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  1. P

    Can I power a Yikes Logic Board with a Sawtooth PSU?

    PSUs I'd say yes:
  2. P

    More pico-mac stuff

    Would it be possible to add more RAM externally? Serial (P)SRAM on a PIO?
  3. P

    More information on Pro Tools 2 and 3 Systems

    The two-card setup I mention is one Core card that connects to the HD and interface, and one card that has just DSPs. This is the minimal setup for TDM. I think you can use the HD/interface card on its own, but then there's no software mixing. Maybe if you're recording instruments and mixing in...
  4. P

    More information on Pro Tools 2 and 3 Systems

    Nice to have a ProTools thread again! We had one with some good info but it was unfortunately lost in a crash a few years ago. I don't personally have a Nubus ProTools setup running at this moment. I've had a few different ones: * Simple, minimal two-card TDM setup in a Quadra 700 with 882...
  5. P

    What Drawing Tablet + Scanner for a Quadra 950?

    Yes, I suppose there's some good reason they exist!
  6. P

    What Drawing Tablet + Scanner for a Quadra 950?

    I bought a big Wacom tablet (A4) thinking it would be better. It's not. It means you have to move your arm a lot more and it's impractical on the desk. Also, A4 is the size of the active area, it's quite a bit bigger than a sheet of paper.
  7. P

    A thread for RackMacs

    You're running mains voltage over a barrel jack? edit - I realize what's going on now! I'd like to apologize for assuming that you're an idiot, as only a true a idiot would.
  8. P

    Resources for how to program an app that supports "Drag and drop" ?

    I don't remember and I don't have the code at hand right now (disconnected tower machine), but I remember looking at the docs and thinking about dropping it, and then it turned out simple enough.
  9. P

    Resources for how to program an app that supports "Drag and drop" ?

    I implemented drag and drop for my to do list application and it was a lot easier than it looked at first glance.
  10. P

    OS9 Programming & UTF-8

    I never got around to implementing this feature, but I did find some conversion functions in Apple's headers. I was scared off by the long prototypes though, and I think they were part of ATSUI which AFAICT is OS 8.5+ only, so it wasn't perfect for my usecase (aiming for 7.5.5 compatibility).
  11. P

    The Best 12" iBook

    Beautiful! I still have a 12" 1.33GHz as well, bought it new cause I had one of the G3 iBooks that kept having graphics issues and needing to be sent in for repairs (Apple extended the warranty on that model!). Unlike yours, my G4 is scratched up and dirty and the hard drive's on its last...
  12. P

    Looks like TLS 1.3 has been made to work on Windows 3.1. Can the same be done for System 7?

    Is it possible to use retro68 to compile a library and then link to it from Codewarrior? I like actually using my Mac to code.
  13. P

    Reverse-engineering the Lapis ProColorServer 8 II

    Watching this with great interest!
  14. P

    Digidesign NuBus expansion box

    I know this is an old thread, there was another Pro Tools thread that unfortunately got lost in the crash, but it should be known that one can, in fact, setup a PTIII Nubus system with just software from the Garden. No need to find floppies.
  15. P

    Various questions involving PowerMac 7100, 8100 and Pro Tools

    I don't think HUI cares about the hardware you're using. If you're running the right version of PT, it'll work.
  16. P

    Various questions involving PowerMac 7100, 8100 and Pro Tools

    I don't know, I've also seen both. It might be more complicated than that - maybe they work with some drivers but not others. Where in the world are you? I've got three original 882s that definitely do work with Nubus, and that's probably at least one too many.
  17. P

    As far as how many boards you get, OSH Park ( will only send you three. I understand...

    As far as how many boards you get, OSH Park ( will only send you three. I understand you though, fiber glass is extremely nasty from an environmental perspective and I don't like buying more than I need either.
  18. P

    You should think of making PCBs as a hobby in itself - if it's something you're interested in...

    You should think of making PCBs as a hobby in itself - if it's something you're interested in, go for it, but like anything else, the people at the factories really know what they're doing. If you've never worked with boards without solder mask and through-plated holes, believe me when I say...
  19. P

    The Pro Audio Spectrum 16 NuBus's YMF262 FM synthesizer...

    I think that's just how the YMF262 works? It has two address pins, and the writing to addresses 0b00 and 0b01 are "address writes", writing to 0b1x is a "data write". In general, since all the chips are the same, I'd work from the assumption that it's the simplest adaptation of the ISA version...
  20. P

    Various questions involving PowerMac 7100, 8100 and Pro Tools

    AudioMedia II has normal digital I/O, so you can use it with many converters if you like. The Sound Accelerator has some custom connection to a breakout box. As for upgrade culture, you're very much right. It goes way back - I actually saw a website on that referred to NuBus PT...