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  1. B

    Color Classic II won't boot from BlueSCSI V2

    Okay, my friend brought over his SCSI to SD adapter and we put in the same SD card that I've put the HD images in. The computer was able to boot from it. So it appears there is something wrong with the external SCSI port. Damn. Well, thanks for all the help and suggestions. I guess i made...
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    Color Classic II won't boot from BlueSCSI V2

    I forgot to mention it but a fresh PRAM battery was installed prior to my attempt to boot from the BlueSCSI. I spoke with my friend who has an internal SCSI to SD. We'll give that a try tonight to see if it's the external SCSI port.
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    Color Classic II won't boot from BlueSCSI V2

    Unfortunately, I currently do not have any other external hard drive or another vintage mac to test to see if it's the BlueSCSI or the external SCSI port. I have a friend with a working Mac IIci I can try the BlueSCSI on but it'll probably have to wait until the weekend.
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    Color Classic II won't boot from BlueSCSI V2

    Yes, the computer came without a hard drive. The previous owner removed the dead drive prior to shipping.
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    Color Classic II won't boot from BlueSCSI V2

    Hi, I recently picked up a Color Classic II with a dead hard drive and tried to boot from a BlueSCSI v2 DB25 from the external SCSI port. The BlueSCSI was purchased form Joe's Computer Museum preassembled. All I kept getting is the floppy icon with flashing question mark. I've followed the...