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  1. djhaloeight

    LCIII - Recapped and alive! 12 hours later... DOA

    I forgot to mention that max1zzz (who is a serious Mac mad scientist!) very kindly diagnosed the open traces on my LCIII+ and transferred everything from my board to one of his new production boards. That's how I found out it was rotted traces. I'm unaware of any reversed capacitors on these...
  2. djhaloeight

    LCIII - Recapped and alive! 12 hours later... DOA

    For what it’s worth, my LCIII+ died a few years after being fully recapped. The traces on the RAM address bus had corroded internally, due to electrolytic cap juice pooling there before it was fixed.
  3. djhaloeight

    New LC475

    Can’t add much beyond what’s been said already, other than the Q605/LC/Performa 475 is a great if not the best budget 68k machine! A good ultrasonic cleaning, recap the logic board, max the RAM and VRAM, and add a ZuluSCSI, and you’re set! My favorite pizza box Mac!
  4. djhaloeight

    Introducing scuzEMU, a SCSI Emulator Utility

    Very cool piece of software! I'll be installing it on my Macs that use ZuluSCSI.
  5. djhaloeight

    Classic Macs now has a Hotline server!

    Very cool. I'll stop in next time I have one of my machines setup. They're all stored in the closet at the moment.
  6. djhaloeight

    Mac Performa 200 issues

    For what its worth, the cap kits I've gotten from console5 were great for recapping my LC machines.
  7. djhaloeight

    A thread for RackMacs

    All three of the Rack Macs in this thread are awesome! Love how first one kept the beige color scheme and the second recreated the Q605 front bezel. The third is just cool cuz its ex-NASA, and has a key...nice ;)
  8. djhaloeight

    Recommendation on first 90s Mac

    Hey and welcome! For a first 90s Mac, I'd say either a Quadra 605/LC/Performa 475, if you were wanting to run primarily 68k apps. Otherwise, I agree with what was said above: a Power Macintosh G3. I have a B&W G3 400MHz rev 2, and its a screamer. A 7500 would also be an ok choice, but those have...
  9. djhaloeight

    Performa 475 logic board seems ok after 30 years

    My Performa 475 is also in very good condition after all these years. Still works perfectly on all original caps, with no signs of leakage as of yet. I do have new tantalum caps for it though, along with caps for my other LC machines that need them. I plan on tackling it once I grab a hot air...
  10. djhaloeight

    How long does OS9 take to boot for you?

    I threw a 7200rpm SCSI drive in my B&W G3 when I got it out of storage and working again. Mac OS 8.6 boots super quick. I know it’s not 9 or 9.2.2 but it’s super snappy to use.
  11. djhaloeight

    The LC III that chimes death with no video.

    Any easy fix is a good thing!
  12. djhaloeight

    The LC III that chimes death with no video.

    Mine turned out to three corroded open traces on the RAM address bus. Probably from the original caps that leaked before I had them replaced. I ended up having max1zzz swap my chips and components over to one of his new reverse engineered purple motherboards. It’s been fine since :)
  13. djhaloeight

    LC II Recap + Sonnet Presto LC 040 Accelerator

    Agreed. My LC II is completely non functional, yet my older LC still works. LC caps leaked less than the LC II. I’m ordering a hot air rework solder station soon and I already have caps on hand to replace both machines.
  14. djhaloeight

    Monthly Reminder about the Classic Mac FirstClass server...

    Definitely gonna check this out when I fire up one of my old Macs :)
  15. djhaloeight

    Reverse Engineering the Macintosh LC III Logicboard

    Haven’t had any issues with my board and the PDS ethernet card I use. :)
  16. djhaloeight

    Breaking the 36MB RAM limit on the LCIII

    Max, you’re a mad scientist!
  17. djhaloeight

    Bad caps leading to slow performance ?

    Never noticed any of my machines running any slower with older/original caps that needed replacing. And oh yeah, SimCity 2K on an LC or LCII is gonna be! Its still pretty damn slow on my LCIII+. I play it on my Performa 475 at minimum, or the B&W G3 if I want the fastest snappy...
  18. djhaloeight

    BlueSCSI SD card prep

    Not sure. If it supports using .hda files as hard drive images I’d imagine it would.
  19. djhaloeight

    BlueSCSI SD card prep

    I don’t have any experience with mini vMac, so I don’t know if it even supports using .hda files as hard disk images. But you just drag the .hda file in the Finder to the sd to copy it for use in the bluescsi, just like you’d copy any other file to an sd.