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  1. desertrout

    Suggestions for an LCD display for my Quadra 800

    I have a NEC MultiSync LCD1525x that is 1024x768 optimal. It also supports (and nicely renders) 640x480 and 800x600...
  2. desertrout

    M7649 Studio Display - Backlight Error?

    I recently acquired a M7649 Studio Display that works well, but the upper backlight seems dim, and the power light is blinking a repeating 'short short long' pattern... which seems to be an error code for a failed backlight. Has anyone repaired one of these before? Is this a caps issue, or does...
  3. desertrout

    PB100 was working, then it wasn't

    This is exactly why I thought to suggest it. And it's pretty common. It's nice when it's something simple. Great looking machine! Display looks great.
  4. desertrout

    PB100 was working, then it wasn't

    Double check the power connector on the logic board, ensuring it doesn't have any broken joints?
  5. desertrout

    Using Apple II as a dumb terminal?

    Also, a screen session may not have been properly closed. I have had to open the activity monitor and close screen that way.
  6. desertrout

    Using Apple II as a dumb terminal?

    Just thinking about this, that jumper block would be easy enough to replicate by either wiring the connections directly in the jumper's socket, or using another 16 dip socket as a platform and wiring that. The schematic I shared above shows how it's wired:
  7. desertrout

    Using Apple II as a dumb terminal?

    Ah, that makes sense. This may be helpful:
  8. desertrout

    Using Apple II as a dumb terminal?

    OK, good - if ADT Pro works, then your cable situation is good. Just noting your SSC jumper settings... I believe SW1-6 must always be 1; SW1-5 and SW-6 together set the comm mode, either printer or modem; 0,1 for printer mode, 1,1 for modem mode. Perhaps ADT Pro ignores jumpers with software...
  9. desertrout

    Using Apple II as a dumb terminal?

    The instructions are suggesting the layers at play here; you open the Terminal app, then launch a virtual terminal with 'screen', then launch the 'getty' utility inside of that screen session to provide the console with a login prompt and access to your Mac's file system. A screen session...
  10. desertrout

    Using Apple II as a dumb terminal?

    I was trying to make this work a few months ago with getty in Terminal with *some* success (to a silicon Mac fwiw) and really should come back to it. I can't remember my setup with the Apple II, but I remember having an easier go using Kermit on DOS, but generally the result was the same -...
  11. desertrout

    PowerBook 145 Troubles

    Depends on what you want. Some of us are in this hobby in part to do the repair / restoration work, some of us just want something that works without having to fuss. If you're the latter, then it's probably best to find someone to do the work for you. Someone like @Amiga of Rochester for...
  12. desertrout

    PowerBook 145 Troubles

    My apologies - I was referring to the connector where the battery mates with the logic board: That connector has the two 'strips' I was mentioning
  13. desertrout

    PowerBook 145 Troubles

    Once you remove the diode, you can check to see if a short still exists by testing for continuity between the two battery charger 'strips'. (correction for what I said above - not testing for a short between 5V and GND... it's between the charger voltage and GND).
  14. desertrout

    PowerBook 145 Troubles

    Unlikely - when these fail their either die or go over spec, but that would blow the fuse first and not the diode. But always good to test it. Should be reading between 7.5 to 7.9V.
  15. desertrout

    Mac IIci most keyboard keys not working…

    Wait a tick - ALL of the keys worked right after you reassembled everything? I wonder if you have some persistent corrosion along the chain somewhere; perhaps a liberal application of contact cleaner at all connectors is in order?
  16. desertrout

    PowerBook 145 Troubles

    Common failure. To my knowledge the diode is there for reverse polarity protection; you can remove it and still run the machine without it. HOWEVER you'll want to verify there's no short between 5V and GND before doing that, and check the fuse at F1 (found topside over by the batter terminals)...
  17. desertrout

    Mac IIci most keyboard keys not working…

    Agree with @bibilit ... may help if you identify specifically which keys are not working, if a broken trace a pattern will emerge.
  18. desertrout

    CCFL backlight in PB 145 / 160 /165 = CCFL backlight in PB 180?

    Brilliant - thanks! I've been meaning to replace a few and hadn't seen anyone replace the OG CCFLs, just retrofitting LED's.
  19. desertrout

    CCFL backlight in PB 145 / 160 /165 = CCFL backlight in PB 180?

    Very cool. What was the result? And what length of tube - is the same for all?
  20. desertrout

    Apple IIc strange characters on screen

    I think using a basic solder sucker will work fine, no need to subject the old brittle board to so much heat (except maybe as a last resort to loosen up some stubborn old solder). A desoldering gun is best if you have access to one. This is a decent video showing the process using a standard...