Search results

  1. G

    Softwindows 2 68k

    Hi everyone! I just wanted to post a small update. I now managed to contact one of the former developers of SoftWindows. He explained that there has indeed been a 68k-version of SoftWindows 2.0 for Macintosh as well as for Atari. However none of them have ever been released to public. He is not...
  2. G

    Softwindows 2 68k

    Hi everyone around! I now have some time again to continue my quest for Softwindows-2-68k (if it exists). As I already said in above post, I want to try to contact one of the developers, but so far I couldn't get a single name! I tried "Get Info" in finder, I read the document that is in the...
  3. G

    Softwindows 2 68k

    Alright, I guess there will be no more replies to this thread, as it's been almost a month since the last posting. Anyway, thanks to anyone who participated! There is only one more thing I can think of: I can look up the credits for Softwindows-1-68k and try to find contact to the developers...
  4. G

    Enabler Question

    Ah, now I finally understannd what enablers are good for! Thanks!
  5. G

    Softwindows 2 68k

    @nlp: I already know SoftPC (also the (AFAIK latest) Version: SoftPC 3.1 professional), I tested and compared it carefully to SoftWindows-1-68k a while ago. SoftWindows is definitely faster, this especially shows up when trying to play simple Windows-3.1-games (like Tetris or Asteroids) from...
  6. G

    Softwindows 2 68k

    @Travis Hunt: As already mentioned, I'm not sure if this necessarily means something (see my web.archive-links). Probably SoftWindows-1-68k also wasn't mentioned in the docs of SoftWindows-1-PPC - could anyone who ownes SoftWindows-1-PPC please confirm this (or the opposite)? I could post a...
  7. G

    Softwindows 2 68k

    @nlp: Thanks for trying!
  8. G

    Mac Hut is back

    Yeah, thanks wackymacs! MacHut is really great!
  9. G

    Softwindows 2 68k

    @nlp: Thanks for searching and testing it for me! German is not a problem for me, as it is my mother tongue (I couldn't find any german 68k-Mac-Forums on the web). I am not sure if the PPC-thing you mentioned means something, because I checked insignia's former webpage...
  10. G

    Softwindows 2 68k

    @Bunsen: Sorry, but that's NOT very helpful. Of course I searched the forum before posting, as any decent forum-user would. And naming some internetsites is also quite useless, considering that I already spent several weeks, clicking through tons of google-search-results, using any related...
  11. G

    Softwindows 2 68k

    As I already said, earlier and later version are quite as common as mud, but from Softwindows 3 on it's PPC only. I 've spent weeks searching for Version 2 in all terms, pronounciations and abbreviations I could think off, nothing, that's why I'm trying it here at the forum. In fact I once...
  12. G

    Softwindows 2 68k

    Hi everyone! I'm sorry for posting a software-request here as a newbie, but I really ran out of ideas where else to search. I already spent several WEEKS (of course with breaks) in searching for it on google, ftp, hotline... No success. Softwindows 2 seems to be the last version of Softwindows...
  13. G

    settlers II

    Hi, I found a variety of hotline-servers that seem to have settlers-2 on them, maybe this helps you:
  14. G

    Searching for software

    The abbreviation IMHO is short for "In My Humble Opinion", that's why I DID use it. I like adventures in general, but I think this game is rather crap (and I am not talking about the technical aspect), but neither did I want to express dislike for people who like this game, nor did I want to...
  15. G

    Searching for software

    ...errr, yes, and as far as Myst is concerned: 1. This games IMHO sucks! 2. There is an amiga-port of myst anyway.
  16. G

    Searching for software

    Nice to see I am not the only Mac-emulating 68k Amiga-User here. To make it run, you can either deactivate superscalar mode of 68060 (can easily be done from within Fusion and I think it's even deactivated by default on latest Version of ShapeShifter) or you can buy a newer 68060 (i.e. Rev...