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Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 01:04:08
Agreed, well I am heading to bed now I would like to get some information down, who is all with us I know me, Captain, trash, cine, but who else? What about the uhaul thing I need to find the gas thing and prices unless someone can for me, and how much will each pay for that and will paypal be ok to send me the money?Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 05:00:14
I'm in too TiMac, Put me down for a minimum of $25, probably more if this auction goes higher. - I want dibs on one or two 6500's since the other towers are taken -would also like lots of cables and peripheral shtuff -ooOOoo 168 pin RAM too if there is anyThats all I can claim from pictures, but thought id state intrest. BTW TiMac, I know this is going to through our PM trade off on both ends due to lack of shipping money. I'm not going to sell it anywhere else unless we get this auction, if we get the auction its getting sold and money is going into this "group" purchase. Sound good? ~The Penguin |Captain, Intelligence Operations| There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
Junior Member

308 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 06:19:02
I am in for 25 dollars for a G3 tower. Also if there is any of the plastic bits or bezels for the tower enclosure I would like some to finsh off the tower. For the rest of my share (if there is any left over). just throw in some cables and parts that are left over after everyone else has picked.AnubisTTP, Tank Commander, Bolo Division 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:21 |
Captain Z
Mobile Ops Commander
637 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 10:36:06
I guess now would be a good time to recap who is in and who wants what of the major hardware. I will not include requested parts that are abundent (like SCSI cables):(for the sake of simplicity, I will call the Power Mac 6400 towers by thier codename, Instatower. I will call the 9600 style case, Kansas, after it's architecture. I will call the 7200 style case after it's prototype name, Outrigger) TiMacLover - 1 Kansas Tower - 1 Instatower - the Profile HD - PM6100 G3 Upgrade Cinemafia - 1 Kansas Tower - the wierd speakers - the SC20 HD Trash80toG-4 - no specific parts, but did call DIBS on the entire thing... Captain Z - PowerExpress logicboard - matching Processor Daughter card - 1 (or 2) Outrigger Cases (there is too high demand for the other towers) Da Penguin - 1 (or 2) Instatowers AnubisTTP - 1 Kansas Tower Under this current 6-way division, this is what is remaining. - no Kansas Towers remaining - no Instatowers remaining - 2 (or 1) Outrigger Cases remaining - 1 Power Mac 6100 - 1 Performa 6x00 - the Paladin Keyboard? (I would guess Trash80 wants this)
Also, splitting it 6-ways at the current price ($100), it will cost each person $18.33. If we each send TiMac $25, it should cover about $30 worth of TiMac's trasnportation costs. Then all we have to do is send a enough for shipping later. ------------------ Captain Z - Sniper 68K Macintosh Liberation Army 18 68K Macs Liberated Visit Captain Z's Starbase of EV Stuff |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 10:46:43
I would like since no way has said that face less Performa, Desktop case(s) depending on if anyone wants them, and the pizza box. But be sure when I get everything I will to the best of my knowledge explain everything that we got.Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES Edited by - TiMacLover on 01 Jun 2002 10:47:24 |
Captain Z
Mobile Ops Commander
637 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 11:46:33
Houston, we have a problem...The people reading the MAF thread have decyphered some more. They have identified the Paladin Keyboard, and the PowerExpress logic board. In order to secure this auction to ourselves, we must act fast! ------------------ Captain Z - Sniper 68K Macintosh Liberation Army 18 68K Macs Liberated Visit Captain Z's Starbase of EV Stuff |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 11:50:41
What to do, a letter, or bid?! ahh!I am going awall! Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 13:24:28
OK, so how are we getting the money together in time to pay this guy? Someone gonna front it and get refunded? Also, who is going to actually be placing the bids? Just some things i thought we should think aboot. Also, Is this goign to be spilt truely evenly, i mean some people are getting more than others. I mean if i only get one tower....a desktop would be nice too since there seem to be less ppl wanting those....specially if its a g3 case  ~The Penguin |Captain, Intelligence Operations| There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 13:38:55
Well my PayPal is, we are all putting in our money, so how much is that, I am not sure on teh gas or uhaul prices.Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Captain Z
Mobile Ops Commander
637 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 13:58:18
There are 12 systems and 6 of us. One would think that each person would get 2 systems each.Look it as this: There are a total of 7 towers and 5 desktops. Each person should be entitled to 1 tower and 1 desktop, and one person will get 2 towers. Right now TiMac wants a Kansas and an Instatower, and Da Penguin wants 2 Instatowers, For fairness, I propose the you give up one of them each, and choice a desktop system. I originally wanted one of the Kansas towers because of the PowerExpress logicboard (it's designed for that case). But if worst comes to worst, I can settle for an Instatower (IE: Kansas tower is not necessary; I'm planning a custom build in a PC ATX case). I still would like one of the Outriggers, though. ------------------ Captain Z - Sniper 68K Macintosh Liberation Army 18 68K Macs Liberated Visit Captain Z's Starbase of EV Stuff Edited by - Captain Z on 01 Jun 2002 14:08:41 |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 14:14:15
Thats what i meant to say anyhue captain. I didnt want 3 systems, oops for it comign accross that way. We also Do not know how many systems are complete and all taht shtuff, we maay end up ith 12 cases but only 6 systems, who knows. I still say we claim what we have intrest in now. And assuming we win and get all this stuff, figure out the details afterward.~The Penguin |Captain, Intelligence Operations| There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 14:16:08
What I want...- Performa 6400/6500 - Mini Tower - G3 6100 Upgrade - Some SCSI cables - A Apple External Hard drive - Some cards or whatever - One (if i can) desktop cases or macs whatever What I want if no one claims... - Faceless Performa - Pizza Box Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 17:10:40
bleh! if you folks think we're gonna get this at that price level you're gonna be REALLY dissapointed, email time!is anybody else joining in? if not, somebody needs to act as a secretery and tally the individual offers and forward an updated summary to us all. start thinking a lot higher, i don't have the time to do the paperwork, i gotta do my own! i can write a mean business letter when forced to, but i don't think that'd work. IMHO, comments troops? volunteers? jt ™. .

Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 18:29:07
Trash is right and I think we need to up the "projected" price. Aiming around ***-***(Trash Bandit!) would probably save us alot of the trbl me thinks, this way if we have extra, we can always get it back. If we don't have enough, we may get nothing at all and just waste alot in transactions. That means PPP (price per person) is goign to need to be around 2 (tash again...)...I am in to raise it that much, anyone else able? and If someone can't, is there anyone who can put more in than that (and imho shall recieve a fair amoutn back out)? We need to be serious aboot this and pull this off. It will go down in history and will prove our strength as an army and ability. I have every intention of getting this stuff, and am not going down without a fight. Lets go out there and get 'em. ~The 68kMLA Patriotic Penguin |Captain, Intelligence Operations| There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server Edited by - Da Penguin on 01 Jun 2002 18:52:13 |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 18:45:57
please do not discuss the high or middle end range of the bid in open forums!!!!! edit!discretion! think and then DON'T post, email! it might be a good idea for us to edit all mentions of dollar figures out of our posts. don't be offended, but it's well past the time to put on the poker faces as things seem to be develping. generalities MAY be fine in public. think LONG and HARD about claiming more than one item and seriously consider encouraging others to sign up privately for the boxen that are freed up or none of us will get ANY! think about it. i'm exhausted and cranky, i hope i haven't been harsh, but i think it's time to get serious. jt ™. . 
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 19:05:17
Graphite Goodness just told me he offered $200 to the guy from email, the fat poopy head (edited ) is dumb he is to get the money from his mom, he just wants to sell it all and make cash, WE WANT FOR THE VALUE OF BEING LOYAL APPLE ADDICTS! I AM SOOO PIEVED RIGHT NOW I AM GOING TO GRR HIM AT SCHOOL.  Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES Edited by - timaclover on 01 Jun 2002 19:10:57 Edited by - timaclover on 01 Jun 2002 19:11:37 |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 19:13:16
Graphite Goodness just told me he offered $X to the guy from email, the fat whore is dumb he hs to get the money from his mom, he just wants to sell it all and make cash, WE WANT FOR THE VALUE OF BEING LOYAL APPLE ADDICTS! I AM SOOO PIEVED RIGHT NOW I AM GOING TO GRR HIM AT SCHOOL. 
if this is true it was a particularly stupid move, if the seller takes the auction down for any renegade from anywhere, i say we tell him what he's got before the miscreant can complete their sorry excuse for a clever ploy.anybody who'd break faith with their comrades isn't worth the trouble Ti! i hope it isn't true, but DO NOT confront him at school over it if it is. jt ™. . Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 01 Jun 2002 19:20:40 Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 01 Jun 2002 20:14:13 |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 19:16:35
Well let me asure you that there are some conditions...- The money is comming from his mom, $200, thats for the auction only, not for gas, they have a 2 door car, not going happen. - He *might* be bluffing - if he does get I WILL NOT PAY HIM THE $80 I OWE HIM - Its a 50/50 chance We can only pray mac heads.... Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 19:27:11
Ok, those who have signed on in the eBay cult, check your mail!! Reply back!~The Penguin |Captain, Intelligence Operations| There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
Full Member
506 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 19:32:06
I'm thinking of putting some money into this for a PPC box, an upgrade card, and maybe some parts. I don't know what is in the auction though, could someone give me a list of the stuff?Wonko The Sane Engineer-in-training 3 Macs Liberated "You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool."- Wonko The Sane |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 19:35:03
Ok, wonko this would be great. It appears cine may have to drop out. Email me for details on wahts left: Penguin |Captain, Intelligence Operations| There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 19:35:24
COMMUNICATION CALL WITH CINEMAFIA COMPLETEThat was just soo weird, hehe but i keep gettin everyone telling me it was a code red and I was in the driving seat [:-/] anyway cine is broke! So he is out but I know he wants those speakers so I take them to hold for him, that was weird, heart racing fast now, lol. Sorry about that cine, I was ment to leave a message on the second call! Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2002 : 22:01:05
Trash, both of us fighting is not uncommon, he says old macs are slow and useless I yell at him, he says all my macs suck including my imac, and that apple's only good product is his pismo 400, I say no and talk about imac's and 840AV's, its all good. But don't think I will get physical, that would be mean to hurt him  Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Junior Member

308 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 06:17:50
Has anyone figured out how we are going to pool the money yet? I ask because I do not have a Paypal account, so I will have to snail-mail a check for my percentage to whoever is placing the bid.AnubisTTP, Tank Commander, Bolo Division 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:21 |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 08:35:44
Has anyone figured out how we are going to pool the money yet? I ask because I do not have a Paypal account, so I will have to snail-mail a check for my percentage to whoever is placing the bid.
i don't either, but immediately snail mailing a money order will be required as a minimum in order to save the out of state clearing time i would think. express mailing will almost certainly be required within a max of a day or two of the close if we're successful, a check mailed today might not clear in time considering the pickup time window.jt ™. . 
2899 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 08:40:47
Trash, both of us fighting is not uncommon, he says old macs are slow and useless I yell at him, he says all my macs suck including my imac, and that apple's only good product is his pismo 400, I say no and talk about imac's and 840AV's, its all good. But don't think I will get physical, that would be mean to hurt him 
i figure you for a smart comrade! explain to him that he's still free to join the consortium or bid against us independently if he feels he must break faith with comrades for whatever reason, but that circumventing the bidding process would be unacceptable and lead to a quick email to the seller from the first of the Big@$$BoxLotConsortium to spot it . . .i'm sure there will be shares available for a few more to join in, gang! jt ™. . Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 02 Jun 2002 08:43:01 |
Graphite Goodness
New Member
88 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 09:44:53
What makes me really mad is that a lot of you truly believe what timac is saying! The only thing that makes me mad about anything mac is prices of hardware and the sluggishness of aqua. Also I never stated that I was going to sell all the equipment. well besides the powerexpress mobo and the paladin keyboard. Some of the hardware is going to my local friends too. one of them wants a biege g3 for ev:nova and the other wants a server and I have no problem giving timac a 6400 as a blood truce. Also if anyone here can pay shipping and a few bucks for compensation i'll be glad to send parts off.
Graphite Goodness
New Member
88 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 09:47:32
Also all my email told him was that I lived nearby and that i'd offer him $200. If you guys want to excommunicate me thats fine. I don't post here to often anyway.
Full Member
506 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 09:48:50
I think I'll put in for the 6100 or the 6x00 (is it the 6360 or the 6400?). I can contribute as much as $15-20, maybe more.Wonko The Sane Engineer-in-training 3 Macs Liberated "You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool."- Wonko The Sane |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 10:26:49
That sounds great! The face less performa in the corner is empty but there are enough parts in the boxs to pur it all together, the same is with the 6100!Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Full Member
729 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 11:12:09
Hey, if you're still needing money, i can help out, but i don't get paid til friday the 7th. All that i would want is a working tower (is there a beige left?), and a bunch of scsi cables. i'd go probably up to 25-30 dollars. email me, if this could work. i'm in kansas, and i wasn't too interested in sending a machine this far, but it might be worth it.p.s. Scraped together 20 bucks. This means that i can't take any ladies out this week. I guess, it's worth it. Sgt. Thelip Heavy Weapons Specialist 950 division Liberated Macs: 12
Creator and Keeper of THE NEWTON STYLUS ALLIANCE Edited by - thelip on 02 Jun 2002 11:22:42 |
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 11:26:16
Heeeeeeelllllooooo {devilish grin]Just wanted to say that if things get tight and people have to drop out I can pick up some major slack(going to leave out dollor figures) I wont bid against you guys cause youre a good group and I heard about it from yall. Course what I really want from it is already taken so Im probably screwed but...[shrug] thats the way it goes sometimes. 
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 11:27:40
Heeeeeeelllllooooo {devilish grin]Just wanted to say that if things get tight and people have to drop out I can pick up some major slack(going to leave out dollor figures) I wont bid against you guys cause youre a good group and I heard about it from yall. Course what I really want from it is already taken so Im probably screwed but...[shrug] thats the way it goes sometimes.

Full Member
729 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 11:38:11
ok, i just talked to timac and he said there was a 85/9500 still available and a desktop, I have interest in both, if i can only get one, then it's toss up, since i'm not sure what's in the desktops, beige g3, would be great. so here's my list if it's even still open for discussion:85/9500 desktop scsi ribbons (i think there are some to spare. ) Sgt. Thelip Heavy Weapons Specialist 950 division Liberated Macs: 12 Creator and Keeper of THE NEWTON STYLUS ALLIANCE |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 12:01:43
All of those are availible.Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 13:46:43
Ok, we need to get money amounts as things are getting closer. Seeing as how even the war room isnt safe enough, people can email me with appropriate info. Please include the following:a) list of what you want, i can reply with what is still available too b) monetary amount towards the bid c) location in US (that is if you are near san jose or not...) ~The Penguin |Captain, Intelligence Operations| There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2002 : 14:41:05
Well yea wee need to get on the devil, I need to know there is a Performa 5xxx complete I want to buy and there is this and I need the performa so let me know.Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:18 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jun 2002 : 01:22:50
Penquin: Just checking to make sure you got my email.Am I the only one who cant tell the edit button apart from the reply button? 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jun 2002 : 09:43:56
Hey Ti, don't worry about calling me, it was cool! I was out in Ventura hanging out with my Fam.  And yeah, I am broke, but if this whole operation actually goes through without bloodshed I'm willing to trade with Ti and anyone else for any of the stuff I have. 666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Regular Disappear! |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jun 2002 : 10:37:12
Ok gang, we are good to go. wolf- i updated the secret location and you are included and everythign has been retotaled. Cap Z- thanks for that gift . Lip- No towers are left, only machine still available is one 7200-style, email me for details.Also gang, Since TiMac looks like he is in bad shape and no one else has paypal, I think it may be proper for me to take over the Official paying. I have a Paypal account with.....$1000+ spending! (unfortuneately its my dads...)This would enable me to bid on the item and have the snail mail checks arrive afterwards. Either post back or email me gang! We need to get this done for soon! ~The Penguin P.S.- Did i forget anything? |Captain, Intelligence Operations| There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |