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Search results

  1. Cloud

    SE/30 re-cap and subsequent revival

    Apple would love nothing better than to see stuff get recycled the moment they obsolete it. Unless the US Army decides the SE/30 would be the best interface for some new-fangled weapons system and comes forward coddling Tim Cook with a generous helping of defense funds...
  2. Cloud

    SE/30 re-cap and subsequent revival

    I found that in all the cases of leaky caps, there was so much corrosion that the heat from the iron absolutely would not penetrate the oxidized solder which had turned almost as black as coal, no matter how long I tried (applied heat for close to 30 secs using a solder blob on the tip of a 35W...
  3. Cloud

    My new (to me) SE/30!

    Congrats on your acquisition of the cutest compact Mac ever! :lol: The Color Classic ain't havin' nutin' on the SE/30!! ...and it's slower too!!
  4. Cloud

    SE/30 re-cap and subsequent revival

    Yep. And they cost a freaking bomb!!! I think the 220uF and 470uF caps cost as much as 5 of the 47uF ones... EACH!! 8-o If you want to see messed up, here you go! (It's techknight on camera, talking about repairing re-cap disasters)
  5. Cloud

    SE/30 re-cap and subsequent revival

    Forgot to mention that the aforementioned MultiMaster is also a part of Now Utilities 3.0.
  6. Cloud

    SE/30 re-cap and subsequent revival

    I'm sorry for my tardy reply tt and uniserver - the app in question is called MenuMaster. It adds a dropdown menu to your menubar (look for the down-facing triangle next to the application menu) which can be configured to show the apps you specify - along with launching them with a click - kind...
  7. Cloud

    SE/30 re-cap and subsequent revival

    Nope. It's DeskPicture. Not versions 4.5 or 4.51 with the ugly marijuana icon and shareware nag screens though. It's an old version from 1992 that was a part of Now (yes, Now, not Norton!) Utilities 3.0. I'm sure you can find it somewhere if you're interested. :)
  8. Cloud

    Mac SE/30

    Somehow, the edit button disappeared... Check out what I did with the SE/30 after I received it here!
  9. Cloud

    SE/30 re-cap and subsequent revival

    The SE/30 which I acquired the other day had next-to-nonexistent volume. I removed the logic board from the machine and took a closer look. There was liquid pooled in some of the vias near the "fuel tank" caps and a few chips near them had some slight corrosion on their legs. Not good! I...
  10. Cloud

    Mac SE/30

    This was from a fellow 68kMLAer. It arrived Saturday morning, but I've been really lazy lately :p That member expressed his desire to have unboxing shots taken once the package arrived, so here they are! :D SE/30 - Week 8, 1989, Assy. in California (Socketed CPU edition logic board) 5MB...
  11. Cloud

    New Sawtooth!

    Do you have a hard drive set as master plugged into the primary IDE bus? IIRC there was a kbase article describing unexpected behavior in TDM if there was no master disk on the primary IDE controller on macs. Exact same thing happened on my iLamp 800 until I took it apart and discovered that the...
  12. Cloud

    Macintosh SE for £1

    Regarding the crooked bezel, I can safely say that it is a pretty common occurrence upon taken-apart-then-reassembled SEs. The cause of the problem is due to two plastic protusions on the front bezel that push against the 'fishbowl' when the mac is closed. This frictional force keeps the mac...