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  1. N

    Few Random finds from abandoned building

    Aside from the Classic II that CD drive strikes me as the most useful/valuable thing there. Plenty of Macitntosh computers that came out prior to the mid-1990s (1995?) came without a CD drive, the ones that did are some variant of 2x/4x/8x and far from 24x, and some later models didn't yet have...
  2. N

    6100 Sonnet sticker location.

    Agreed. I think it could make bigger difference than you'd think at first because most people would have had stock configurations at lower speeds with less ram. So presumably most of the software of the time was developed with those lower specs as the target. As a consequence it may well be...
  3. N

    6100 Sonnet sticker location.

    Heh. I wouldn't mind one myself. My Power Mac 6100/66 has a Sonnet G3 250 MHz installed (not quite as fancy, but still much faster than stock).
  4. N

    Networking on LC III with ethernet card

    IDK about the LCI/II/III as I never got the card I have working on my LCII beyond maybe installing the drivers and a green light of some sort. But I will note that I had similar trouble with my Power Mac 6100/66 not playing nice with a more modern 10/100 Mbps (Fast Ethernet) switch or hub...
  5. N

    6115 PSU stopped working after cleaning

    I wouldn't necessary rule out sudden failure of some critical PSU component, these machines are 25 years old after all. A multimeter is okay for simple voltage, resistance, and continuity checks, but not generally useful for determining if capacitors are dead (at least not while they're...
  6. N

    Problems with new IDE/PATA Drive

    Perhaps your problem has mostly to do with cable select...
  7. N

    LC 1 vs 2 vs 3

    I swapped an LCIII board into a LCII case several years ago and I don't recall there being any problems with that. FWIW I want to say there's enough spare room that the board's shorter clearance to the fan isn't a physical issue (the fan is held in by clips to the left and right relative to the...
  8. N

    What the hack! My current Powerbook 170 Setup

    Wow. Talk about a fancy setup! Hate to think about how much all that would have cost back then.. Any time I see stuff like this I wish I could see the reaction on some modern Apple employee's face to 1) the fact that all that stuff existed back then and 2) that someone is actually using it for...
  9. N

    PPC740L G3 CPU Daughterboard For Blackbird Powerbooks

    I would think the only point of throwing an actual memory slot on there would be the possibly of using existing memory sticks and replacements if failure should occur. Any time a component is soldered down it becomes significantly more complicated to replace if it fails.
  10. N

    Need advice on software for a Macintosh LC original

    This is complete conjecture, but maybe it's a timing issue/mismatch of some kind? The LCIII is a third again as fast as an LC/LC II (16 MHz vs 25 MHz). So the VRAM stick would have had to be spec'd in a way that can keep up with the faster cpu/system. Suppose that the machine must clear old...
  11. N

    Got this cool looking, old terminal.

    I mean somebody got a literal 1930s teletype working on a Linux box with some custom hardware adapters,  so surely a dumb terminal would be just fine. Of course you probably do need to configure the Linux end properly.
  12. N

    sTunnel and Gmail on Mac Plus

    What version of the OS are you running? Could you just use a more recent version of Eudora like Eudora 3.x?   Might be some meaningful tidbits on this webpages: Looks...
  13. N

    Macintosh Performa PSU wrong voltage

    Could be referring to an optical isolation device. They are a circuit component that allows transferring signals from one point to another without a conducting electrical path by the use of an optical sensor pair.   Assuming I am reading the...
  14. N

    Is the Wiki dead?

    Is there any kind of consensus on what's going on or what the plan is going forward? The 'wiki' seems to be stagnant and honestly the 'articles' feature provided by the forum software seems visually subpar. What's the point of having either if neither is useful or getting contributed to? I'm...
  15. N

    AppleTalk net cable

    Not sure on the date, but I ran across the following yesterday. That might be useful. Appendix A: LocalTalk Hardware Specifications begins on page 520 of the PDF. So, I take it that for a proper network you need the little adapter boxes one...
  16. N

    Sonnet Crescendo troubles in 7300/200

    I think they called it ROMFixer? In my case I've got a Power Mac 6100/66 with a Crescendo/Nubus G3 (250/512K). Of course it's a PDS card despite the name.
  17. N

    Sonnet Crescendo troubles in 7300/200

    No idea if there's any relation, but somebody on Reddit was saying to me that there's some kind of extension to disable speculative execution on the G3. I doubt that would cause any problems at boot time, but maybe try booting without any extensions (or whatever the absolute minimum possible is)?
  18. N

    Performa 640CD Won't Run DOS after 52 Mb Upgrade

    If this is still an issue: Did you thoroughly test the Macintosh sides of things with something that uses a lot of ram all at once? The basic OS load doesn't really use that much memory. If DOS has problems it might indicate an issue in the region of RAM allocated to it. And since that RAM is...
  19. N

    The Holy Grail of PCI Macs: Daystar Millennium Quad 604.

    Maybe it's hardware dependent or processor specific, but I would expect it to be able to see/handle at least two CPUs as there are dual-processor G4 machines (like the PM G4  Quicksilver DP 800 I have). Not sure how much it utilizes that hardware in general though.
  20. N

    Performa 6116 (aka Powermac 6100) various stuff

    Hopefully you are disconnecting and reconnecting the keyboard end. I have heard it's pretty easy to toast the ADB controller on some systems by hotplugging devices.... Regarding CD-ROM drives, as I mentioned before I have a 12x SCSI drive in my 6100 (not sure the model, but it is an Apple...