Search results

  1. Huxley

    Apple IIgs flickering / fading video (and/or no video at all). Bad caps or something else?

    I found it in a bundle of IIgs images / apps that I migrated to my CF card a while back. If / when I get the machine running again I'm happy to export and share!
  2. Huxley

    Apple IIgs flickering / fading video (and/or no video at all). Bad caps or something else?

    That's totally fair and valid feedback, thanks @Callan & @bibilit. I gave the PSU a closer inspection and noted a faint but distinctly fishy smell, which I suspect points to leaking caps and/or a burnt RIFA. I've ordered a new PSU from ReactiveMicro - excited to get it installed and see if the...
  3. Huxley

    Apple IIgs flickering / fading video (and/or no video at all). Bad caps or something else?

    Hi all! My trusty Apple IIgs (ROM1) is suddenly a lot less trusty than it used to be. I've noticed that recently the image on my AppleColor RGB Monitor (the IIgs monitor) has been flickering, so I had it professionally recapped and refurbished by a legit CRT expert (Andy King of the CRT...
  4. Huxley

    Any tips for repeatedly displaying an image fullscreen on System 7.5.5?

    I had the same idea! I got GraphicConverter 4.x running on the SE/30 and played with its slideshow mode for a few minutes. I think it might work for what I'm attempting, but frustratingly some of the slideshow settings are literally off the bottom edge of the screen on a 512x342 display and I...
  5. Huxley

    Any tips for repeatedly displaying an image fullscreen on System 7.5.5?

    Hi all, I'm working on something neat (which I'll share soon!), and for it to work I need a way to display a "PICT" image full-screen, and refresh / redraw the image if/when the PICT file is replaced in the background. My ideal outcome would actually be doing this with AppleScript, since the...
  6. Huxley

    PowerBook 170 suddenly only showing garbage when powered up

    I believe you're correct - I've ordered a few of these from Digi-Key, since they appear to have the same type of 'leg' as the one in the PowerBook. Hopefully I can get one installed and it fixes the issue! :) Huxley
  7. Huxley

    Building a Spotify player for my Mac SE/30

    It's nearly a year since this comment so I don't have high hopes but I'm really curious: hey @hifimac, did you ever make any progress on this? I have an SE/30 with network access sitting above my daily workstation, and I would *love* to have it just display the cover art of whatever I happen to...
  8. Huxley

    PowerBook 170 suddenly only showing garbage when powered up

    Update: I’ve removed the bottom of the PowerBook and I’m taking a look around inside. The innards are remarkably clean (yay!), and it does appear to have a RAM expansion card: “Microtech International” model “MP40052 REV B” I also see the PRAM battery just under the display hinge, but it...
  9. Huxley

    PowerBook 170 suddenly only showing garbage when powered up

    Curious if anyone has encountered this before? This PowerBook 170 was POST'ing just fine a few weeks ago (I think I mentioned it here previously, as its internal drive has Norton DiskLock installed), but now when I hit the power button it just makes a loud POP!! sound from the speaker and...
  10. Huxley

    Announcing scsi2sd_to_hda, a quick and dirty script I wrote to convert SCSI2SD images to .hda files compatible with RASCSI/BlueSCSI

    I just wanted to pop into this old thread and say a big loud THANK YOU to @dburr for making and sharing this awesome tool! I recently swapped out a failing SCSI2SD device for a BlueSCSI in my NeXT Computer (aka Cube) but had no way to recover the multiple partitions of apps and tools that were...
  11. Huxley

    Apple II (Rev. 7) only showing garbage at power-on, any tips?

    I return to you with a wonderful update: the Franken-][ lives! I’ve been out of town for a week or two for work, but before I left, I put a little detox into every chip socket on the board and you just let it sit. I plugged it all back in tonight to resume tinkering, and I was getting the same...
  12. Huxley

    Apple II (Rev. 7) only showing garbage at power-on, any tips?

    Hi all! A while back I picked up this gorgeous Apple II from a Craigslist seller. He'd received it from a family friend who worked for Apple back in the 80's, and I think it's an original Apple II case with a II+ Rev. 7 motherboard inside, but I'd love to be corrected if I'm wrong! The model tag...
  13. Huxley

    Anyone here use a PowerBook 150 with a CompactFlash card?

    This is great info guys - thank you! Given that the seller is being pretty unpleasant + the fragility of the system and its quirky storage requirements, I think I'll focus my attention on just getting some of the other 100-series machines I have in storage working. I appreciate the info though -...
  14. Huxley

    Perfectly working Macintosh portable backlit M5126 just died

    Now you've got me curious - my backlit and recapped Portable is currently working fine, but AFAIK the power supply brick is still stock. Are you open to taking a commission on recapping mine?
  15. Huxley

    Anyone here use a PowerBook 150 with a CompactFlash card?

    Hi all, A person in my neighborhood is selling a nice-looking PowerBook 150, but it shows the dreaded blinking question mark indicating a failed hard disk. From what I understand, the PB150 uses a very early implementation of the IDE specification, and it's not as simple as just popping an...
  16. Huxley

    SillyTinySCSI - Smallest SCSI emulator! (ZuluSCSI OSHW)

    Honestly, I'm just relieved to know that it's an actual bug and I wasn't doing something incredibly stupid / basic to break this 😂 Thanks again for talking me through it!
  17. Huxley

    SillyTinySCSI - Smallest SCSI emulator! (ZuluSCSI OSHW)

    Good info, thanks As of now, firmware v2024.12.03 does not work with WiFi (and may in fact crash the device when WiFi is initiated), and firmware v2024-.11.01 does work without any issues I've found yet. Hope this helps someone else!
  18. Huxley

    SillyTinySCSI - Smallest SCSI emulator! (ZuluSCSI OSHW)

    Okay, that fixed it! I had some initial issues - trying to configure using the WiFi Desk Accessory crashed the system a couple times - but just re-enabling WiFi in the INI file works fine now. Looks like something maybe broke in the latest firmware update?
  19. Huxley

    SillyTinySCSI - Smallest SCSI emulator! (ZuluSCSI OSHW)

    Sure, I'll try that now!
  20. Huxley

    SillyTinySCSI - Smallest SCSI emulator! (ZuluSCSI OSHW)

    Hi @zigzagjoe and/or any other knowledgeable folks: I've been playing with my SillyTinySCSI on my Macintosh Portable this week, and after a few early hiccups (took some kind people to point out that I needed to adjust the ZuluSCSI.ini file to use the Mac Plus setting), it's working great and my...