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  1. avadondragon

    68K PowerBook conversion

    I agree completely. Although that was somewhat my point. I don't engage with this community often and now I need to take a break. Should I bother wasting my time coming back? I don't actually have to contribute anything to get what I need here so why bother posting anything ever? Am I too...
  2. avadondragon

    68K PowerBook conversion

    @Phipli - Getting upset and engaging with trolls is a legitimate waste of my time and energy. He won this fight because the only conceivable value of his comment was to provoke my anger and he achieved his goal. I'd rather like to see less of that in the places I chose to spend my time on the...
  3. avadondragon

    68K PowerBook conversion

    Awesome! Why don't you give me a quick summary of how Apple wired up the displays on these PowerBooks and save me the trouble of digging through the dev notes then? Damn... I was really hoping to do some high framerate gaming on my 1-bit graphics 25Mhz Laptop from 1991. Thought I might be...
  4. avadondragon

    68K PowerBook conversion

    So that's where they hid it! I never thought to look in the Portable's developer notes. Didn't occur to me that they would be the same. I've never had a portable or wanted one so that was the one set of developer notes I hadn't looked at. Thank you so much for this hint. Understanding how...
  5. avadondragon

    68K PowerBook conversion

    If anyone knows where to find the documentation on the internal video connectors I'd like to take a look at it. The external video ports use known standards and are easy enough to adapt for this purpose if the machine in question has one. Did you know a lot of the weird computers in the...
  6. avadondragon

    PowerBook 170 with e-ink screen

    Yep technight is right. The CCFL tubes tend to get reddish when they start to fail in my experience.
  7. avadondragon

    PowerBook 170 with e-ink screen

    I didn't realize the LCDs yellowed over time. I had a pristine 170 not too many years ago. Not the slightest sign of tunnel vision but I did notice a yellowish tint to the LCD which I thought was just the way that they were. Putting an Eink display in a PB1xx series machine has always been on...
  8. avadondragon

    PowerBook 1xx Upgrade Questions

    The MMU is the same as the one found in other 68030 machines so it isn't a limiting factor. If you look at how they've set up the memory map on these machines there is actually a huge block labeled "Expansion RAM" (could easily accommodate 128MB in that address space) which could presumably be...
  9. avadondragon

    PowerBook 1xx Upgrade Questions

    I have wondered the same sort of questions. The only source I could find to shed some light on those secrets were the Apple developer notes which can be found here: if you want to take a look. It has been quite a while since I looked at the dev notes myself...
  10. avadondragon

    What System Software do you recommend running for the PowerBook 140

    Depending on what you're using for a hard drive and if you've got the extra space it might be fun to dual boot 6.0.8 along with 7.1.x (or 7.5.x). Here is the version that works on the 140 -
  11. avadondragon

    Compiling MacFlim's flimmaker on ARM - Raspberry Pi?

    I eventually gave up. It eats up HUGE amounts of RAM. I ended up running it on a Linux machine with 16GB and it used most of it.
  12. avadondragon

    ZuluSCSI Compact Homebrew - A Smaller, Faster, and More Capable RP2040-based SCSI emulator

    Wow that is a cool feature! Any chance for being able to emulate a USB mass storage device too?
  13. avadondragon

    Has anyone tried replacing the internal modem?

    Which model PowerBook are you interested in this for? I can only think of a couple that have internal IDE but lack built in ethernet. I use an internal PiSCSI on my PowerBook 180c to connect to WiFi. Here's a post with pictures of a guy using one on his Duo 280c.
  14. avadondragon

    Has anyone tried replacing the internal modem?

    The PiSCSI and Scuznet that I listed are the current modern solutions.
  15. avadondragon

    Has anyone tried replacing the internal modem?

    Yep. Check out this thread - PowerBook 1xx Wireless Modem As for 10BASE-T Ethernet there were a couple of options from back in the day. There was the DaynaPORT SCSI to ethernet adapter and the Farallon EtherWave which hooked up to the serial port. Probably a couple of others but those two I...
  16. avadondragon

    MacTCP settings for dial-up?

    Yep they do! I just looked them up.
  17. avadondragon

    Memory expansion compatibility

    Yes they're mostly inter-compatible. The 33MHz PowerBooks use faster RAM but there's a sense line to detect if it has one of the faster modules or not. The machine will add wait states to deal with slower memory. Also there are some funky shaped modules that only physically fit in certain...
  18. avadondragon

    PowerBook G3 Wallstreet replace CCFL with LED strip

    Awesome! I've been wanting to do an LED upgrade on my PDQ. It is getting pretty dim.
  19. avadondragon

    Lombard Questions

    If I'm reading things correctly in the dev notes it seem to hint that the address lines are there. But there is no guarantee. Quad ranked memory modules are listed as supported just not at that capacity. I suspect that is only because they didn't exist at the time of writing. I only ever...
  20. avadondragon

    Lombard Questions

    Despite having the exact same memory controller with the same capabilities and limitations Apple's official max memory on the Wallstreet is only 192MB rather than the Lombard's 384MB. As Phipli said, Apple reports the spec at the time of launch and never updates it. Chips get physically...