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New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 09 Sep 2002 : 15:58:17
OK here's the deal. I bought a Mac SE off of eBay, and it should be coming in a few days. What I want to do with it is make it into an MP3 server, but I've got a ton of questions, so i was hoping you could help me out.1. HD- Im obviously going to need a new HD for the mp3's, so I need to know what kind to get. I'd like to get an internal one, but I'm not sure if they make any that would work in an SE (I want at least 1GB, but 2 would be better - or even more if you can find any) 2. Software- I d/led MpegDec, which should work with system 7, but I want to redo the interface so it will be full - screen. I figured out how to change the window size and button shape & size in ResEdit, but I'm having problems - when I click the triangle to show the playlist, it rerverts back to standard size. Also, I cant change the size or position of the playlist box. (You'lll have to d/l it to know what I'm talking about, but its only like 200k) 3. Stereo- This seems like it's going to be the hardest part. SE's only have mono output (mini-jack). How can i get a stereo mini-jack - or any other kind of stereo out - on an SE? (I've heard that color classics were designed to have Stereo output and you just have to solder something inside to get it to do stereo, but I dont think the same is the case for SE's) 4. Music- How do i get the music onto the SE? If i get an external HD, i can just put them on from my iMac, but what about internal? Is there someway I can network my iMac and SE together to transfer the files? I've heard that you can use a serial cable to network old comps, but is there some kind of serial-to-Ethernet adapter? Or Serial-to-USB? I REALLY don't want to transfer my mp3's via floppy disk.... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time. |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 09 Sep 2002 : 16:23:28
If it's not an SE/30, it's not gonna work at all, the minimum requirement is a 68020. If it is an SE/30, you might be able to set it up as a fileserver, but markymark's site says you need a FAST '030 (like 50 MHz!) to run mpegdec, which means an accelerator for an SE/30. Sorry . . . hope this isn't too much of a damper on your enthusiasm. :-\ I'm an mpegdec noob since yesterday too and I haven't gotten it to work yet at all.  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Full Member
554 Posts |
Posted - 09 Sep 2002 : 17:00:07
If you were to set it up over a network and have it just hold your MP3s that would be cool.... I don't know how well that would work speed wise, but it's possible. The SE doesn't need any decoding software for the MP3s if they're being used by another computer.________________ foetoid, that's (fee-toy-d) |
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 11 Sep 2002 : 14:04:07
I don't understand - MpegDec's ReadMe says its designed speciffically to run on compact macs, includeing the SE. And it was originally designed for Amiga, so why shouldnt it work on my SE?
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 11 Sep 2002 : 18:57:40
An SE is horrendously slow. 8 mhz 68000. It's even not great to use Mpegdec on a 33mhz 040 (barely get stereo). Even an SE/30 is not a good option. A 16 mhz 030 is not likely to play at any higher sample rate than 11025 hzAlso: there is no external HD that would connect to both your SE and your iMac. If only there were a PDS usb card. *sigh* I suppose nubus would be more generally useful, anyway... An internal one is the most economical way to go. I'm not sure of the SE's drive height, though. Good sized drives (several gigs or more) are generally half height, and the SE may only fit a third height drive. Anyone? Third height drives come up to about 2 gigs, though, I would say Your best bet for getting the files onto the disk is with an ethernet card and appletalk file sharing. With system 6 (maybe) or 7 (definitely) you use appletalk with the iMac with a minimum of hassle { candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } Edited by - candypunk on 11 Sep 2002 19:09:54
2899 Posts |
Posted - 11 Sep 2002 : 19:11:33
I don't understand - MpegDec's ReadMe says its designed speciffically to run on compact macs, includeing the SE. And it was originally designed for Amiga, so why shouldnt it work on my SE?
Check out markymark's mpegdec website, I think this is just a case of ReadMe maintenance not keeping up with the software release.Meanwhile, keep an eye out for an SE/30 mobo, if things work out well, the IIsi NuBus adapter might just get adapted to the SE/30 PDS! Also keep your eye out for a Sound Accelerator or Sound Accelerator II DSP coprocessor card before prices start going up!  And if anybody finds an LC PDS version of the "Sound Accelerator" card that's available, email me!  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 12 Sep 2002 : 08:49:52
You showed me one yourself, jt! You posted a link systems. Yeah, that was it. They had a bargain clearance of some sort that you pointed out. I called them up to get one of those SA II for my Q800, but they had run out of nubus and only had LC PDS left. See if you can still nab one! (good luck, this was a few months ago){ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 12 Sep 2002 : 14:16:06
what's markymarks website? Link?And if that's the case- a readme that wasnt updated - than wouldnt I be able to get the original version that DOEs run on SE's somewhere? 
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 12 Sep 2002 : 15:36:44
hmmm... I found a cheap LC 475 - if the SE doesny work out, could I use that? It has 8 bit stereo - would that sound really bad? Also, could I gety some kind of Stereo card to get it to work on an LC III? THat would be better... 
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 12 Sep 2002 : 21:32:08
Neither of those is a very good choice, The LCIII is out of the question. The LC475 at least has an 040, but it's a 25 mhz lc040 (no fpu) so you'll be playing with a downsampling of 2 (not horrible, really, but it will be a stretch for the machine and other quality settings will be low) or 1(horrible). I'm not sure which you would end up with. Anyone have any concrete info on how well the 475 could play? The SE is not going to end up working out. It's just impossible in any way, shape, or form. I could count faster than the SE (compact mac junkies - please don't attack me, I'm only trying to make a point here ). Playing MP3's on it is like expecting your $8 scientific calculator to render 3d shapes { candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 12 Sep 2002 : 22:11:58
You showed me one yourself, jt! You posted a link systems. Yeah, that was it. They had a bargain clearance of some sort that you pointed out. I called them up to get one of those SA II for my Q800, but they had run out of nubus and only had LC PDS left. See if you can still nab one! (good luck, this was a few months ago)
Nope! that was the NuBus PAS16 that I had and pointed you to over at shreve, I looked back again to get the JPEG Card for my 630, but it was $50, so I bought TWO of the $20 LC PDS PAS16's! saved ten bucks! :rolleyes:The only mention of the SAII in the LCIII PDS version I've seen yet was in the dissertation I linked to (I think) that had the block diagram and memory info in it for the NuBus SAII that I linked to recently. I've GOTTA get one of those lil' babies!!! that'll put the microquadra or a 630 on an even footing with the 840av for mpegdec!  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Junior Member

223 Posts |
Posted - 12 Sep 2002 : 22:55:45
MpegDec is the fastest thing around for 68k macs but most 68k macs are so slow that mp3 decoding isn't the ideal thing to do with them. To get a not too bad sound a 68040 is the way to go. Some of the slower 68040 macs can only really use it in mono singlemix mode. Most people who use MpegDec seem to use it on powerbooks where using the singlemix mode is ok. The lowest mac I've got feedback on being able to play mp3's with MpegDec is a 68030 33Mhz. I'd recommend using the SE for something else and using a low end PPC mac for mp3 file serving. If you pick up a 68040 mac you could give it a try but it won't be as useful as a low end PPC mac. The MpegDec website is at 
Junior Member

223 Posts |
Posted - 13 Sep 2002 : 00:16:06
btw about low end PPC mp3 decoders I found the quicktime 4 mp3 player to be really slooooooooooow on my 6100 60Mhz (very slow PPC mac). Some mac PPC mp3 decoders are not fast enough to run on low end PPC macs (like my PPC mac) so mp3 decoding speed becomes important even on PPC macs. GrayAmp works ok but I'm not sure if it plays VBR mp3 files. The next version of MpegDec for PPC is using the MAD mp3 decoder which can handle any mp3 file with no problems and has great sound quality. The MpegDec PPC version also has a EQ and at the moment I'm trying to add mp3 streaming to the PPC version and also MpegDec can run totally in the background without affecting other apps for both the PPC and 68k versions. I'm testing the new PPC version on my 6100 60 Mhz and it runs ok speedwise and should be released soon. 
2899 Posts |
Posted - 13 Sep 2002 : 07:10:59
The lowest mac I've got feedback on being able to play mp3's with MpegDec is a 68030 33Mhz.
If you want some feedback on the 40MHz 68030 in a IIfx, suggest some settings for mpegdec and I'll give it a whirl when I get a chance. A suggestion for system software level would be helpful too. With the properly chosen system software, it might run a lot better on 68030's than the feedback you've gotten so far if they weren't specifically tweaked for mpegdec performance.My mpegdec HDD setup for the Duo/SAII testbed will boot 7.5.1 in just about any of my 68k's or lowend PPC's that I can think of offhand, that's probably not optimal for 68030 performance. If you think mpegdec and the NuBus sound cards will run well on 7.5.2/.3/.5 I can try it with either the SAII or the PAS16 on the 2300c also. Dunno about the NuBus slot on the 7100av or the Radius 81/110 (8100/110 mobo) for the SAII tho. Which machines have that NuBus 90 bollixed signal issue and have you found a workaround for it yet? jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 13 Sep 2002 : 08:34:37
MacAMP and Soundjam play on a 60 mhz 601, but not at bitrates above 160 (as best as I can remember), the controls don't work, and don't even THINK about an equalizer. What are your expectations for Mpegdec PPC, markymark? jt brought up an interesting point - different systems. Is it better to run on as early a system as possible so as to be less demanding? Is there any possibility of you writing any extensions to be used with mpegdec that steal cycles from the finder or anything like that? Ever seen CPU doubler? Something like that?{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 13 Sep 2002 : 16:44:57
ok, i guess what I want to ask is this: Whats the cheapest mac I can get that will play mp3s (At a fairly good quality). Preferrably, something that would fit in an SE case...
2899 Posts |
Posted - 13 Sep 2002 : 17:24:07
ok, i guess what I want to ask is this: Whats the cheapest mac I can get that will play mp3s (At a fairly good quality). Preferrably, something that would fit in an SE case...
If you are talking SE/30 and an accelertor, that's pretty esoteric stuff that's in uncharted territory.If you are talking hacks, check out our hacks forum and the one over on applefritter for ideas on what to do with the SE case, it's probably not a good first hack project tho, why don't you pick up a 475/605 or a 630 series box and go with a full 68040 upgrade and clock it to 33-40MHz to experiment a little with mpegdec before starting on an SE gut and rebuild project. The 475/605 might migrate into the SE or a 630 can upgrade to a roadapple PPC board for mpegdec if that's more your style. hope this gives you some things to look at so you can come back with more specific plans and questions. . . . and welcome to the 68kMLA!  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 13 Sep 2002 : 20:16:19
When I said something that would fit in an SE case, yes, I meant another comp that could be migrated to the SE enclosure. I was actually thinking about the Quadra 605/LC 475, but I wasn't sure if it would be fast enough. It looks like it may possibly fit into an SE case, and it would definently be better than most other options.Would it be required to get a 68040 upgrade and clock it to 33-40MHz? How hard is that? It doesn't involve a lot of soldering does it? Whats the cost? I know that they are technically the same comp, but is there any difference in case size btween the LC 475 & Quadra 605? (Actually, now that I think about it, I would only be putting the electronics in the SE, so i guess that doesnt matter) Again, what does 8-Bit stereo sound like? Will that be fairly good sound ?(Obviously, I'm going to have external speakers) What is the sound output on modern macs? What do stereo's output?

New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 13 Sep 2002 : 20:20:39
When I said something that would fit in an SE case, yes, I meant another comp that could be migrated to the SE enclosure. I was actually thinking about the Quadra 605/LC 475, but I wasn't sure if it would be fast enough. It looks like it may possibly fit into an SE case, and it would definently be better than most other options.Well, I found out about the processor upgrade: It seems like its just a card you install, so that shouldn't be a problem. 66mhz? That's quite a bit. But I still don't know where to buy it, or for how much... Also, would I really need to overclock it if I'm running at 66mhz? I will also be able to use a larger HD w/ an LC 475, won't I? 
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 13 Sep 2002 : 20:23:43
Also, What does it mean when it says you must have a FAT system installed?hmm.... looks like I will be able to run os 8. That would open up my mp3 player options, but would also probably be quite a bit slower than 7, wouldn't it? I think I'm pretty content w/ MpegDec, however, If I can get my custom interface to work properly... 
2899 Posts |
Posted - 13 Sep 2002 : 21:37:19
When I said something that would fit in an SE case, yes, I meant another comp that could be migrated to the SE enclosure. I was actually thinking about the Quadra 605/LC 475, but I wasn't sure if it would be fast enough. It looks like it may possibly fit into an SE case, and it would definently be better than most other options.Well, I found out about the processor upgrade: It seems like its just a card you install, so that shouldn't be a problem. 66mhz? That's quite a bit. But I still don't know where to buy it, or for how much... Also, would I really need to overclock it if I'm running at 66mhz? I will also be able to use a larger HD w/ an LC 475, won't I?
You won't find one of those cards for a reasonable price as they are collectors items. The first place to go for any information is "gamba" google it and near the bottom of the first page of hits you'll find it and there should be a link to the overclocking indformation you need.If you think you'll end up going to PPC or needing a large hard drive you're a lot better off with a 630 family machine because of the IDE drive. Getting the video tube on the SE to run off anything but an SE is a monumental task, so replacing it with a 9" grayscale VGA display is the only reasonable option for the 475/605 mobo in an SE. The Color Classic forum on fritter is the place to look for info on CRT conversions, check out those issues first, before deciding on the course to take. If you don't wand to do soldering and heavy duty electronics mods, it doesn't sound like the right project for you. jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 14 Sep 2002 : 02:40:09
Also, What does it mean when it says you must have a FAT system installed?hmm.... looks like I will be able to run os 8. That would open up my mp3 player options, but would also probably be quite a bit slower than 7, wouldn't it? I think I'm pretty content w/ MpegDec, however, If I can get my custom interface to work properly...
A FAT system is one that runs on both PowerPC and 68k based Macs. These are versions System 7.5.x (except 7.5.2) to Mac OS 8.1. -------------------------- "I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closer" - Unkown Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 14 Sep 2002 : 08:36:07
quote: You won't find one of those cards for a reasonable price as they are collectors items. The first place to go for any information is "gamba" google it and near the bottom of the first page of hits you'll find it and there should be a link to the overclocking indformation you need. If you think you'll end up going to PPC or needing a large hard drive you're a lot better off with a 630 family machine because of the IDE drive. Getting the video tube on the SE to run off anything but an SE is a monumental task, so replacing it with a 9" grayscale VGA display is the only reasonable option for the 475/605 mobo in an SE. The Color Classic forum on fritter is the place to look for info on CRT conversions, check out those issues first, before deciding on the course to take. If you don't wand to do soldering and heavy duty electronics mods, it doesn't sound like the right project for you.
What will te price be then? And, if the card speeds it up to 66mhz, why would I still need to overclock it? How large of adrive CAN I use with a LC 475? I'm not planning on putting a tremendously huge amount of music on it - even something around 800mb would work, but it would be nice to go larger. I was planning on using info from the 'poor man's greyscale SE' to use the SE monitor w/ a monochrome card to hook it up as an external monitor, but If they already make 9" greyscales, that would be much better and easier. Where can I find one of these ? 9"s is the same size as the original SE monitor, isn't it? I'd rather use a 475 due to cost, and also because it seems like it would be much easier to fit in the SE case than a 630. Like I said, I just wanty the cheapest comp that will do the job. I found this: Is this what you were talking about? They have something about using a daystar in an SE, but nothing about where to buy the processpr upgrade... So, Will 8-bit stereo sound OK or not???

2899 Posts |
Posted - 14 Sep 2002 : 11:02:39
quote: You won't find one of those cards for a reasonable price as they are collectors items . . . before deciding on the course to take. If you don't wand to do soldering and heavy duty electronics mods, it doesn't sound like the right project for you.
What will the price be then? And, if the card speeds it up to 66mhz, why would I still need to overclock it?
What card are you referring to, you've lost me, have you checked out dana's 605 site yet?
How large of a drive CAN I use with a LC 475? I'm not planning on putting a tremendously huge amount of music on it - even something around 800mb would work, but it would be nice to go larger. I was planning on using info from the 'poor man's greyscale SE' to use the SE monitor w/ a monochrome card to hook it up as an external monitor, but If they already make 9" greyscales, that would be much better and easier. Where can I find one of these ? 9"s is the same size as the original SE monitor, isn't it?
SCSI Hard drive size is more a matter of cost/MB than anything else.You're already ahead of me on this research then. I was under the impression the PNGScale was an SE/30 project, but I haven't had one until last week and it's not functional yet. 9" is a standard size for POS Terminals (Point of Sales, NOT the somewhat . . . earthier acronym ) once in a blue moon a 9" COLOR CRT turns up, but I'm not sure the tube actually fits due to depth, some 10" CRT's appear to work in the width and height departments. I did a thread on a TV/VCR combo that'd probably fit with a small depth increase for the neck of the CRT a while back, with a Presentation System, any mac can do output to NTSC that'd be good enough for an MP3 server menu, btw. an SE/630/TV/Video/CD/MP3 hack would be awesome, fitting the VCR at the same time would be a monumental achievement, I never blocked it out for a stock SE, but for an ersatz Lisa SE makeover it would definitely fly.
I'd rather use a 475 due to cost, and also because it seems like it would be much easier to fit in the SE case than a 630. Like I said, I just wanty the cheapest comp that will do the job.I found this: Is this what you were talking about? They have something about using a daystar in an SE, but nothing about where to buy the processpr upgrade...
That's SE/30 and those cards probably cost more than the PPC upgrades for 475/605's, I just looked on gamba myself and couldn't find the clock chipper's site, check the MLA's links as the second choice (gamba's a faster google from an unlinked setup) somebody got a lnk handy? (I'm finally getting lazy! )
So, Will 8-bit stereo sound OK or not???
Dunno, it's a matter of taste and I'm not the one to ask iven if I weren't an mpegdec noob.I haven't been looking for either, so I don't know prices, but some SE/30 cards (video) appear to cost as much as iMacs on eBay already! jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 14 Sep 2002 : 13:36:39
What will te price be then? And, if the card speeds it up to 66mhz, why would I still need to overclock it?
Well, jt's point was that they're so hard to find that it's next to impossible to get them at all and that when one is available it is NOT cheap and probably not worth it unless you're just really into that kind of thing and love hard-to-get cool stuff. If you had one of those, overclocking would not be necessary. It's pretty much a given that you can't/won't get one, though, so overclocking the 475/605 is a possible option. If you want to pay about $3, it requires soldering. It's not for the faint of heart and those short of motherboads. I certainly don't trust myself. For $50-100 you can get "speedy accelators" that accomplish the exact same thing by clipping on to the part that you would be soldering Check those out here Perhaps the easiest solution would be to get a 33mhz 040 mac. That's fast enough to play pretty well, and it doesn't need any hacking or upgrades. If you combined that and one of those accelerators, you've got some real power! A quadra 630/650/800/950 (LCs and Performas with same numbers also) would do you fine. If you're really looking for fun, try and nab a powerbook 550c, which I believe were only sold in Japan...a 540 or 540c would probably be an OK choice too, but they don't have an FPU, which would matter. I don't know a lot about most of these. Some of them may have stereo and some may not, and some may be able to play at 44100 Hz and some may not. Maybe that's enough to chew on for right now? { candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 14 Sep 2002 : 15:34:07
hmmm... I found a cheap LC 475 - if the SE doesn't work out, could I use that? It has 8 bit stereo - would that sound really bad?
The ProAudioSpectrum 16 for the LC PDS (meaning any LC PDS from the LC/LCII 16bit 020 PDS to the 32 bit LCIII's notched 030 PDS carried into the 475/605/6xx etc.) should give you 16bit stereo I/O at any sampling rate your proc can handle. So nab that cheap 475 and see if Shreve has any of those LC PDS PAS16's left for $20. even if you end up going for a 630 machine or lowend PPC with an LC PDS later on it should be worth it because the 475 (the 605 a lil' moreso, tho!) is a very cool machine for almost any kind of hack or in its own right.Is there a chart of sound implmentations of Macintosh models available anywhere online? Gamba needs another link, or maybe they'd link to one over here with for kind of content!  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Full Member
554 Posts |
Posted - 14 Sep 2002 : 17:38:07
quote: You won't find one of those cards for a reasonable price as they are collectors items. The first place to go for any information is "gamba" google it and near the bottom of the first page of hits you'll find it and there should be a link to the overclocking indformation you need. If you think you'll end up going to PPC or needing a large hard drive you're a lot better off with a 630 family machine because of the IDE drive. Getting the video tube on the SE to run off anything but an SE is a monumental task, so replacing it with a 9" grayscale VGA display is the only reasonable option for the 475/605 mobo in an SE. The Color Classic forum on fritter is the place to look for info on CRT conversions, check out those issues first, before deciding on the course to take. If you don't wand to do soldering and heavy duty electronics mods, it doesn't sound like the right project for you.
What will te price be then? And, if the card speeds it up to 66mhz, why would I still need to overclock it? How large of adrive CAN I use with a LC 475? I'm not planning on putting a tremendously huge amount of music on it - even something around 800mb would work, but it would be nice to go larger. I was planning on using info from the 'poor man's greyscale SE' to use the SE monitor w/ a monochrome card to hook it up as an external monitor, but If they already make 9" greyscales, that would be much better and easier. Where can I find one of these ? 9"s is the same size as the original SE monitor, isn't it? I'd rather use a 475 due to cost, and also because it seems like it would be much easier to fit in the SE case than a 630. Like I said, I just wanty the cheapest comp that will do the job. I found this: Is this what you were talking about? They have something about using a daystar in an SE, but nothing about where to buy the processpr upgrade... So, Will 8-bit stereo sound OK or not???
I'm a wee bit confused.... are you creating an MP3 server or dedicating a machine to MP3s? If it's just serving MP3s, an SE will work fine. You don't need a decoder. The computer that is using the MP3 needs the decoder. I'm just not understanding.... ________________ foetoid, that's (fee-toy-d) |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 14 Sep 2002 : 23:25:03
I'm a wee bit confused.... are you creating an MP3 server or dedicating a machine to MP3s? If it's just serving MP3s, an SE will work fine. You don't need a decoder. The computer that is using the MP3 needs the decoder. I'm just not understanding....
Playback is the focus{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 15 Sep 2002 : 10:58:54
Sorry about the confusion all:The original goal was to get an SE to both store and play mp3 files. However, that doesnt look like it's gonna be happening, so my new goal is to get some other comp (looking at an LC475) to play mp3's, and then hack it into the SE case I DO NOT plan on connecting the SE's monitor to the LC 475- I want to find a 9" external monitor thats compatible w/ the LC and put it in the place of the SE's monitor. (color is NOT a requirement, Greyscale is what I'm looking at. Where can I find one of those POS terminal monitors?) Well, It looks like the upgrade card is not going to be happening, due to high cost and avalibility. So, are you saying that If i overclock the LC 475 it would be able to play mp3's? That ProAudioSpectrum Sounds like it would be great, but I can't find it on SHreve's site. What exactly is it? Is it something that is soldered on, or an expansion card, or what?

Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 15 Sep 2002 : 16:45:25
The PAS is an LC PDS expansion card. They may have run out by now...wait, no, there it is. Under clearance on the main page. Call em up to order.But don't order yet! You could try over clocking the LC475, but you probably won't get great results unless you combine that and a full 040. The 475 has an lc040, which is an 040 minus the FPU. That would be important for this, I would think. Mpegdec can now utilize the FPU, so I think you'll want it. Check out the clock chipping homepage for info on how to clock the 475 to 33mhz or even 40 An FPU might still help, even at 40. At 33, I know it does. When markymark added FPU support to mpegdec, I got a good quality boost. So, if you want to upgrade the 68lc040 to a full 68040, I could sell you one... Hey, it looks like shreve has some monitors at clearance prices too! A portrait display! Whoo! B/W, though. { candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
Junior Member

223 Posts |
Posted - 16 Sep 2002 : 01:31:41
If you do use a LC475 I'd recommend that you overclock it to 40Mhz but it looks like you have to do a oscillator hack. Overclocking to 33Mhz is the easiest way and I'd also suggest putting a 486 heatsink and fan on the 68040 cpu. Not that hard to do. MpegDec sends all it's mp3 output in 16 bit audio whether it's stereo or mono singlemix. For Macs with 8 bit audio hardware the sound manager converts MpegDec's 16 bit audio output to 8 bits.
The 8 bit audio output sounds ok on my 68040 color classic but the PAS16 card will output the audio in 16 bits and sound better. I do a fair bit of testing for Mpegdec on my Quadra 605 which is basically the same as the LC475. I hav'nt bothered overclocking mine (it's the standard 25Mhz no fpu) and run MpegDec with the downsample by 2, mono singlemix mode prefs.

New Member
58 Posts |
Posted - 16 Sep 2002 : 11:01:48
Anyone tried this on an SE/30 with a Daystar upgrade? I have one with a 40mHz upgrade (with FPU) sitting in storage. It also has a Micron Xceed greyscale card in it. I think I have a 2 or 4 gig scsi drive around here somewhere as well. Sounds like a good weekend project...If you're looking for an 040 board, I have I have a Quadra 800 board that I hacked into a Q700 case as well. If you're looking for a cheap computer to use as a basis for this, it might not be too bad. 
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 17 Sep 2002 : 13:54:17
Gues what? I got my SE to play music! I converted the songs to Sytem Sounds in SoundApp, then put them on my se, and sure enough they play. (I had to compress them to 4000hz in order to fit on a floppy, but im working on that...) The onhly problem is, system sounds don't let you stop or ffw/rw. However, I found a music player that will play system sounds, but I'm having trouble w. stuffit expander on my SE, so i havent been able to try it out. Of course, it's still mono, so it doesnt sound too great - is there ANY way of getting around that on an SE?However, it looks like im still gonaa have to go w/ the LC option. I dont see that card on - can u point me to it? An FPU isnt required, is it? Can I stll gwt fairly good quality w/o it? How expensive are they, and how hard to install? 
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 17 Sep 2002 : 13:59:01
kastegir: That would benice, but i dont think it would fit in an SE case....
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 17 Sep 2002 : 18:16:11 Scroll down to "Summer Cleaning Sale" and find the "PAS 16 Card" in the list. Pretty cheap. To add the FPU, you have to install a 68040 in the socket where you currently have a 68lc040. It's easy. All you have to do is yank on it (or pull slowly, if you plan to keep the chip and don't want to mangle the pins) and pop the new one in. I've got a 25mhz full 040 that I'd be willing to part with for...say...$7 plus shipping. I think it's fair, but go ahead and check eBay and all that. I don't really want to pull it, but I know that I'm never going to get around to using that Q610 board. Never. No one will take it from me, either. *sigh* { candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 15:05:35
OK, I found that PAS card - only $2! Would that by any chance work in an se?Anyways, would be interested in that FPU, but Im still not sure if the LC 475 is goint to fit in an SE case or not... My step-dad is giving me his old Quadra (not sure on the #, but im pretty sure it's higher than a 605 - like a 630 or sumthin) However, I don't think it will fit in an SE..... I looked at target last night, and they use 9" IBM monitors at the cash registers - however, I can't find them on IBM's site - im still lookin tho..... 
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 15:38:14
ok i found thison e-bay: It's a 9" monochrome monitor. Will this connect to an LC? 
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 17:37:06
Sorry, won't do it. Shreve has some really cheap monitors. Go check that out. Also, look at used computer stores in your area. If your dad is going to give you a Q630, you're set! That's a fine machine.{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 17:39:06
OK, I found that PAS card - only $2! Would that by any chance work in an se?Anyways, would be interested in that FPU, but Im still not sure if the LC 475 is goint to fit in an SE case or not...
Be sure to find out if the breakout box and the cable comes with it for that price, I don't think a bare card will be worth much to you! You probably won't need the manual and the drivers are available online.That POS monitor looks fine, find out what colors the phosphors are and whether or mot it's black on white or white on black and if it's grayscale capable. Check mfr's site AND email the seller.  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
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631 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 18:31:35
For whatever it's worth, back when I was using a PowerMac 7100/80 as my main Mac, I had a lot of luck playing MP3's with a little app called 'GreyAmp'. I don't know the system reqs, but here's the address: This was the only app that I found that would play MP3's on that older PowerMac, while still letting me use it for other stuff at the same time, without crashing or skipping. Really, a great little program- I wish the author would convert it to OS X! Hope this comes in handy, SpaceBoy PS I was also thinking, as I read through this thread, that maybe an older PowerBook mobo would suit your needs... just a thought...AppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" |
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59 Posts |
Posted - 20 Sep 2002 : 20:04:24
OK. Well, my step-dad says he thinks it's a 660 or maybe 650, but he wasnt sure if it was a Centris or Quadra. Well, turns out the Centris and Quadra are the same thing... however, I still don't think it's going to fit in an SE case...