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  1. J

    My take on the Quadra 950 PSU

    She’s up and running lads! Next up… clean up the peripheral board, wire up with wago connectors. Fan a bit loud, going to see if I can wire up a fan controller.
  2. J

    My take on the Quadra 950 PSU

    slowly but surely… Decided to “upgrade” the fan to a Noctua NF-F12 IndustrialPPC-2000. Original fan drew 0.52amps, replacement power supply fan draws 0.30 and the noctua says it draws 0.1amp.
  3. J

    BGE's take on the Quadra 900/950 ATX PSU Mod

    Found this on ebay, bought one of each and decided to wire up the U2 server PSU for my quadra. Powered it on with just the board connected, seem to be ok.
  4. J

    My take on the Quadra 950 PSU

    After a year or so with on and off research I was finally able to bring my precious Quadra 950 back to life. Thank you Geekdot
  5. J

    How to mod an ATX PSU for 10 Pin Macintosh (for example IIsi, IIci, Quadra 700 and others)

    Hi everyone, just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone on this thread specially @Von for the photos of his labelled PCB of the soft power. THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH GUYS :) You saved my Quadra. Parts used 300W Seasonic SFX SFB Manufacturer code: SSP-300SFB PN2222A NPN Transistor 1K and 10K...
  6. J

    BGE's take on the Quadra 900/950 ATX PSU Mod

    No worries Will, just let me know when you are ready to build as currently there aren’t any option for people like me with a blown original PSU. Pencil me down for two sets for sure. 👍🏽
  7. J

    BGE's take on the Quadra 900/950 ATX PSU Mod

    Wow dude that looks really nice, do you mind if I can trouble you to build one for me? Let me know how much it’ll cost?
  8. J

    BGE's take on the Quadra 900/950 ATX PSU Mod

    I myself am interested to buy two sets of boards just incase. This project is certainly worth it to be restarted not only because I need a psu for my machine but think of all those Quadra out there with a ticking bomb of a psu which can go off without any warning and take the machine with it in...
  9. J

    BGE's take on the Quadra 900/950 ATX PSU Mod

    Guys where can I buy these QuadrATX boards fully populated if possible? Desperately need to put my Quadra back in working order. My original psu made a loud pop sound and tripped by circuit breaker 😭