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  1. F

    Battery bombed SE/30 resurrection

    No, I didn't. The CPU was shielded by the video ROM, which took the most damage. Removing it could be tricky, even with ChipQuick. I would try to remove as much of the old solder as possible with a desoldering gun or solder wick, and then add lots of ChipQuick, and use multiple heat sources...
  2. F

    Battery bombed SE/30 resurrection

    Yes, I used ChipQuick, and it worked great! I didn't want to risk overheating anything.
  3. F

    What sort of hardware would have been used for hard disk recording in the '90s?

    Back in the (mid to late) 1990s I was working as an intern in a small recording studio. They had an early digital recording setup with a Yamaha console (an O2R, IIRC) and Pro Tools running on a Mac (might have been a PPC, but I think it was a 68k one). Over the years I've often been asking...
  4. F

    Battery bombed SE/30 resurrection

    The power supply seems OK, at least when I am looking at it. This fault seems to be one of the elusive Heisenbug variety. One of those that hide when you start looking for them. At first it looked like the reset line was acting weirdly, then it didn't. Then the RAM started looking funny, and now...
  5. F

    Battery bombed SE/30 resurrection

    Well, it seems I claimed victory a bit soon. After passing all the snooper tests and running fine for a few days, today it started randomly rebooting. Sometimes even before it boots anything, chiming two or three times when I power it on. I think I remember seeing a fault like this in some...
  6. F

    Battery bombed SE/30 resurrection

    I only just learned that the TechStep was a thing. What a fascinating device. How does it do all those logic tests via the SCSI bus? It's gotta have at least some support from the ROM, and a mostly working computer for that, or am I wrong?
  7. F

    Battery bombed SE/30 resurrection

    Yeah, I think using detergent wasn't the smartest thing to do, even though everything turned out OK in the end.
  8. F

    Battery bombed SE/30 resurrection

    Blinkensimm, I like that name! And it very much sounds like the thing I had in mind :)
  9. F

    Battery bombed SE/30 resurrection

    dang! I wish I had that two weeks ago :)
  10. F

    Battery bombed SE/30 resurrection

    actually yes, it was.
  11. F

    Battery bombed SE/30 resurrection

    Hi all. This is my very first post, and it's going to be a long one. But I hope it will be of some value for anyone facing a situation similar to the one I found myself in. There are images some viewers might find disturbing, but don't worry, there is a happy ending. Preface (skip, if you...