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  1. olliec420

    Was given six Power Mac G5s from TV station but...

    Well they're sold. A guy about 45 minutes away came and got it from ebay. He's got another one and is going to try to take all 7 and make as many working ones as he can so that works. At least they didnt go to the scrap yard!
  2. olliec420

    Was given six Power Mac G5s from TV station but...

    Its not wrong but you need one from each gen if youre gonna do that. From Quadra to Mac Pro.
  3. olliec420

    Was given six Power Mac G5s from TV station but...

    44lbs isnt too bad. I do ecommerce and sell online so I get big shipping discounts over retail. Ground wouldnt be too bad. But thats not the problem, the problem is shipping materials. Findings ones that fit and are sturdy enough is going to be tough and to buy new ones will be expensive...
  4. olliec420

    Was given six Power Mac G5s from TV station but...

    A guy on CL just messaged me local wanting to come get them and he said that he fixes up old computers and donates them. I told him no because these arent computers the average joe can use. Need a home with a more specialized user, so yeah Im trying to get them in to the hands of someone that...
  5. olliec420

    Was given six Power Mac G5s from TV station but...

    Make a trip out of it! This is great time of year to visit our beaches. All the crowds are gone and the temperatures are much nicer. Im about 10 min form the beach. I'll bring them to your hotel.
  6. olliec420

    Was given six Power Mac G5s from TV station but...

    I was given six Power Mac G5s from a local sinclair/abc affiliate station. The cases are in good shape but the person who had them for many years had them stored in non-climate controlled storage for years. They are a bit dirty. Some have video cards, some dont. Some have SNS Ellipse fibre...
  7. olliec420

    BGE's take on the Quadra 900/950 ATX PSU Mod

    How difficult was the surgery?  I have it all ready for me but I just haven't felt the urge to sit and tackle it yet.  Ive watched enough videos, I think I got a plan but I am not very experience with this kind of soldering.  I got to get this done one weekend soon.  Any tip or suggestions for me?
  8. olliec420

    BGE's take on the Quadra 900/950 ATX PSU Mod

    Ahh ok very cool.  I definitely want a parts kit too when available.  Thanks for all the hard work to keep these old beasts alive! 
  9. olliec420

    BGE's take on the Quadra 900/950 ATX PSU Mod

    BGE:  Sorry, I haven't been following this thread closely as I should have been.  Are you offering to sell PSUs or the parts and instructions for us to mod our PSUs?  
  10. olliec420

    BGE's take on the Quadra 900/950 ATX PSU Mod

    So I had the same thing happen to one I just got in the mail.  Please see my threads... You should find these helpful.   I was able to see the remnants of markings on my burnt cap and was able to determine it was...
  11. olliec420

    Quadra 950 restoration procedure questions and thoughts.

    Oh great tip on the magic eraser.  There is a big black scuff down the front, I'll try to remove it with that. I don't think I mentioned before, this 950 has a Metroworks inventory sticker on it.  Im really anxious to see whats on the hard drive.  Maybe theres some cool code from some product...
  12. olliec420

    Quadra 950 restoration procedure questions and thoughts.

    Yes good call.  Will do.  This thing may just come together after all.  Thanks.
  13. olliec420

    Quadra 950 restoration procedure questions and thoughts.

    Thanks Alex.  All this has been very helpful.  I think I'm on the right track... now I just learned I need to watch for two things, the pads and the size of the new cap!  I will get on it!  Now the only remaining question I have which you may not know the answer too is, I want to clean the case...
  14. olliec420

    Quadra 950 restoration procedure questions and thoughts.

    Oh wow.  Thanks for that.  Glad to know theres someone who's been there before.   So you replaced the cap and thats all?  Several folks have told me to take off that voltage regulator right above it and test it as it may be the cause.  I understand why they would suggest that but I want to do...
  15. olliec420

    Quadra 950 restoration procedure questions and thoughts.

    Ok, I'll see about getting some distilled water to do it.  Now the other part, what to clean it with.  I have a medium toothbrushes I could use.  The cloth like paper towels will rip.  Cloth will get caught on stuff and I don't want to pull anything off or otherwise put strain on it.  Some of...