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Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 09:56:05
So, yesterday I finally received the 4-device 68-pin ribbon I needed to start using the 2x Segate 3.9GB 68-pin UW drives I got for it over the FWB JackHammer card. I booted from the 1.9GB Western Digital drive that came in the LC 475 I got from a thrift store, and subsequently mounted and formatted the two drives using FWB HDT. While they certainly did appear to respond with eager quickness, I was dismayed to find that after several tests and tweaks they would not only refuse to mount at cold start up, but could not be booted from even at a warm startup when installed with a clean copy of OS 8.1.So, I swapped the floppy drive out and put the Western Digital drive in it's place, connected to the 840av's onboard SCSI host to boot from, and then had to manually mount the Ultra-Wides. I also didn't mind removing the floppy because I didn't think it was working anymore, but after taking it apart I found out this was because a large jacket button had been lodged in it, thanks to my year-and-a-half-old daughter! Anyway, today I was looking up some info on the Western Digital 1.9GB drive, and found out that even though it's only 8-bit (50 pin) SCSI, it fully supports SCSI-3, spins at 7,200 RPM, has a 7.6ms access time and can spit data from buffer to host at up to 40(!)MB/sec! Wow! That's faster, in terms of access time and buffer-to-host speed, than the two 68-pin Seagate drives! So, assuming that this WD drive is the fastest 50-pin SCSI drive I now own, and assuming that the FWB card is the only intrface in any of my macs that can do better than 10MB/sec (though it's limited to SCSI-2 @ 20MB/sec, anyway), I might as well have it on the FWB card, right? All I need to do is get a female 68-pin to female 50-pin adapter and I can keep it in the floppy bay to run the OS and sport it off the FWB card along with the two Seagate drives! Now all I need after that is one of those bitchin' Plextor 68-pin 32x or 40x SCSI CD-ROM's (the fastest SCSI optical drives in the known universe) and I'll have a kick-ass 128MB/10GB/UW-CD Quadra that will breath fire while it tap-dances... MUAH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! P.S. - I just realized why the WD drive, even though it's 8-bit and not 16-bit, is faster than the Seagates, it supports SCSI-3 and the Seagates only support up to SCSI-2! P.P.S. - The WD drive, which as I mentioned was happily found inside the LC 475 that I bought from a thrift store for US$11, still has the original price sticker on it...US$180...and it was only manufactured in 1998. 666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! Edited by - cinemafia on 13 Feb 2002 10:57:01 |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 10:12:04
Ooooooh congratulations - 40Mb/sec is... a little bit nice!My seagate is -finally- up to scratch it seems. It looks like some scsi-2 implementations just don't like the 950, and the Seagate's seems to be one of them. Or the mac driver. I don't know, I'm not sure now but it works lovely on the ATTO card that came with the Quadra. It also seems every minute or so to pause everything for 1-2 seconds, then restart... I think they're the times when it would have locked up before. And as for speed... it's alright - I can handle 6Mb/sec for a server *grin*. Enjoy your drive! dana 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 10:21:38
Now I just need to locate a copy of FWB's RAID Toolkit, so that I can set the twin Seagate drives up in an array...hmmm, that one seems to be harder to find than HardDisk Toolkit. Anybody know a source and/or have another 68k compat. RAID app (such as Conley SoftRAID 2.0, which I've read is a better performer than FWB's)? 666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site!
Edited by - cinemafia on 13 Feb 2002 10:25:17 |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 10:35:19
Now I just need to locate a copy of FWB's RAID Toolkit, so that I can set the twin Seagate drives up in an array...hmmm, that one seems to be harder to find than HardDisk Toolkit. Anybody know a source and/or have another 68k compat. RAID app (such as Conley SoftRAID 2.0, which I've read is a better performer than FWB's)?
the hotline server at l:retro p:retro has the RAID toolkit I believe... dana 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 10:49:27
Ahh, I think I have that one bookmarked at home, if not, I have it now! Thanks a million, Dana! Ahh, I can feel the surge of data flowing through my Quadra's veins even now...666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 10:50:51
Ahh, I think I have that one bookmarked at home, if not, I have it now! Thanks a million, Dana! Ahh, I can feel the surge of data flowing through my Quadra's veins even now...
*cue cinemo's tim-taylor-like grunting* oooh spot on :) dana

Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 10:56:26
Waaa ha ha ha! More power! MORE POWER!<watches as his Quadra bursts into flames> uh oh... 666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 10:59:15
Waaa ha ha ha! More power! MORE POWER!<watches as his Quadra bursts into flames> uh oh...
*quadra runs after cinemafia* It's life, cin... but not as we know it. god. I quotes ST. someone shoot me now :) dana

2899 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 12:34:14
*quadra runs after cinemafia*
*got feets?*
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 12:44:14
Rabid, flaming Quadra on the loose, folks! Head for the hills and hope the DSP doesn't catch on!666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 13:05:57
*quadra runs after cinemafia*
*got feets?*
aye! They aren't called Quadrapeds for nothing... (they aren't called quadrapeds anyhows, but you get the idea) dana 
2899 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 14:12:02
They aren't called Quadrapeds for nothing...(they aren't called quadrapeds anyhows, but you get the idea) dana
rnow!just noticed, duopairapedsdock gots cute wide stubby dachsaderm foots/legs thing goin' on! *hmmmm, wit'wide ingestion equippage n'low stance, maybe a hipposund . . .? . ! .dachsapotamus pods! . . . . nah!, not much good at aquatic foraging . . not for long anyway . .? . . stick with stumpyphant gag . . sigh* jt 
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 19:21:39
Words alone cannot describe my jelousy.-------------------- FireWire is fast General, 4 star beholder of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 : 23:55:46
Ah! The Nitpicking General makes a spellin error!  ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!) 00013 Macs liberated. |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2002 : 09:00:26
sdfm,nwelrhjweioruj;osdfklzweior riuwerI give up. -------------------- FireWire is fast General, 4 star beholder of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ |
Full Member
543 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2002 : 09:13:48
sdfm,nwelrhjweioruj;osdfklzweior riuwerI give up.
don'giveup!gowtt'flow,welcome2ranksofcoherencunemcumberedcontingent,fw! jtx 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2002 : 09:19:02
Little too much caffeine, jt?  666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! |
Full Member
543 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2002 : 09:30:33
Little too much caffeine, jt? 
notyet,soontho!jus'teas'n,fw! jtx *forum's acting squirrely on netscape so i fired up icab, it's jal squirrely this way. w/n4.73 /verizon/dsl, just the heading comes up & disappears right away each time i hit return, but i can click links if i park cursor there when i hit return and it will do same in active topics or faq. very strange. when idiot alter-ego reappears you'll know it's fixed.* 
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2002 : 20:10:02
*deletes jt's quadruple post* this the record so far for? -------------------- FireWire is fast General, 4 star beholder of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ |
Full Member
506 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2002 : 20:37:31
Cinemafia, you must have the most powerful 68k out there. How do resource-intensive apps (like CodeWarrior and MpegDec) run on it? Can you post some bencharks?Wonko The Sane Engineer-in-training 3 Macs Liberated "You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool."- Wonko The Sane |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2002 : 21:11:01
*deletes jt's quadruple post* this the record so far for?
I never saw it, you're not kidding are you? Was it a trash80 post? everything got so squirrely all of a sudden, I'll bet that was when it happened and I had to log back on as alcoa again because it just wouldn't work with netscape. thx, jtback again, look, 500 posts! (another 50 as my idiot alter ego as well!) back one more time, anybody else got 4 stars? *I cheated tho* Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 14 Feb 2002 21:14:15 Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 14 Feb 2002 21:16:56 |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2002 : 22:01:47
jt, as alcoa you posted this:quote: don'giveup!gowtt'flow,welcome2ranksofcoherencunemcumberedcontingent,fw! jtx
5 times. I deleted 4 of those for you. -------------------- FireWire is fast General, 4 star beholder of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2002 : 22:18:41
5 times. I deleted 4 of those for you.
that's very strange, iCab was working pretty well, the only problem i was having was that "active Topics" went back to "last visit on jan 1x" or something whenever i clicked it. quite often in the afternoon i can't get thru to the forums, but that was the first time that i got thru and ended up with strange results. dunno, browsers both worked fine with MAF the whole time so i don't think problem was at this end. thx for cleaning up mess, i usually hit home & end and skip tweeners on threads i've read, so i never saw the extras. I have yet to be able to delete on of my own posts successfully. donno why, but it wouldn't have done any good if i'd seen them. jt
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 15 Feb 2002 : 09:09:04
quote: Cinemafia, you must have the most powerful 68k out there. How do resource-intensive apps (like CodeWarrior and MpegDec) run on it? Can you post some bencharks?
With output set at 48k, I have played 128kb mp3's at quality level 1 in stereo. Since most mp3's are 44.1Hz, anyway, I'm going to reduce the Quadra's output to 44.1, and see what bit-rates I can play above 128 and at what quality level. So far, it seems very smooth. I haven't used CodeWarrior yet, but I set it download while I'm at work, it is 250+ MB, after all. I'll try it out later tonight or over the weekend and get some benches. Photoshop 4 and Premiere 4.2 seem to render quicker than on a Quadra 950, as I would imagine, however I have no hard numbers, yet. I am thinking of replacing the 20MHz oscillator with a 24MHz one, though, and over'clock it to 48MHz for a little extra punch... 666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 15 Feb 2002 : 09:18:35
I am thinking of replacing the 20MHz oscillator with a 24MHz one, though, and over'clock it to 48MHz for a little extra punch...
Cue up one more tim-taylor grunt. Not that I should bag you out about it I can't -remember- how many I overclocked. :D. dana (840 coming... one day... ) How much was your 840, btw? I can't remember if you mentioned before! 
Full Member
506 Posts |
Posted - 15 Feb 2002 : 09:41:04
I haven't used CodeWarrior yet, but I set it download while I'm at work, it is 250+ MB, after all.
Codewarrior PRO 1.0 is a 17.9 MB download off the hotline server. It took me about an hour to get it over a 56k connection.quote: I am thinking of replacing the 20MHz oscillator with a 24MHz one, though, and over'clock it to 48MHz for a little extra punch...
That sounds cool. Can I do that to my 660 A/V?Wonko The Sane Engineer-in-training 3 Macs Liberated "You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool."- Wonko The Sane |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 15 Feb 2002 : 09:55:10
quote: I am thinking of replacing the 20MHz oscillator with a 24MHz one, though, and over'clock it to 48MHz for a little extra punch...
That sounds cool. Can I do that to my 660 A/V?
The mac clock-chipping homepage has info on what you generally can & can't do to them :). specifically the 660AV page (ok it takes you somewhere else - but go clicking :D From what I could gather, you have a 25Mhz 040 in there normally, clocked by a 12.5Mhz Crystal - you can take the crystal up around 16-17.496 Mhz, but can have some video problems. Worth a play if you're bored on a rainy day and come across a 17Mhz crystal laying around :D dana 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 15 Feb 2002 : 10:02:19
quote: Codewarrior PRO 1.0 is a 17.9 MB download off the hotline server. It took me about an hour to get it over a 56k connection.
Hmmm...I must've been looking at a very different version of was on the "Some 68k Server" Hotline server. It may have been the PPC version, though. 17.9MB is nothing, that'll take a couple minutes over cable. quote: That sounds cool. Can I do that to my 660 A/V?
You can o'c the 660a/v to about 33-35MHz, however, as you may have already read, it can cause issues with the Nubus slot. Chipping the 840av is known to disable the serial ports in some cases, but all I ever use them for is AppleTalking with my 7500, which, when I finally get an Ethernet hub, will be redundant anyway. 666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 15 Feb 2002 : 11:51:49
Breakdown of 840av costs thus far:CPU itself: US$14 Four 32MB 72-pin RAM SIMMs: US$50 2GB Ultra-3 SCSI drive: Free Two Seagate Ultra-Wide SCSI drives: US$35 Four-Device 68-pin Teflon-coated SCSI ribbon: $16 FWB JackHammer Ultra-Wide SCSI card: US$52 Radius PecisionColor 24Xk video card: Free AAUI to RJ-45 adapter: Free Apple Design Keyboard: Free Kensington Orbit Trackball: US$20 Two cans Black Spray Paint: US$2 ------------------------------------------------------------ Total: US$189 Being the baddest 68k on the block: Priceless  Still need to buy a F+F 68-pin to 50-pin adapter ($11) so that the Ultra-3 drive is on the FWB and not the OEM host, a 24MHz Oscillator ($3.25), an Ultra-Wide 20, 32 or 40 speed CD-ROM ($20-$60) and either a new Nubus pro-video capture card (the Radius VideoVision Studio or the SuperMac SpigotPower AV with the DAV connector would be nice!) or the infamously rare breakout box for my DigitalFilm card. Then it'll be finished. Well, no, then I'll need a SCSI ID selector switch so that my ST410800N and my full-height SCSI case can get married. Or perhaps I'll also want an external 68-pin SCSI case for faster drives... it'll never end! 666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Edited by - cinemafia on 15 Feb 2002 12:38:00 |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 15 Feb 2002 : 12:27:36
that my ST410800N and my full-height SCSI case can get married. Or perhaps I'll also want an external 68-pin SCSI case for faster drives...
Or multiple video cards, perhaps a better monitor - an analogue LCD even... an audiomedia II too! dana :) 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 15 Feb 2002 : 12:36:35
Hey, it's a 840av, not a 950! I've only got 3 Nubus slots...  However, a 12-slot Nubus expansion chassis would afford lots of other toys, though!!!  666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 15 Feb 2002 : 16:15:38
After re-reading up on SCSI Voodoo I've deciced that using a 68-pin to 50-pin adapter to put the Ultra-3 drive on the Ultra-Wide chain is a mistake. Even though Ultra-3 SCSI has a theoretical max transfer rate of 20MB/sec, just like the FWB card, it still only transfers data in 8-bit, rather than 16-bit chunks, which results in a real-world, sustained transfer rate of about 6-6.5MB/sec. Not only that, but with SCSI everything reduces to the weakest link, thus, the two 16-bit drives I have on the chain would drop down to 8-bit if I put the Ultra-3 drive on the chain.Keeping just the two Ultra-Wide drives on the chain in RAID config, I should be able to get real-world 8-16MB/sec dataflow. Plus, don't have to spend the $11 on the stupid adpater now! A question though, now that I'm going to be keeping the Ultra-3 drive on the internal chain, does anyone have any idea what flavor the Quadra 840av's internal SCSI bus is? I know that the Quadra 950 has an internal SCSI-2 host, just like my 7500, but I can't seem to find info about the 840av's anywhere. I have read in one obscure site that it can do 6MB/sec, which would lead me to believe that it's SCSI-2, but I'm not sure. If it is SCSI-1, I may consider using the ATTO SE II SCSI-2 card I have in the 840av, at least, until I get a dedicated nubus vid-capture card in there. I'm wondering if putting an Ultra-Wide CD-ROM on the chain is a good idea. PLextor's 32x and 40x UW CD-ROM's are rated at a 40MB/sec burst, and since they are designed for servers shouldn't slow the chain down, but I'm still afraid that it's going to somehow compromise my RAID. That and they just don't seem to go for less than $35 on eBay. So, I think I'm going to get a caddy-loaded, 50-pin CD-R instead, since I only have the caddy bezel right now and don't feel like hunting down a tray-loader bezel, anyway. Also, just wanted to note: In the article I mentioned above, it's mentioned that the lowly SCSI-1 can only manage real-world transfers at 2.5MB/sec, tops. Well, in my 7500, I've managed to sustain 3.5-3.7MB/sec using the multiple external drives that are all hosted by the SCSI-1 bus. I haven't done any tests to the internal drives on the SCSI-2, but I imagine they are pulling sufficiently more than 4MB/sec. 666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site!
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 15 Feb 2002 : 23:06:05
too much 68k tastiness....must...control...jealousy-------------------- FireWire is fast General, 4 star beholder of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 17 Feb 2002 : 06:57:56
Nice work. It'll be good to have the fastest 68k in the world owned by a MLA member...~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!) 00013 Macs liberated. |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 18 Feb 2002 : 18:04:52
I have some numbers!Okay, this is before the RAID has gone into effects, as after bench testing my system disk, which i guess you're not supposed to do (hits self in hed with 2x CD-ROM), the drives crashed and I had to re-format it and copy everything back to it. Anyway, once I do have the RAID setup along with my external 8.6GB backup drive, I'm going to post some new, hopefully more impressive numbers... Bench Test: Seagate ST15150W - FWB JackHammer Nubus Sustained Read: 5.1MB/sec Peak Read: 5.9MB/sec Sustained Write: 8.4MB/sec Peak Write: 9.7MB/sec Average Access Time: 14.9ms Bench Test: Western Digital 2GB Ultra-3 Narrow - OEM Quadra 840av SCSI host Sustained Read: 3.4MB/sec Peak Read: 3.6MB/sec Sustained Write: 3.3MB/sec Peak Write: 3.6MB/sec Average Access Time: 13.6ms Obviously the FWB Card and the SCSI-2 Wide drives are inherently faster than both the 840av's onboard SCSI and the Western Digital drive, but it was interesting to note that the Western Digital drive scored a full millisecond faster in terms of average seeks. I'm guessing that this is because the UW drives are on a 4-device SCSI ribbon and the other was on a one-device ribbon, but go figure. Also, note that the UW drives are significantly faster at writing than the Narrow counterpart over the onboard host! I'm hoping to see numbers in the teens (maybe?) once the RAID is in place and tested! 666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 18 Feb 2002 : 18:21:30
Obviously the FWB Card and the SCSI-2 Wide drives are inherently faster than both the 840av's onboard SCSI and the Western Digital drive, but it was interesting to note that the Western Digital drive scored a full millisecond faster in terms of average seeks. I'm guessing that this is because the UW drives are on a 4-device SCSI ribbon and the other was on a one-device ribbon, but go figure. Also, note that the UW drives are significantly faster at writing than the Narrow counterpart over the onboard host! I'm hoping to see numbers in the teens (maybe?) once the RAID is in place and tested!
why would different cables affect seek times, did you mean multidevice bus? are the seek times measured head to disk controller or some other way?just curious, how are you feeling, cine'? i was getting worried when you weren't around. have you heard anything about maf's or fritters problems? jt 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 19 Feb 2002 : 09:48:06
quote: why would different cables affect seek times, did you mean multidevice bus? are the seek times measured head to disk controller or some other way?
As far as I know, seek times are the measurement of the time it takes for an instruction to be sent from the host to the drive and back. Thus, a 4" device cable is going to have a shorter seek time than a 48" one. The size of the data path, 8-bit or 16-bit, doesn't really have that much of an effect on it, I believe. quote: just curious, how are you feeling, cine'? i was getting worried when you weren't around.
I'm actually feeling pretty good! Over the weekend, I was out with the FAM as usual, and yesterday I had several important bills to pay, so I had to take off of work to pay them. Unfortunately, I didn't realize it was holiday, so not all of them got paid. Now I have to figure out some way to get out of here early... quote: have you heard anything about maf's or fritters problems?
'Fritter was down for maintenance for a few days last week but as I can see is now back up in full swing. The MAF's server, on the other hand, crashed and hard. I don't know if you were able to see but on Friday the server's date was showing sometime in 1969. It's in a state of stasis right now, with nothing newer than the 14th. Some kinda Valentine's day bug maybe? Who knows... Also, wanted to note, some of my post-bench-test drive crashes may have been due to a faulty install of FWB RAID Toolkit. It seems to be fine now. I spent many hours yesterday re-downloading a number of apps that I hadn't backed up on my Quadra, and I'll be happy when I get the Quadra's own backup external drive working. I painted the case and hooked up the drive, but as I mentioned the case has a mind of its own and doesn't like the SCSI ID selector switch. I have to try another! 666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site!
2899 Posts |
Posted - 19 Feb 2002 : 10:16:17
quote: why would different cables affect seek times, did you mean multidevice bus? are the seek times measured head to disk controller or some other way?
As far as I know, seek times are the measurement of the time it takes for an instruction to be sent from the host to the drive and back. Thus, a 4" device cable is going to have a shorter seek time than a 48" one. The size of the data path, 8-bit or 16-bit, doesn't really have that much of an effect on it, I believe.
i'm pretty sure it measures how long it takes the disks onboard controller to manipulate the heads in order to get to the point where the data is actually available to that controller. should be independent of anything attached to the disk, which is why it is an industry-wide benchmark for drive mechanism efficiency. maybe you're thinking of access times which might be a measure of overall real world performance and can be affected by hookups, though i'm not convinced the difference between min. and. max. cable lengths would be measurable. i'm not sure, it just didn't sound quite right to me. maybe somebody will look it up for us! glad to hear you are feeling a little better, hope whole family recovers quickly. jt 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 19 Feb 2002 : 12:02:47
Oh ok, I think that I am thinking of a more real-world definition of seek time, rather thana standard one. From every source I'veread that the short the SCSI cable, the better, though. Not merely for feng shui purposes, as I took it!  666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 19 Feb 2002 : 20:23:05
Nice work. It'll be good to have the fastest 68k in the world owned by a MLA member...
Technically the fastest 68k would be owned by one of those Amiga people (considering Amigas used the 68060...)
But, i suppose that would be one of the faster 68k Macintoshes 
-------------------- beholder of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ and the HTML Keyboard Knowledge™? -------------------- |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 20 Feb 2002 : 07:58:10
Um, yeah, that'd be the second one...~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!) 00013 Macs liberated. |