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    Announcing RetroChallenge 2022/10!

    Hi @Byte Knight - which forum is it we should be using? Thanks, Mark
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    I am pleased to announce that Retrochallenge 2016/10 – the ‘October’ edition of the Retrochallenge – will run and is now open to entrants! Roll-up Roll-up! Get those thinking caps on and come up with an excellent retro-computing project. Why not? The Retrochallenge 2016/10 competition will run...
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    Regarding Scott & NATHAN's comments I had a go at this back in 2009 with a VAXstation: what I found was that using the internet is like an addiction. To start with you get serious withdrawals, then after a while you relax and get used to the lack...
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    Greetings I'm the organiser of Retrochallenge, so hopefully will be able to add some info to this thread. You must have hit the website whilst I was moving it between hosts. The website is back up at Dale, the Twitter Monkey ran the competition with myself for ten...
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    Retrochallenge 2012 Summer Challenge

    Announcing the Retrochallenge 2012 Summer Challenge As usual the competition is open to all, so come and join us for a legitimized month of playing, hacking and blogging with/about your retrogear. For those of you new to retrochallenge the philosophy is: Register using the ENTER link on the...
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    Developing my MacRefLib project on my LC 575?

    Looks like you've got yourself a place to blog, so no excuses now ;)
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    Retrochallenge 2011 Summer Challenge

    The good thing about retrochallenge is that it tends to gently encourage you to go from 'I must do x/y' to 'I'm doing x/y'. I spent years saying 'I must write some VAX/Macro code' to 'I've written some VAX/Macro code' which I'm sure wouldn't have happened had it not been for retrochallenge...
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    Retrochallenge 2011 Summer Challenge

    Forgot to mention that the competition URL is
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    Retrochallenge 2011 Summer Challenge

    We are a couple of weeks from the Summer Challenge! About Retrochallenge In a nutshell, the RetroChallenge is a loosely disorganised gathering of RetroComputing enthusiasts who collectively do stuff with old computers for a month. The event is very much open to interpretation... individuals...
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    Winter & 300 Baud

    I've created a preliminary website at - luddite - if you can link this in to the website that would be great. Regards, Mark.
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    Winter & 300 Baud

    I'll be happy to guest host the WW as required - I've sent LD8 a PM, hopefully he's about over xmas to reply. Mark.
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    RetroBBS now available (again)

    Note that the change in IP address for the DNS name will take a bit to propogate.
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    RetroBBS now available (again)

    Sorry guys, I was wondering why there wasn't any BBS activity, and then 'duh' it finally clicked. The static IP address has changed, so we need to get the domain name updated. I'll talk to Simon about that. In the meantime, I've reset to the new IP address which is...
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    RetroBBS now available (again)

    Following the protracted switch between service providers the RetroBBS is now back online, hopefully without any significant interruption from now on. Mark
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    RetroBBS lives again!

    Now hosting the retrochallenge bbs for the foreseeable future on my humble Dell 7500 Inspiron laptop - average power consumption is 15 watts, not bad for an old box running NetBSD 4.0.1. Now all I have to do is get the VAX version going! telnet:// Regards, Mark.
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    Winter Warm Up 09 - Gavo's Pseudo Blog

    Oh, and one more thing - if you've got time on your hands a view into the applications, programming languages and hardware (including lots of photos and screengrabs [if that's possible]) would be really interesting. Cheers! Mark.
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    Winter Warm Up 09 - Gavo's Pseudo Blog

    WELL DONE! Works very nicely, no problems at all accessing it through my VAX OpenVMS box via a decterm telnet. Regards, Mark.
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    Email Address for MACMAN

    I was reading MACMAN's blog and wanted to email him but there were no clues on his site - anyone have an email address for him?
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    Winter Warm-up 2009

    my blog (of sorts) is now forming out of the ether:
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    Winter Warm Up 09 - Gavo's Pseudo Blog

    I look forward to logging in and giving your games my best shot! No pressure of course. Mark.