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    Grape iMac DV Revival

    I found the resistor I need to order, however I'll be holding off on reassembly / repair of this machine until the clear display bezels from the kickstarter project become available. I suppose around may / June I may attempt reassembly but to be honest I have several other projects in line first...

    The Best 12" iBook

    I love the tales I’m hearing of the other G4 iBooks. These were really what got me into the Mac platform after my ill-fated clamshell died shortly after my dad surprised me with it off eBay (This was in 2010, well after its prime). The G4 was so much better and could actually be used for my...

    The Best 12" iBook

    Must just be the photos, it's squared up to me, unlike my 12" PBG4.

    The Best 12" iBook

    Here's a few photos of it all cleaned up, I think it turned out pretty nice!

    Mac Pro 2008

    Very nice! I got a 2008 for free a few years back with a 30" Cinema Display as well. It was a great setup, I eventually found a 4,1 for not too much money and updated the firmware. I ran OCLP on it for about a year and a half until it started to become unstable out of sleep mode, and I then...

    Grape iMac DV Revival

    Does anyone know what resistor goes in R992 on this analog board is? I have a photo of it prior to it being damaged, looks to be a 5.6 kOHM? Don’t want to order the wrong one and then have a problem.

    The Best 12" iBook

    It's all back together and polished up! Typing this reply on it. It's definitely much nicer to experience one of these machines with an SSD these days. I've been running UT2003 on it for fun, my coworkers really seemed to like it. I imaged the disc with toast so I'd have it and could just mount...

    The Best 12" iBook

    I've been looking for a 12" iBook G4 on and off over the years as a means to relive my experiences with my first Mac a decade ago. It was a 1.2 GhZ 12", and I took it apart more times than I can count trying to understand its workings and improve its performance. Unfortunately I was young and...

    Anything I should know before I do a flyback replacement on a trayloading iMac?

    To my knowledge no, there's nothing specific other than to note the orientation of the the original flyback, and I'd also guess to make sure your solder joints are good and the rest of the board is in good condition too.

    Grape iMac DV Revival

    Yeah, I do like the pink marker, helps me to remember which ones I've done and which I haven't, it's an old mechanics trick. I do one at a time unless two manage to come out at once using the twist off method.

    Grape iMac DV Revival

    So I tore the G3 back down yesterday and the eagle eyed among you may see the problem. Although I had checked for no extra metal segments or solder left on the board, as well as cleaning it of flux, I put a single 100v 100uf capacitor in backwards at C949. That created a dead short and...

    Grape iMac DV Revival

    Unfortunately, after putting everything back together tonight, upon testing it, something let the magic smoke out. I was fairly thorough when putting everything back together, and it pains me to rip the machine back apart again. Ever have that defeated feeling? I'm going to get a better screw...

    Grape iMac DV Revival

    That's super cool, LaPorta. I work for  retail as a technician, I love hearing stories like that in my store. I have a few of my original products I bought or were gifts, with my first being my iPod shuffle (which I was just messing around with today) and my engraved 5th gen Nano...

    Grape iMac DV Revival

    I find iBook G4's enjoyable to work on contrary to many other people too. I just think the screw locations / plastic bosses on this model are really bad and weak. Time will do that to any computer but especially these.

    My Recent Additions

    Nice finds! I just won an iBook G4 on eBay for $9 + shipping (the mid 05' 12"). Hopefully it gives me memories of my old 1.2GhZ 12" that helped start my Mac journey in the early 2010s.

    Grape iMac DV Revival

    It was by far the hardest Mac I've encountered to take apart. Second only to the iBook G4 / Powerbook G4 for getting to the hard drive. Third only to the 2015 MacBook. Hopefully I can get everything back together and it's working. I reflowed the flyback solder pads so hopefully that works...

    Grape iMac DV Revival

    Hey everyone! I've posted a few revivals before, mainly about my classic Macs. I recently obtained an iMac G3 DV with the original box and accessories for $100. It was listed as working, however it did nothing other than let out a quick speaker pop when pressing the power button. I've recapped...

    Imaging SCSI2SD for 7.5.5

    Thank you Phipli! The process you linked to was much more straightforward! I got everything all imaged up on my modern Mac, then setup the SCSI2SD settings as instructed and bam! The chicken on the restore boot image was quite funny to see. I should state that just before I tried that, I did...

    Imaging SCSI2SD for 7.5.5

    I will try this and report back! Thanks!

    Imaging SCSI2SD for 7.5.5

    Just did that, the SD does show up correctly on that Mac and in newer Macs running 10.5.