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Search results

  1. macosten

    Quadra 950 PSU pains

    So, I recently got a Quadra 950 and had it shipped to me. Naturally, it was working, but shipping happened, and it's acting up a bit now. I've surmised that it has a problem similar to that described in this post. If I let it sit, then try turning it on with soft power immediately after...
  2. macosten

    520c: Help Needed

    Alright, so here's (the short version of) the deal... I was playing around with my 520c and it eventually crashed to the point of complete unresponsiveness (not that uncommon of an occurrence with this sort of machine, really). Since I kinda forgot what the force reset combo was, I tried keying...
  3. macosten

    Color Classic Video Oddity

    I assume the problem is bad caps on the AB, but I'll share this anyway: The gist of it is this: Whenever I have my LC 550 board in my Color Classic, the video is, upon closer inspection, a bit wavy - more so on the right-hand side of the screen than on the left (though that might just be my...
  4. macosten

    Color Classic Upgrade Questions

    Hello! Not sure if I should post this in the LC subforum, since the CC is kinda both and this concerns a 550 board, but I regardless figure that this sub gets slightly more traffic so it's more likely to be seen here. :p This is more of a troubleshooting question than a "what should I do"...
  5. macosten

    CC VRAM question

    I have a 512k VRAM SIMM, as one would use in an LC 550 (I'm still waiting on my 550 board to arrive). If I were to attempt to use it on my CC board, what would happen? Would I be able to use the full .75 MB of VRAM, would I only be able to use 512k, or would it not work/damage the board/SIMM...
  6. macosten

    Macintosh Color Classic

    Got this cute little computer on LetGo for around $150 shipped. Bad floppy inject, bad HDD (I was able to boot from it precisely once; I assume it's because the disk parked itself and now can't get un-stuck because I hear it spinning up and then spinning down), and very dusty internals... but...
  7. macosten

    SE Hard Drive being stupid... and more.

    Ok, here's my situation. I have a nice looking, mostly functioning SE FDHD with a dead/dying (the drive itself partially works, but the drive refuses to mount) Hard Disk Drive - it (was) a 20 MB HDD; not very big at all. I also have an ugly SE/30. It has a gummy Floppy Drive and no Hard Drive...
  8. macosten

    iMac Upgrade Success and the case of the Mystery DIMM

    I successfully upgraded my iMac G3/350 to an iMac G3/600. It used to have 9.2.1 on a 6 GB HDD. Now, it's Jaguar with 9.2.(2?) for classic. The supplies (mobo, mystery DIMM which I will need help identifying later, HDD) had been given to me by someone who had a Tray Loading "Life Savers" /333 mHz...
  9. macosten

    This Old SE/30...

    So I have an SE/30. It's FD is dirty and I want to upgrade its RAM. BUT whoever had it last was a real idiot not to replace the screws, instead gluing it back together. So, my conundrum is, what do I do? I've already made the case ugly by trying to pry it open. Should I just bash the case in...