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Search results

  1. eldofever

    TashTwenty: Single-Chip DCD (Hard Disk 20) Interface

    Just discovered this thread and was curious if the 'TashTwenty' with stepper motor actuation ever came to fruition? I've had an HD20 with bad drive here for 20+ years that would be ideal for this device. I'm no stranger to a soldering iron and SMD, but am not currently set up to program a PIC. I...
  2. eldofever

    CRTs and the future of compact Mac preservation

    Yeah, the SE/30 is practically the poster child for trace-eating SMD cap damage based on board layout. And I lost a spare Classic the other day due to a leaky batt. The situation is bound to get worse since it takes more effort to crack open one of these compared to popping the top on a IIcx...
  3. eldofever

    CRTs and the future of compact Mac preservation

    I wonder if the early 128/512 machines with the elongated style flyback also have that issue? Curiously, the later flybacks seem to have been sourced from at least two different companies.
  4. eldofever

    CRTs and the future of compact Mac preservation

    As a guy with some CRT experience, here's my 2-cents. Given the number of Macs with irrepairable cap and batt-bombed logic boards, there's no shortage of decent CRTs out there, and they remain "shelf stable" virtually forever, so I don't foresee a shortage*. The wear-out mechanism isn't...
  5. eldofever

    TAM recap: how urgent?

    I appreciate the concern, trust me, I wouldn't dive in soldering iron blazing ; ) This is strictly preventative, no leaks observed yet. But In the last 10 days I've had to repair a II, a IICX, a Classic, a Classic II and an SE/30, all with board damage from caps, so I guess I'm a little gun shy...
  6. eldofever

    TAM recap: how urgent?

    Thanks, much appreciated! It does look like I'll have enough clearance without removing the board, HOWEVER, I see there are another dozen caps inside the unit on the video board which will require cracking the case (and running the gauntlet with those plastic clips). Good times.
  7. eldofever

    TAM recap: how urgent?

    Reviving this thread as I've also got a TAM I should get after and had a couple questions for the experts... 1. Does a Cap list exist for the TAM? 2. Can a person get access to all the SMD caps with just the rear cover off, or am I looking at separating the case for full access?