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  1. L

    M1212 Macintosh Color Display no picture

    It looks to be very similar, I'll give that a try; do you have any images or more elaborate descriptions of what/where the coil is?
  2. L

    M1212 Macintosh Color Display no picture

    I whacked it every which way, nothing drastic happened, just some wobbling. It seemed to have a strong reaction to adjusting the pots on the back, but I'm unsure if the adapter I'm using is good (trying to see parts of a test pattern). There's no glow from the neck, thankfully, it was just...
  3. L

    M1212 Macintosh Color Display no picture

    The whole board is the analog board; all of the joints look pretty much perfect.
  4. L

    M1212 Macintosh Color Display no picture

    I recently acquired a very minty (non-yellowed!) M1212 Display, but it doesn't want to live just yet. I plugged it in, powered it on, and it greeted me with a very dim purple glow (no input). I plugged in a known good VGA adapter, but still nothing. I opened it up and adjusted the pots to get a...
  5. L

    Plus 800k FDD magic smoke???

    It was standing free of the computer's frame, sitting on the workbench on top of an upside-down internal floppy drive mount.
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    Plus 800k FDD magic smoke???

    I was recently working on fixing up my Mac Plus (new MoBo, RAM, etc.), and I was testing it with the case off and the FDD outside of the case, just sitting on top of its mount; it'd had problems ejecting and it was just easier for me to be able to push the manual eject. It read a disk perfectly...
  7. L

    At wit's end with a Plus - odd behavior after recap

    Update: it doesn't work I mean, it is a known good BlueSCSI with known good images for that specific machine (it worked before) and it still doesn't work. Thank you for the suggestion, but unfortunately for me, this seems to be a hardware problem.
  8. L

    At wit's end with a Plus - odd behavior after recap

    Can't get to it right now, but it functions perfectly, and I've double-checked all connections and cap orientations on the board; safe to say, it's a LB problem. Power and Picture are incredibly stable and clear, something's wrong with the computer itself.
  9. L

    At wit's end with a Plus - odd behavior after recap

    I'll try this as soon as I can; even if it doesn't work, thank you so much for the help. It's just very weird, as my disk images used to work fine. Is there any way that a hardware issue could come up that removes drivers or make them stop working? I'm just afraid I fried the SCSI controller in...
  10. L

    Mac Plus not recognizing BlueSCSI after recap of analog board

    I have a DB25 BlueSCSI V2, the jumpers are stock/unmodified, and I am powering the BlueSCSI with a 5V Micro-USB power source. I've tried all of the 6.0.8 images I can, including that exact RetroSCSI image; I can't try it with System 7 as the stock Plus can't boot system 7 (not enough RAM). It's...
  11. L

    At wit's end with a Plus - odd behavior after recap

    I've booted it with and without the BlueSCSI, I had known good HD images, as well as known good 6.0.8 images, a BlueSCSI stock/preconfigured 6.0.8 image, and the 6.0.8 floppy. Without boot media, it just goes to a normal no disk screen, and the mouse moves around perfectly well. I just don't get...
  12. L

    At wit's end with a Plus - odd behavior after recap

    No other RAM, I'm running the stock 1MB (4x256K).
  13. L

    At wit's end with a Plus - odd behavior after recap

    Cleaned all the SIMM contacts (contact cleaner before and after rubbing with eraser), SIMM slot pins (contact cleaner), ROM chips and board interconnect, still the same results; it just flashes no disk with a BlueSCSI, and if I try the System 6.0.8 disk, it very slowly gets to "Welcome to...
  14. L

    At wit's end with a Plus - odd behavior after recap

    I double-checked all visible connections and reflowed both ends of all of the large connectors in the computer, then triple-checked for short-circuiting.
  15. L

    At wit's end with a Plus - odd behavior after recap

    Yeah, I gave the whole board a wash with 80% IPA and let it dry for 4 days, as well as spot cleaning the sockets. It's just so weird that both the analog and logic board look pristine.
  16. L

    At wit's end with a Plus - odd behavior after recap

    Thank you guys very much for the advice, I'll try that the next opportunity I get to work on it. It's weird, too, since I took the RAM out to have a look at the contacts and they seemed fine, as well as reseating both of the ROM chips. I might have messed it up, who knows. When taking out one...
  17. L

    At wit's end with a Plus - odd behavior after recap

    Just the analog board; what's a place I could get some contact cleaner? My local hardware store doesn't carry it.
  18. L

    At wit's end with a Plus - odd behavior after recap

    I'll do that next; it's strange, the computer was working almost perfectly before the recap, it just started to not turn on due to a power issue.
  19. L

    At wit's end with a Plus - odd behavior after recap

    Hi, I've recently completed a recap of my '86 Mac Plus; After recapping, I noticed that it wouldn't boot from my BlueSCSI, but it otherwise seemed perfectly fine (flashing disk on startup, mouse moves, etc.), so I ordered a floppy to boot from. After receiving and testing said floppy, it...
  20. L

    Mac Plus not recognizing BlueSCSI after recap of analog board

    Update: I put it into debug mode, this is the log after 20s of both the BlueSCSI and Mac being on: INFO: Pico Voltage: 3.228V. Timeout waiting for response in rp2040_sdio_command_R1(13), PIO PC: 6 RXF: 0 TXF: 0 SDIO SD card error on line 199, error code 2 Timeout waiting for response in...