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DaynaFile inventory: Jumper settings


Well-known member
Hi everyone, I'm hoping other owners of DaynaFile drives can help me create an inventory of the jumper settings used by DaynaFile for the various floppy drive configurations.
I already have the info from pspencer's page, but I want to add to that table.

I've already found info for a solo 360k drive by itself thanks to my own DaynaFile with a 360k drive (TEAC) matching up to Iesca's post about their 360k drive (unknown).
I also found the settings for a 3.5 drive 1.44 (Sony MFD120-K0) + 5.25 drive 1.2 (Teac FD-55GFR) from Foone's twitter post which has different J6 and J9 settings from pspencer's page.

So what I'm looking for are:
  1. photos of your circuit board that clearly shows the jumper settings,
  2. the revision of Daynafile board you have: I have 2.0
  3. the make + model of the drives you have installed, and which connector the drive is installed on: I have a Teac 360k on J2
  4. the ROM that you have, e.g. mine had 2.1, but I'm now testing a copy of Lesca's 3.1 rom from his 2.1 board to see if it will work.
What I'm hoping to do with this info:
  • I'd like to experiment with using a Gotek or other floppy emulator with the DaynaFile as each of the 4 drive types, to do that I will likely need more jumper setting to see if I can figure out a pattern in the settings.
  • I have two "dual" drives an Epson SD-800 and a Cannon MD7511-C6 and I am wondering if I can get either to work.... I think the answer is no since they would put 2 drives on one connector and currently each drive has it's own connector J2 and J3 on the board with jumper settings dependent on what drive is on what connector.


Well-known member
Here are some pics of the Teac 360k from my DaynaFile:

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Well-known member
Here are some pics of the Teac 360k from my DaynaFile:

Hi lesca, and you're floppy is a FD-55BR-500? Mine has a model sticker on the end with the floppy connector. I ask because U1 is jumped on mine which matches up to the doc I found, but you don`t have U1 jumped on yours.


Well-known member
Evidently not! So unless it fell off at some point, I didn't (consciously) change any jumpers on the drive itself. Would presumably have to find the manual for the FD-55BR-500 to verify the function of the jumpers.


Well-known member
¥4,500 is a very reasonable asking price, I hope you are able to purchase it! Though shipping from Japan may push that up a bit...


Well-known member
Also, here is a marketing sheet from a recent ebay listing from user "1980santiquity".

Probably not that informative, but I thought it was interesting:




Well-known member
Just added this to the garden:

While it doesn't supersede the later 4.1 driver, it is the first complete installation package for any DaynaFile driver that we have. Also comes with the equivalent version of DOS Mounter.


Well-known member
Does anyone have a DaynaFile II? Somone posted on my site asking about the DaynaFile II's power supply, what voltage and amperage is needed. I haven't found any info online.


Well-known member
Photos of my DaynaFile are attached, as well as a dump of ROM 4.1. I have a TEAC FD-55BR-578-U on J2 and a TEAC FD-55GFR on J3. Board revision 2.1 and ROM version 4.1. I was too lazy to take the drives out, but you can still see their jumper positions in the pictures.

PXL_20230305_231138987.jpg PXL_20230305_231150873.jpg PXL_20230305_231757195.jpg PXL_20230305_231931407.jpg PXL_20230305_235502954.jpg PXL_20230306_000514261.jpg PXL_20230306_000646916.jpg


  • dayna_file_4.1_rom.bin.zip
    6.8 KB · Views: 5


Well-known member
Photos of my DaynaFile are attached, as well as a dump of ROM 4.1. I have a TEAC FD-55BR-578-U on J2 and a TEAC FD-55GFR on J3. Board revision 2.1 and ROM version 4.1. I was too lazy to take the drives out, but you can still see their jumper positions in the pictures.

Thanks! I'm curious to see what the 4.1 ROM changed over the 3.1 version I have.
For the jumpers, it looks like for J6 1 and 2 are closed but not 0 and 3.


Well-known member
I just received a copy of the DaynaFile manual. It appears to be an earlier version than the known scan of the manual we already have, which is the "First Edition, Fifth Revision" from 1989; the one I received doesn't specify a revision, so it is likely the very first version. I will compare at some point hopefully soon, but I suspect there won't be significant differences.

EDIT: One interesting and obvious difference is the screenshot on page 23 of the About window: The version in Fifth Revision states System Version 2.3, ROM Version 3.1, while my copy states System Version 1.0 and ROM Version 2.0, so that means we are unlikely to find any devices with a ROM version lower than 2.0, presuming it shipped with that version on release.