I'm primarily posting this to share an alternative back panel for the mystic color classic that can be 3D printed, but I'll share my story and photos that lead to the model, but I'll keep it brief and to the point.
Huge thanks to Kay Koba and JDW for being awesome people!
I bought a mystic color classic from someone in good shape, but it needed to be cleaned up, and recapped. I've never recapped anything before, and I shouldn't have started with this, but I did, I made some mistakes and learned a lot along the way.
This is the brief version, hopefully you haven't lost interest yet.
I created a new back panel to fit all of the additions. I have not seen a back panel with a slot for an SD card for easy access to the internal BlueSCSI so I added one, and it has all the symbols. I wanted my FloppyEMU to connect using a DB19 cable rather than the IDC20 cable, so I also wired that up as well. I've attached some photos, trying not to make this a giant wall of text, maybe it'll make more sense from the photos. I'm going to clean up some of the models and then open source them. I'll do that soon. Just wanted to show everything off here for now.
Huge thanks to Kay Koba and JDW for being awesome people!
I bought a mystic color classic from someone in good shape, but it needed to be cleaned up, and recapped. I've never recapped anything before, and I shouldn't have started with this, but I did, I made some mistakes and learned a lot along the way.
- Recapped Logicboard W/ Panasonic OSCON Low ESR Solid Polimer Caps
- Recapped the Analog Board w/ the kit from Console5 (I've since learned how to choose my own caps)
- Stereo Speaker Mod (Thanks To JDW)
- Cleaned, Recapped, Lubricated the floppy drive (Thanks yo JDW)
- Added BlueSCSI w/ SD Extension
- Swapped to full 68040 with FPU
- Overclocked CPU using Spicy O Clock (Thanks To Kay Koba)
- Had to modify Kay's Spicy mount to fit everything I wanted and still be able to access from the back panel to adjust on the fly.
- Added FlippyFloppy (Thanks To Kay Koba)
- Made a janky custom heatsink for the overclock
- Wired a board with a DB19 connector to connect floppemu using a DB19 cable.
- Designed and printed cases for an external bluescsi and floppyemu modeled after the external 800k apple floppy drive
- Recapped AppleIIe card
- Added apple ethernet card
This is the brief version, hopefully you haven't lost interest yet.
I created a new back panel to fit all of the additions. I have not seen a back panel with a slot for an SD card for easy access to the internal BlueSCSI so I added one, and it has all the symbols. I wanted my FloppyEMU to connect using a DB19 cable rather than the IDC20 cable, so I also wired that up as well. I've attached some photos, trying not to make this a giant wall of text, maybe it'll make more sense from the photos. I'm going to clean up some of the models and then open source them. I'll do that soon. Just wanted to show everything off here for now.