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  1. D

    Help Needed Troubleshooting SE/30 Simasimac

    No bridges, all pins seem to be connected and I'm sure it's oriented correctly, I took a picture before doing this, and it matches. Markings on the chip are properly oriented if looking at the board with the ports facing away from you. And still, would a dead chip prevent any activity elsewhere?
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    Help Needed Troubleshooting SE/30 Simasimac

    Hello all, I've had an SE/30 that I've shuffled in and out of working on over the past year or so, along with my many other dead Macs. I managed to fix a video problem it had after recapping it, and it would boot, but only if nothing was on ADB. Thus, I tried swapping the ADB controller chip...
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    Macintosh IIci Logicboard recreation

    My vote is for either purple or black.
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    Very odd SE/30 ADB issue

    Probing the ADB data line I can see a stream of data, although things don't look good. Without the keyboard or mouse attached, everything has nice, 90 degree corners. As soon as I attach the keyboard, the waveform becomes jagged, although still has the same data. Pressing keys predictably does...
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    Very odd SE/30 ADB issue

    Found that the negative side of C13 had not been soldered on. Curse whoever did the recap! Oh wait... 😝 Checked all other caps and while my soldering work isn't the best they are all making contact and secure. Didn't help the ADB issue, but the light on the internal HDD now lights up on initial...
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    Very odd SE/30 ADB issue

    Yep. Although interestingly when booting to the system 7.1 installer from floppy emu, it boots successfully even with the keyboard connected. It doesn't do this for something like disk tools... how wonderfully inconsistent.
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    Very odd SE/30 ADB issue

    My thought too, guess I need to hop back in and check the ADB controller. Just thought I'd check and see if anyone has had this issue, whether it's with the software or hardware side. The boot hanging is what confuses me there.
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    Very odd SE/30 ADB issue

    This is an odd issue: On my SE/30, recently acquired and recapped, everything works fine up until you try to use peripherals. If there is a mouse plugged in, the machine will boot but the mouse is slow and jitters, no matter the surface, even if manipulating the rollers manually. If there is a...
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    SE/30 Jailbar Pattern before and after recapping

    My issue did end up being because of a broken vram trace. Now onto the ADB issue... My experience is limited, but your issue sounds like cap juice messing with the connections. Try poking around with a jumper anyway, to see if you can jump the ram chips to UE8 on vid 0 and 7. That's how I...
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    LC 475 Chimes But No Display, Floppy, HDD Activity

    That's what I assumed :P
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    LC 475 Chimes But No Display, Floppy, HDD Activity

    Interesting! Wonder if the ROMs are to blame, that would be an excuse to buy one of the cool reprogrammable SIMMs :D I reflowed the egret again to no avail (maybe a better cleaning is in order, flux residue is annoying), but I couldn't get the caps to look much better, although I'm pretty sure...
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    LC 475 Chimes But No Display, Floppy, HDD Activity

    Came from factory. I always wondered why none of the boards I saw online had it. Were there even rom SIMMs made for the 475?
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    LC 475 Chimes But No Display, Floppy, HDD Activity

    Sorry about the images, took them in raw on my phone and didn’t convert them down at all, just to png. I do have a hot air gun and flux, although I have to say I’m not particularly skilled with it. I did all of the caps and reflowing with a soldering iron and flux. Too worried about melting...
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    LC 475 Chimes But No Display, Floppy, HDD Activity

    I think I've tried about everything that doesn't require sourcing parts or board-level repair; both of which I'm willing to try. Phipli walked me through a ton of troubleshooting in my other thread. I don't have a ram stick in mine, just vram, so nothing to remove :P Battery has been changed...
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    LC 475 Chimes But No Display, Floppy, HDD Activity

    Board images if it helps somehow. I've got no idea where to go from here other than VRAM which I'm still waiting on. :/
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    Macintosh IIci Logicboard recreation

    Excited to see this come together, I've got a maxell bombed IIci that's probably beyond saving. I find it amazing that the community is still so alive to make things like these recreations happen.
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    LC 475 Chimes But No Display, Floppy, HDD Activity

    This scope claims to be 40 MHz, but I may try to pick up a frequency counter. I don't have a VGA Adapter at the moment, I may have to pick one up. I've been using the Apple monitor I have to test. I'm pretty sure it works, it did a few months ago as I recall. That went over my head a bit :P...
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    LC 475 Chimes But No Display, Floppy, HDD Activity

    Moving this from to here. Originally wanted to just buy a new one but was given hope that this one is fixable. See trading post thread for more details, but in short I have a 475 with no activity beyond the chime. Board has...
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    SE/30 Jailbar Pattern before and after recapping

    Hello! I know this is a common question, but I just recapped my SE/30 and am getting the Jailbar pattern. The computer completely works, has sound, is stable, etc. Just an issue with the video circuitry. I understand that usually this pattern is linked to an issue with a trace being eaten away...