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  1. J

    Macintosh Color Classic Internal Speaker Not Working

    Is this on the analog board or the logic board? I saw that it looks like it goes through an IC on the analog board?
  2. J

    Macintosh Color Classic Internal Speaker Not Working

    Hello All, Hoping to get some help with the internal speaker not working. I was testing a logic board that I recently bought as an extra to have on hand. So I swapped it into my color classic and bent a pin on the chassis connector due to a bent pin on the logic board. Long story short, I had...
  3. J

    Mac Classic: Sad Mac only when Ram Expansion card inserted

    Wanted to update this thread. I sent this Logic Board into Amiga of Rochester for help. He was able to get it figured out for me. Two resistors turned out to be fried.
  4. J

    Mac Classic: Sad Mac only when Ram Expansion card inserted

    Yes, the jumpers are set correctly on the card itself
  5. J

    Mac Classic: Sad Mac only when Ram Expansion card inserted

    So got a replacement classic board in. Everything on it works great, however, when I plug in a ram expansion card (with 2x1mb sims installed) I get a sad Mac. Unplug the expansion card, boots with no issue. What I’ve tried so far: - Unplugged additional sims and change the jumper to no simms...
  6. J

    Replacement 512k keyboard RJ11 jack

    Thanks for the link! I’ll have to try to get me one and see how it fits!
  7. J

    Replacement 512k keyboard RJ11 jack

    Where can one obtain a compatible socket?
  8. J

    Macintosh Classic Partial Screen Collapse?

    Just wanted to update this thread in case anybody else comes across this issue. I bought a recap kit and went ahead and replaced all the capacitors on the analog board (I had only done a partial recap previously). There was some of the capacitors that I did not replace the first go around that...
  9. J

    Macintosh Classic Partial Screen Collapse?

    I’ve reflowed the main solder joints where the analog board connects to the crt yoke and the logic board. I did clean up residue with a qtip and isopropyl alcohol when recapping. Should I have been more aggressive with cleaning it?
  10. J

    Macintosh Classic Partial Screen Collapse?

    Hello, A while back I partially recapped the analog board of my Macintosh Classic. I got the typical suspects replaced. I remember it working fine, but when I turned it on today, the screen is smaller at the top and bigger at the bottom. If you wait for the computer to warm up, it eventually...
  11. J

    Replacement 512k keyboard RJ11 jack

    Title pretty much says it all, I’m hoping to see if there is some kind of replacement for the RJ11 style phone jack that connects to the keyboard. I’m having issues getting my keyboard to work. I have already replaced the coiled cord itself and reflowed the solder joints on the keyboard / jack...
  12. J

    Re-Capped Macintosh Classic II Analog Board Grounding Issues

    I did a re-cap of the analog board on my Classic II as it was having some power issues with a wavy like screen (you could see a ripple roll down the monitor slowly). Replaced all radial electrolytic capacitors, put it back in the Mac and still having issues with it. Worth noting I am testing...
  13. J

    Tantalum after ReCap catches fire — why?

    So I just recapped a Macintosh LC 1 and everything was going okay. First time for me recapping a vintage mac. Turned it on after recapping it got a startup chime, then next thing you know the cap pops then about an inch tall flame. Quickly blew it out, desoldered it, cleaned it up, and no damage...
  14. J

    Feint moving lines on 5400 when adjusting brightness / contrast

    I just picked up a week ago a Power Mac 5400 AIO system. I’ve been playing around with it some, and it works perfectly except for one thing I’ve noticed. When adjusting brightness and contrast, very feint slow scrolling lines will appear. It only happens when adjusting the monitor controls, and...
  15. J

    iMac G4 20 inch won't turn on?

    Reflowing the solder is usually putting the soldering iron tip on the lead for each capacitor, heating up the surrounding solder back to a liquid state and adding a bit more solder and rosin to strengthen the bond.
  16. J

    iMac G4 20 inch won't turn on?

    Sort of sounds like to me that something has gone wrong in some of the caps in the power supply section of the board. If I had to guess it's probably either a cold solder joint or a capacitor that has leaked, bulging, or stopped working. If you are handy with a soldering iron it may be worth...
  17. J

    Scratched up AntiGlare screen on a Apple Studio Display?

    I picked up an Apple g4 studio display today. One of those where the entire back is clear and sits on a swirled acrylic stand. Got it home and plugged it into my Powermac g4 and works fine. However that's when I noticed that the front of the screen looks scratched, and becomes quite distracting...