front panel and probably every other part by the looks of things. 
2899 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 17:04:02
people are funny . . . at best! wtf is up with the clowns over in AA on MAF? wh;en they had a chance to screw things up for us, they couldn't shut t-f-up! after it's over and they can't screw it up for anybody, nobody gives a rodents rump about it!
it is to laugh!  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 17:59:15
GAWD!!! I can't believe I didn't pay attention to this thread!!! I live 20 min away from San Jose, my mom has a van, and I've got plenty of cash! I can't believe how much I missed out! ARGH{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 18:31:13
I need to vent even more. A new post is necessary.{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 18:31:53
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sorry { candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 18:51:43
Wiat, candy, just HOW big is this van? I'm a cheepskate and if we can save money....[:-D] Is it just me, or are we prone to changing our minds?I dunno, TiMac is pretty much already set up unless omethign happens, but Candy, if u wanna come help and inventory, you can not only meet timac, but probably get a lil sumtin out of it too! We go tplenty of lil stocking stuffers! ~The Penguin, ranting again | Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy | There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server
2899 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 19:10:40
Wiat, candy, just HOW big is this van? I'm a cheepskate and if we can save money....[:-D] Is it just me, or are we prone to changing our minds?I dunno, TiMac is pretty much already set up unless omethign happens, but Candy, if u wanna come help and inventory, you can not only meet timac, but probably get a lil sumtin out of it too! We go tplenty of lil stocking stuffers!
candypunk and marchie were the two comrades waiting for me to send them money. i vote for giving him a little something from my take even if he doesn't help or nobody else wants to share for a little more help! he's been waiting patiently quite a while now, cuz the rug rat cleaned me out a couple of times!hey 'punk. i wish i'd realized that you were so close to the pickup, i woulda freakin' emailed you. as it was i figured you must have seen the message in the thread i'd left for you and marchie! caca pasa! jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 19:57:20
Ok got some numbers for you!I am told its $69.99 for a Cargo Van, thats with unlimited miles, with taxes about $75-80. The guy is ment to call us back up, so he does I will let you guys know! Punk also you could meet me down there somewhere (Apple!!!) I think I got room btw for about 3 lots this size in my apartment, lol. Thanks NO PAF! Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Full Member
506 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 20:05:22
Hey candyPunk, you can have the 6100 that they saved for me, as long as the 6400 works. I really only have room for one. Also, may I have the Apple Design keyboard? Any leftover mice?Wonko The Sane Engineer-in-training 3 Macs Liberated "You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool."- Wonko The Sane |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 20:11:51
ahhh you might wana ask me that cause I am the one picking it up and dividing and shipping it all.Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Full Member
506 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 20:18:15
Is it okay with you, Ti? After all, it's one less mac you have to ship all the way to NYC.Wonko The Sane Engineer-in-training 3 Macs Liberated "You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool."- Wonko The Sane |
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 20:30:46
I got plastic burning a hole in my pocket. Somebody tell me where to paypal and how much!Trash is still my hero. 
Full Member
729 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2002 : 20:33:04
Hey candyPunk, you can have the 6100 that they saved for me, as long as the 6400 works. I really only have room for one. Also, may I have the Apple Design keyboard? Any leftover mice?
Ok, unfortunately there is no guarantee that any of the machines will work. So I hope you aren't dissappointed if nothing works.
Second of all, i'm totally lost as to what the plan is exactly. Has there been stuff discussed while i wasn't around or is it still up in the air? I'm not mad or anything, just really confused. I'll pay my money as soon as i know what it is i'm getting and that i'm sure that i'll be getting it. Penguin knows what it is that i'm looking at, so just let me know when it's been decided. I don't want to be greedy, but i also don't want to pay for stuff i thought i was getting and end up not getting it, you know what i'm saying? Sgt. Thelip Heavy Weapons Specialist 950 division Liberated Macs: 12 Creator and Keeper of THE NEWTON STYLUS ALLIANCE |