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LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2003 : 16:02:31
Well said, Gothikon."**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Full Member
516 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2003 : 19:28:51
i suggest looking into inc_top.asp and seeing what it does and then... possibly one of our resident web hackers could try a replacement for it?________________________ IBM PS/2 Fanboy = The Kevcave Manager, the llama-X project.. |
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2003 : 19:43:31
Most likely an upgrade to the latest and greatest of Snitz would solve our case of the Jets Blue."Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays" 
Full Member
516 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2003 : 20:12:12
"Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays"
HAR™! Whoever could you be referring to?  ________________________ IBM PS/2 Fanboy = The Kevcave Manager, the llama-X project.. Edited by - llamaboy487 on 16 Aug 2003 20:12:39 |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2003 : 20:44:51
personal servers are bad...I don't think it's a problem with snitz, rather it's either LC's problem, or it's a problem with the database engine, in which case, it's also LC's (other) problem... we can try to upgrade the snitz, we can fsck with said ASP file and we can complain to coxy, but for the most of the time, we do just fine... I notice that this only ever happens when one of us is feeling frisky, or when we have a fantastic forum borkout... Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2003 : 21:38:50
"Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays"
HAR™! Whoever could you be referring to? 
Office Space of course.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Full Member
516 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2003 : 22:43:27
Office Space is the funniest movie of the last 10 years. without question.________________________ IBM PS/2 Fanboy = The Kevcave Manager, the llama-X project.. |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2003 : 22:45:11
Definately."**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
162 Posts |
Posted - 19 Aug 2003 : 00:52:43
OK, it seems like this error is quite common. Here's a link to a site telling you how to fix it: Now we just need someone to do it! |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 19 Aug 2003 : 00:55:56
Terrific! ~Coxy, can you hear us?  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 19 Aug 2003 : 18:39:58
The thing is, it *isn't* a permissions error, since the problem occurs intermittently.My best guess is that something weird happens when the backup script runs or something like that, but since I don't have shell access to the server I can't really know. I will, however, talk to the Admin again and see if he can have another look at it. As far as the server issue goes: a day's downtime every couple of weeks is better than the alternative of 3 weeks downtime every month on another free host. After a month of that, though, we'll have lost so many active members that we won't go over the limit! GRRRRRRREAT. ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 19 Aug 2003 : 20:04:29
LOL! how true  really though, I agree with ~Coxy on this one, LitClassics should be just fine for us... it only happens once in a blue moon, and even so, it's not like it lasts more than a few days... which gives us all time to think for a moment...  Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 19 Aug 2003 : 20:13:34
Alot of times If you hit refresh a few times it kicks into gear like it put your on patience is a must.
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 19 Aug 2003 : 20:21:55
yeah, sometimes it borks for a whopping FIVE MINUTES... and noone seems to bother to come back or something /me raises hand...I know that I'm guilty... I'm not going to waste my valuable dialed up time if the MLA's down  Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 20 Aug 2003 : 02:16:39
The thing is, it *isn't* a permissions error, since the problem occurs intermittently.My best guess is that something weird happens when the backup script runs or something like that, but since I don't have shell access to the server I can't really know. I will, however, talk to the Admin again and see if he can have another look at it. As far as the server issue goes: a day's downtime every couple of weeks is better than the alternative of 3 weeks downtime every month on another free host. After a month of that, though, we'll have lost so many active members that we won't go over the limit! GRRRRRRREAT. ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
Well said. Good luck on stopping these JETs from crashing! Btw, like i said, Mordor$oft should never enter the aircraft industry.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Full Member
602 Posts |
Posted - 20 Aug 2003 : 08:44:04
This board is becoming more unreliable every day :(

68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 20 Aug 2003 : 11:07:29
it usually only happens like this once every month or so... ~ish  it'll be all better in a few days... even if it itsn't... that won't stop me from coming here  if you're really dedicated to the MLA, you'll help improve it by posting and being active here, and attracting new life. Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 20 Aug 2003 : 12:57:41
Or pay Coxy 200 dollars so he can purchase dedicated hosting. for a year or two.

Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 20 Aug 2003 : 13:24:40
BoJ, you bring up an interesting point. I think we should definately stick with these forums and hosting, and try to fix them, but It would be interesting how many people thought the problem was bad enough they would pitch in for a year, two, three, etc. Once money comes into it, people usually start to realize sticking here isn't all that bad  . I have been here allmost two years, and I love it here.~The Penguin **| Want free 68kmla email? Drop me a line |** | Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy | | "The choice has been made, but now you must understand it" | |
Full Member
602 Posts |
Posted - 20 Aug 2003 : 17:24:59
Think of how many new users try to connect and cant so they delete the link from their browser and head to another forum.IF this site keeps screwing up every day like it has been I might start looking for another 68k mac specific site. 
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 20 Aug 2003 : 18:23:15
well... I wouldn't say that... I think that it's just that these people have other things, or aren't dedicated to the 68k enough... /me notes "leechers"Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 20 Aug 2003 : 20:32:07
Yes, we have a tonne of people who came here by way of google and signed up for the express purpose of leeching what members here have spent time collecting.Many never posted again. 
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 21 Aug 2003 : 06:11:55
if you mean about reading older posts, you don't need to be a member, or even sign up to do that, and I believe it's the right of people to read what we've written...I don't mind people who ask a question... because if it forces us to find out, at least we know as well... you really have a "thing" about not letting leechers in and such.. One of my thoughts, is that in a way, we all "leech", but we leech from eachother, creating an equillibrium... Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 21 Aug 2003 : 07:37:30
BoJ, If I understand right, means the people who come in here wanting immidiate help, and then leave without the most important contribution, a 'thanks.' I happily let people (in the day) take stuff from my server when they were genuine and were polite and nice. It isnt necisarily the 'just taking,' its the taking without any respect or admiration that I think he finds annoying.~The Penguin **| Want free 68kmla email? Drop me a line |** | Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy | | "The choice has been made, but now you must understand it" | |
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 21 Aug 2003 : 12:49:04
Yeah, they sign up to whine or ask about where they can find Rhapsody or some mac game then they don't say a word or just disapear like a ghost.
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 21 Aug 2003 : 19:37:06
lol, I call those people "Rhapsody Gold Diggers" because all they want is rhapsody  it's kinda sad... at one time I had at least five people eMailing me asking for it... Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Junior Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 21 Aug 2003 : 22:53:26
*blinsk…* didn't Rhapsody look a lot like NeXT Step? [I think I've only seen a couple sreen shots… Classic Apple logo in the login screen?]but yea… They should stick around, and read though at least most of the stuff, and then give back at least a little they know about something… If I open my window all the bugs will get in…That's just one more reason to use a Mac! Mac Portable LC || LC ||| SE/30 ||si ||ci Quadras: 660av, 950 PMs: 6100/G3/233, 6214CD, 5400/120, 7100/80av, 9500/G3/300 PB 5300ce SuperMac C600 180, 240
Full Member
602 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2003 : 03:55:44
Most people just look for a game or app to add to their collection and move on. Very few people have a continuing interest in the hardware.
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2003 : 05:07:39
Sad really, they could get so much more out of the platform. I mean, yes in a technical and commercial sense the platform is dead, but they still are enduring machines that for general use still have thier place. And they are so fun to use. :)
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2003 : 05:44:56
yeah, the funny thing is, they make the effort to post it...if they'd just use the search feature or read a bit, they woudln't even have to sign up to get that crucial infos  Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2003 : 07:48:34
Really, it is sad. Any member that signs up here has a great potential to learn a lot about the 68k Macintosh computers. However, most of them are only inclined to leech of the rest of the population.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Junior Member

257 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2003 : 09:22:03
I have to honestly say I was trying to find a quick fix when I first came across this vast resource. I knew next to nothing on 68k macs. Because I have practiced on a few macs in the past months I am starting to get more comforable sharing my knowledge with others. People here have been friendly/helpful/funny. The error messages are annoying, yes, but so are some other forums. The MLA just feels right. Feels like I am going out every saturday morning for a purpose, as ridiculous as that may be.thanks _____________________________________________ I have a problem with vintage electronics. . .I am working on it. Performa 630CD Centris 610 Quadra 950 Quadra 605 Giant 80mb SCSI HD |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2003 : 10:38:49
exactly, that is just about the size of it  Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2003 : 14:46:44
I have to honestly say I was trying to find a quick fix when I first came across this vast resource. I knew next to nothing on 68k macs. Because I have practiced on a few macs in the past months I am starting to get more comforable sharing my knowledge with others. People here have been friendly/helpful/funny. The error messages are annoying, yes, but so are some other forums. The MLA just feels right. Feels like I am going out every saturday morning for a purpose, as ridiculous as that may be.
I agree. I'm actually learning stuff and having fun at the same time....sneaky.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2003 : 19:06:44
lol... yeah, I even can do this at school  Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |