Search results

  1. sircabulon

    More pico-mac stuff

    Is this a Mac 512k or does it have more horsepower?
  2. sircabulon

    IIci upgrade path

    I also have a rominator and floppyemu as well.
  3. sircabulon

    IIci upgrade path

    I am starting to plan for Christmas, and I want to upgrade my IIci some more. I have more RAM than I need. I have an 040 accelerator on the way, a couple of zuluscsi adapters - 1 internal, 1 external slim for networking and CD images. I am thinking a video card is next, but I know the nubus...
  4. sircabulon

    More pico-mac stuff

    That's pretty cool!
  5. sircabulon

    My nubus pipe dream

    I don't know how to say this - you all are incredibly talented and I am impressed. I was hoping to hear this would be a relatively easy task, and I am happy to know why it hasn't been done yet. Thank you all for the information and contributing to this community!
  6. sircabulon

    My nubus pipe dream

    I think I am understanding this correct - We could re-design a reproduction board for a IIci to have the cache slot and a 030 PDS that could then use the 30Video as referenced and that may be easiest? What would making a clone of the Thunder card look like? On a complete tangent, my other...
  7. sircabulon

    My nubus pipe dream

    I will start by stating - I know this is a stupid request and using any sort of Quadra would be easier, cheaper, or whatever. My late father had a IIcx that was modified with a CPU riser to have a Mobius Speedster with an LC'040 chip on it. Unfortunately, I have lost that accelerator to time...
  8. sircabulon

    I think I have an old mac addiction

    I think I have an old mac addiction
  9. sircabulon

    Newly re-discovered Mac SE

    I finally got my floppyemu so I was able to get speedometer 2.5 on there. I didn't have an 8Mhz baseline, so I put it against my Mac Classic since it has an 8 Mhz Motorola 68000 CPU. The classic scored a 1.01 on CPU and 1.00 on Math and the SE scored a 2.01 on CPU and a 2.01 on Math, so even...
  10. sircabulon

    Newly re-discovered Mac SE

    I will have to try the benchmark. I got 7.1 installed and loaded up TattleTech and saw that it was running at 8Mhz still. I will also inspect the board to see if there are any broken joints or leaky caps or something. I wish I could find some more documentation on it to know what exactly I am...
  11. sircabulon

    Centris 650 upgrade to IIcx

    I got the computer and it actually booted but had lines on the screen. After disassembly, I found the battery had burst and there is some corrosion, but it looks repairable. After it dries we will see what cleaning yields.
  12. sircabulon

    Centris 650 upgrade to IIcx

    thanks, i am going to take the $150 gamble and aee where we get. i have always wanted to do a frankenmac!
  13. sircabulon

    Centris 650 upgrade to IIcx

    I have a dead IIcx and a working IIci. I found a Centris 650 online, but the case is destroyed. The pictures show the power light on - is that enough to determine if it has been battery bombed or not?
  14. sircabulon

    Custom Boot Chime Guide?
  15. sircabulon

    Custom Boot Chime Guide?

    I am also interested in this. Have you reached out to BMOW?
  16. sircabulon

    Nostalgia PC Build

    My father passed away in May of 2020. My mother has finally started to clean out some of his old things including the PowerMac G4 he used for his business. I now work a career in IT, but this computer was the first one I was ever paid to repair, and being my fathers, it also held an incredible...
  17. sircabulon

    Newly re-discovered Mac SE

    That link to the macintoshgarden is useful. It had a detail that the other places I have read did not about updating the firmware and not needing anything in the system folder. I tried to load up TattleTech, but it won't run on anything below system 6. I will take another look at this...
  18. sircabulon

    Newly re-discovered Mac SE

    So I was able to get the memory replaced and got to the ? disk. The hard drive on this computer is kaput, so I have my zuluscsi in it now. The Brainstorm ROM appears to load and v1.2 displays, but the old hard drive had the accelerator on it. I was able to rip an image from my Mac Classic to...
  19. sircabulon

    Micromac site is live - are they?

    I was looking for a replacement Mobius Speedster that was in my Dad's old IICX and found that MicroMac's website is still up. Does anyone know if they are still around or will my order form just go into a black hole of identity theft?
  20. sircabulon

    Macintosh IIci Logicboard recreation

    I am definitely interested!