Search results

  1. JWrigley

    se/30 dual slot PDS Gerbers

    Thanks, Chopsticks :) I do see JMP3, the middle and right are connected currently, yes. Pity there doesn't seem to be any documentation for these jumpers anywhere. I'll experiment over the weekend and see what I come up with. Thanks again, much appreciated!
  2. JWrigley

    se/30 dual slot PDS Gerbers

    Thanks for your reply, cheesestraws. Had wondered if it was an ID conflict! As it turns out, none of my cards have jumpers unfortunately. I think I have one more ethernet card, I'll check to see if that one does. Thanks again :)
  3. JWrigley

    se/30 dual slot PDS Gerbers

    First off, Chopsticks, thank you for designing this and being so kind as to release it! I had your board made by PCBWay and bought the 3x connectors from Mouser. Put it together today, and have run into a weird issue... So, my video card (Lapis ColorServer) works in either of the slots, as does...
  4. JWrigley

    Lapis Display Card ROMs?

    Seems happy running System 7.5.5 from a MacSD :)
  5. JWrigley

    Lapis Display Card ROMs?

    May I ask if the card you have is working at the moment, or no output? Mine initially had no output, which was the corrupt ROM. How I know it is faulty/corrupt is I am unable to read it using my programmer, which is a XGecu TL866II plus (perhaps a knock-of). Definitely preferable to have an...
  6. JWrigley

    Lapis Display Card ROMs?

    Kinda sorta... My revised theory is that there is a lot in common between cards using that ROM, but that there is a section of it that includes what resolutions/colour depths it supports, and therefore the included VRAM amount, as well as the card name/identifier. Would be interesting to get...
  7. JWrigley

    Lapis Display Card ROMs?

    Happy to report success with adding the other 4x DRAM modules - I first tried simply adding them rather than replacing in case the issue was the mismatched ROM assuming more DRAM than was present, and it fired up fine - a welcome sight indeed! 256 colours is fine, thousands is not. I am OK with...
  8. JWrigley

    Lapis Display Card ROMs?

    To clarify, before using this fresh ROM, on boot the internal display on either SE/30 I tried stayed grey, no HD activity, and nothing appeared on the external display. So, I have now ordered 6x of the M5M44256AL RAM chips, when they arrive I will try swapping them around to work out which is...
  9. JWrigley

    Lapis Display Card ROMs?

    Very interesting, I am certainly getting further with a fresh EPROM. Looks like there is still an issue, I'm guessing one of the 4x 256K video RAM chips is flakey. Booting from 7.1 with the "ColorServer™PDS-17" control panel installed, I cannot open it, the error is that there may not be enough...
  10. JWrigley

    Lapis Display Card ROMs?

    Awesome work, thank you! Now to burn it onto another EPROM and test the “all 60590s are created equally” theory :)
  11. JWrigley

    Lapis Display Card ROMs?

    OK, I have asked someone who I know has a similar card for a dump of the ROM, maybe there will be some good news on this front on the way!
  12. JWrigley

    Lapis Display Card ROMs?

    Here it is, the label came off when I removed the ROM, I haven't exposed it to enough UV that that'd be the issue (*he said hopefully*). I like the theory that all ROMs with the number 60590 are actually the same... Certainly would make life easier if it's the case! Any help with this would be...
  13. JWrigley

    Lapis Display Card ROMs?

    I would also love to get my hands on a dump of that ROM, I have a Lapis ColorServer PDS/30-17 which I am hoping is only not working due to a corrupt EPROM (27C64A that is another with "60590" on the label). I managed to resurrect a Radius PrecisionColor 24Xp with the same fix! Don't know if it...
  14. JWrigley

    Introducing (and interest check) AirTalk: Wireless plug-and-play LocalTalk dongles

    Put me down for two, please. I’m in Melbourne, Australia :) Thanks!
  15. JWrigley

    Looking for Mac Hack CDs!!! :-D

    Oh no - that is weird, is coming up as these random dodgy sites now :( Just checked their twitter, apparently an ex-admin sold the domain! Now they have to get it back...
  16. JWrigley

    Looking for Mac Hack CDs!!! :-D

    Done, hope I have followed all the guidelines correctly!
  17. JWrigley

    Looking for Mac Hack CDs!!! :-D

    Thanks @olePigeon - will do!
  18. JWrigley

    Looking for Mac Hack CDs!!! :-D

    I'm not sure if this has already been covered, and I know it is an old thread, but I have a book/CD called "Late Night with MacHack". Has the CD image been archived anywhere? If not, where should it be? :)
  19. JWrigley

    mAcTX - ATX to Classic Macs

    Thanks for your reply, completely understand how work can overtake any fun hobby stuff. Look forward to an update on the kits when you can, definitely interested in the two as mentioned :)