I'm surprised there weren't more votes for the iMac G4. I know it's fairly new, but how many other computers have been featured on the cover of a wide-circulation, NON-trade magazine just based on their design? OTOH, I've played around with a few up-close, and it's still too peculiar not to have some kind of physical space in front of me. I feel kind of like I'm watching TV on an airplane, embedded on the seat in front of me.
I've never owned a NeXT cube but always wanted one. Ditto on the Snow White Apple// - they're both sleek and have a sort of Aura of Super Technology about them - like, if you were to make a movie, that's what the computers on the set would look like.
Some others: the 25th anniversary mac and the Quadra700. The lack of a drive for the 700 is a drawback, but I liked the way that you could arrange it flat or on its side. Since most desks are devoted to their computers, it's nice to have a computer that can be manipulated to fit.