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  1. blindowl

    Se/30 kicking my butt

    After trying everything, replacing the F258 chips solved the simasimac/death chimes issues I had on my first SE/30. It always chimed, though.
  2. blindowl

    Mounting a PiSCSI internally

    Oh, interesting! I didn’t know about such thing. Will look it up! Honestly, I haven’t tried the other way around. Only verified ground and made sure the black cable from the LED connected to it. Should be correct but I guess I need to try…
  3. blindowl

    Mounting a PiSCSI internally

    Anyone else using a PiSCSI/RaSCSI mounted internally, powered by the Mac? Two things: the shutdown process. When I shutdown the Mac, the RPi will also turn off, abruptly, and possibly corrupt the SD card. If I shutdown the Pi first, while the Mac is running, the Mac will freeze. What’s best...
  4. blindowl

    Classic II – won't start after cleaning

    Since my last post I've put this project aside for the moment. Summery of what I've done: • Replaced all caps on the logic board • Adjusted the voltage rails on the analog board • Changed to another pair of RAM modules — computer now actually started to boot normally, but with intermittent...
  5. blindowl

    IIci ROM options?

    The results were quite interesting! Some games crash, some errors a lot, but a few actually seem to work! At least the beginning of the games. Police Quest 1.50 normally has some graphical glitches at the first scene, movement of the character isn't visible in som areas. But after I dropped all...
  6. blindowl

    IIci ROM options?

    Yeah Mini vMac works, but like mentioned I also have my SE/30, which is old enough for the games to run properly. I was just playing around with the idea of putting an older ROM in the IIci.
  7. blindowl

    IIci ROM options?

    Aha, too bad! Then I guess my “just disable QuickDraw in ROM hack” approach might be a bit over simplified too.. :)
  8. blindowl

    IIci ROM options?

    Sorry, it's the all the old AGI games. 2.x versions does seem to work on newer machine, but they don't exist out there on the interweb, only the older 1.x versions. Here's an interesting write up someone did about these old games...
  9. blindowl

    IIci ROM options?

    Yep, they run, but very glitchy. Only way for me to play them is on my SE/30, with it's "dirty" ROM + color card and monitor. But I'd prefer to run them on my IIci instead.
  10. blindowl

    IIci ROM options?

    Looking at the disassembled IIsi ROM (used by the Mac ROM-Inator II) at, I see a few QuickDraw references (I think): QDExist, ColorQD, NoCQD. And that's where my ROM hacking knowledge ends. :)
  11. blindowl

    IIci ROM options?

    For the Sierra games to work you mean? The issue is 32 bit QuickDraw — which is included on all clean ROMs, switching to 24 bit addressing has no effect, unfortunately. Edit: I wonder if it’d be possible to program a PurpleROM with a stock IIci ROM, but exclude 32 bit QuickDraw?
  12. blindowl

    IIci ROM options?

    How compatible are the Macintosh II ROMs with each other? I don’t want the IIci ROM to be 32 bit clean — so that I can play all those old Sierra games in color without issues. I’ve tried to run it with two different SE/30 ROMs, but it doesn’t work and the machine just starts with chimes of death...
  13. blindowl

    Etherport II card

    I just tried your driver and when installed the only interface I can choose in Network and MacTCP is LocalTalk. I also tried the DaynaPORT drivers but with them I have the same issue as with the Shiva drivers. So I guess the card/transceiver is faulty...
  14. blindowl

    Classic II Analog Boards were made to ruin lives

    My Classic II had the same issue just recently. After I did some cleaning and re-soldering of th Egret chip on the LB it suddenly came to life again.
  15. blindowl

    Etherport II card

    Thank you for your advise. I had an old Airport Express with 10/100 ethernet lying around, I'm now using it as a bridge. Tried this just now. Installed a clean "IIci" installation of System 7.1. Then NSI 1.5.1, and then the Shiva/Kinetics/Novel drivers. I can see the "EtherTalk" device in...
  16. blindowl

    Etherport II card

    I'm trying to get this Novel Etherport II card working with a IIci but without any luck. I've paired it with a CentreCOM 201TS transceiver, connected to the network with a CAT6 cable. I've downloaded the drivers from Tried clean installs of...
  17. blindowl

    Netatalk 2.2.7 Released

    Good catch! From afpd.conf: I guess because I omitted the dash, I didn't have a default server in the config. Therefore the afpd[10686]: main: no servers configured. error. Maybe.. Yep, did that. Missed it at first and afpd.service failed starting when the bin was missing. Anyway, now with...
  18. blindowl

    Netatalk 2.2.7 Released

    Ah, just tried @slipperygrey 's 2.2.x fork instead of the upstream 2.2.7. Now AppleShare on my older Macs works again!
  19. blindowl

    Netatalk 2.2.7 Released

    I’m using -transall, meaning both TCP and DDP. Using -ddp -tcp also gives the same result. If I use -ddp only, it seems like it’s still activating TCP. If I explicitly disable TCP with -ddp -notcp it errors with afpd[10686]: main: no servers configured. Which is weird.
  20. blindowl

    Netatalk 2.2.7 Released

    @slipperygrey I decided to remove the old 2.2.5 installation from my Debian machine and update to 2.2.7. AppleShare still works fine under modern macOS 13, older Mac OS X Sever 10.5.8 and over TCP/IP in Basiilisk II and a Mac OS 9 laptop. But I can't get the share to show up in Chooser anymore...