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  1. croissantking

    Near Mint Macintosh PowerBook 180!

    180c? 😛
  2. croissantking

    Macintosh SE/30 M5119 - Restoration

    I bought mine from exxos store in the UK, but it looks the same as the various machined sockets you can get new. As @obsolete says, 'walking' the chip out slowly is the way to go. I use a flat bladed screwdriver in between the edge of the socket and underside of the CPU, which I twist to slowly...
  3. croissantking

    Macintosh SE/30 M5119 - Restoration

    It’s possible, just annoying, I even found a technique that doesn’t butcher the socket!
  4. croissantking

    PowerBook 180 tunnel bake aftermath

    So this was the first LCD after I finished baking it. I have been using it on and off a fair bit: This photo was taken just after baking in Oct 2023 and at exactly 1 hour’s run time. Now look at this: Same screen, last night; run for an hour (actually 1:04) and no signs of darkening...
  5. croissantking

    Macintosh SE/30 M5119 - Restoration

    The original sockets are better. With the type you’ve ordered it’s really hard to insert and remove the CPU. I would try and clean up the original - maybe see if any pins are N/C and move them around.
  6. croissantking

    The quest to get ANOTHER fully working PowerBook 180

    Ooh, just noticed as well that the tunnel effect clears up within a minute or two once shut down, far quicker than the half an hour or more I usually had to wait.
  7. croissantking

    The quest to get ANOTHER fully working PowerBook 180

    So this is the second of one of these LCDs I've baked. I went for 5 hours at 105˚C (221˚F) which is a little bit on the hot side. I had intended to bake at 100˚C (212˚F), but the temperature kept creeping up. It's pretty hard to regulate a basic domestic oven accurately, but I did put some...
  8. croissantking

    Nope - my first modem was a 28.8!

    Nope - my first modem was a 28.8!
  9. croissantking

    The quest to get ANOTHER fully working PowerBook 180

    I’ve been baking again…
  10. croissantking

    It’s better than 300bps.

    It’s better than 300bps.
  11. croissantking

    Mac SE/30 + Bolle Adaptor and 040 card Issues

    No, but I’ve seen the following issue (see pic) with the same setup/combination as you have. Note that the machine was very unstable and usually crashed within a minute. Is yours unstable too, or does it run fine apart from the graphical issues? And did you see the same issues? By base ROM...
  12. croissantking

    [ATTACH] I wanted to test out my PowerBook 100 series modems, so I got two of them talk to each...

    I wanted to test out my PowerBook 100 series modems, so I got two of them talk to each other directly, with all the associated sounds of nostalgia. Only at 2400bps though 😏
  13. croissantking

    @beachycove yes - two of those are functional - the Green SE/30 board and the 840AV board.

    @beachycove yes - two of those are functional - the Green SE/30 board and the 840AV board.
  14. croissantking

    Interware Booster 30-50F

    I had a quick browse on buyee just now. I’ve never bought through them. Looking at prices for nice things labelled Interware, I gather the days of snagging a bargain from Japan are long gone.
  15. croissantking

    jmacz journey

    Sir, you are an artist.
  16. croissantking

    Does the Mac II need FDHD kit for +8MB?

    If you remove the FPU on an SE/30, it will crash shortly after booting, often with an F-Line error. So I wouldn’t assume the Mac II would work fine without one, as the system software might expect it to be there.
  17. croissantking

    @zigzagjoe nice one. I think it will work in the 840AV in that orientation - i'll assemble one...

    @zigzagjoe nice one. I think it will work in the 840AV in that orientation - i'll assemble one and see
  18. croissantking

    I found a better use for the shoe rack. [ATTACH]

    I found a better use for the shoe rack.
  19. croissantking

    Killed my Beige( Lobo trouble shooting steps? ).

    I’ll take that as a compliment :D
  20. croissantking

    Killed my Beige( Lobo trouble shooting steps? ).

    You can get a spark even from 5V, as I discovered the other day whilst twiddling with the ROM SIMM of my powered-on SE/30. Gave me quite the fright, but no damage seems to have been done.