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  1. N

    Rominator Issues on Mac plus

    I built a Rominator for my Mac plus. I have installed it and it works fine except I can't seem to re-flash the Rominator with it 'in system'. I'm using a BlueSCSI (I have done the termination diode mod) to load system 3.2 with finder 5 (disk image found on JDW's youtube video about flashing the...
  2. N

    800k drive - swapping eject mechanisms?

    thanks...can confirm it works.
  3. N

    800k drive - swapping eject mechanisms?

    Is it possible to swap the eject mechanism between the two different Sony 800k drives? See photo. I have one drive which is doesn't read floppies, but eject works (right). And the other drive reads floppies, but eject is broken (left) So swap the eject mechanism from the right one to the left...
  4. N

    Shout out to JDW for Mac 512K repair

    What is this Tiny Transfer software you speak of?
  5. N

    Color Classic case screws

    I'm missing all my case screws for my Color classic (I got it that way). Can anyone confirm whether they are the same or different than the case screws from, say, a Mac Plus or and SE? I kind of suspect they have a smaller diameter. Thanks
  6. N

    Analog Board Caps on Mac Plus

    I have the exact same symptom...did either of you two get to the bottom of this issue?
  7. N

    512k with 800k floppy...Arrrrrgh!!!!!

    No, unfortunately I have not done this. Mostly because if I do it to this 512k machine, then I will 100% feel compelled to do it to my Mac 128k, and Mac plus too...that's a bit of a financial commitment. lol ...sometime soon for sure.
  8. N

    512k with 800k floppy...Arrrrrgh!!!!!

    Thanks for the reply. I actually got it working. I adjusted the voltages on the system as they were a bit high (5.85V and 13.1V) and wiggled the drive cable and now the drive is working again!!! However, I have seen slight anomalous behaviour. If the machine has been left off for a bit...
  9. N

    Floppy Disk Trouble on 128k Mac

    Sounds like a component on the drive has died. Suggest you look that the transistors as a starting point.
  10. N

    512k with 800k floppy...Arrrrrgh!!!!!

    Oh..both drives have been lubed and are actuating smoothly
  11. N

    512k with 800k floppy...Arrrrrgh!!!!!

    I am repairing a Mac 512k upgraded with an 800k drive upgrade. The symptom was it does not boot from any known good system floppy (the floppy works on my Mac128k upgraded to 800k floppy). I have another spare drive which actually booted the system disk on the 512k, but did not eject. After some...