• Updated 2023-07-12: Hello, Guest! Welcome back, and be sure to check out this follow-up post about our outage a week or so ago.

Recent content by dcr

  1. D

    New acquisitions: MacPro 2010 and XServe 2009

    An idea I have had for years, maybe decades now, that I've never actually gotten around to doing is setting up a Mac as a webserver to use for recipes (among other in-house things) where you'd have the server where ever and then you'd have a Mac in or near the kitchen where you could pull up...
  2. D

    New acquisitions: MacPro 2010 and XServe 2009

    Most of the computers we discuss on these forums aren't technically useful anymore but we still use and enjoy them.
  3. D

    New acquisitions: MacPro 2010 and XServe 2009

    The G5 Xserve models are noisy. I'm not sure about the Intel ones. Haven't tried replacing the hard drives in mine. I bought a couple extra drive trays a few years back, but haven't used them yet. They seem to have an odd connector inside, so I don't know if they are missing something or if...
  4. D

    yellow transport sheets (affectionately known at the time as "the piece of cheese")

    Or "Best Offer." You never know . . .
  5. D

    Before ResEdit: Alert/Dialog, Font, and Icon Editors (1984)

    Of course not. That's my earliest working physical Mac model. ;)
  6. D

    Before ResEdit: Alert/Dialog, Font, and Icon Editors (1984)

    If I had more free time at the moment, that would be an incentive to finish assembling my 128k Mac.
  7. D

    Before ResEdit: Alert/Dialog, Font, and Icon Editors (1984)

    I guess that was from before the classic Mac's legendary "ease of use" kicked in. I was able to get it to run in my version of Mini vMac. I'm not sure what Mac mine is configured to emulate, but it boots from the "MacStuff 2 2/85" disk image okay. And Font Editor launches and runs. I tried...
  8. D

    Before ResEdit: Alert/Dialog, Font, and Icon Editors (1984)

    Cool. I've seen your posts on TypeDrawers but I don't think we ever interacted there, mostly because I don't post there that often. That would be awesome. And that kind of work needs to be preserved for people to appreciate how it was done.
  9. D

    Before ResEdit: Alert/Dialog, Font, and Icon Editors (1984)

    You know, I've seen the font resource show up when I've opened things in ResEdit, but I don't think I ever thought to try to edit a bitmap font in it. Not that I remember anyway. But, I think I had a copy of Fontographer before I ever used ResEdit, so I probably would have never bothered...
  10. D

    Before ResEdit: Alert/Dialog, Font, and Icon Editors (1984)

    Are you saying ResEdit has some font editing capabilities I've overlooked all these years? Could it be used to create fonts or just edit? Wait . . . Are you the Mark Simonson? Of Changeling Neo and Proxima Nova?
  11. D

    $50 saved from e-waste

    Is that a chihuahua in the frame?
  12. D

    DOS 3.3 Commands?

    Thanks. Maybe I knew that too back in the day.
  13. D

    DOS 3.3 Commands?

    THANK YOU! I had obviously forgotten that. Worked for what I needed, aside from cursing my teenage self for stuffing a bunch of code on the one line that was otherwise the easiest to edit to do what I needed.
  14. D

    DOS 3.3 Commands?

    Follow-up dumb question . . . Can I load a program into memory, and then edit a specific line of the program (and then run it) without saving to disk? (I don't know if it can save to the virtual disk but I don't need to save it anyway.) If so, how? I hate that I don't even remember any of...
  15. D

    DOS 3.3 Commands?

    Okay, first, I am trying this in the Virtual ][ emulator and not on an actual Apple IIe. But, I think it should function pretty much the same. I have a program on a (virtual) diskette. I can use "LOAD filename" to load the program into memory and then "LIST" will show the program. But, it...