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  1. magnusfalkirk

    Questions about Apple IIGS and ADTPro serial connection

    Have you seen this website: and read through the explanation on how to use ADTPro? If I remember rightwhen I used it to transfer programs from my Mac to the GS i had to use the printer port on the GS, not the modem port. Read through the website. it's the best source of...
  2. magnusfalkirk

    So much Apple II software and nothing to use it on

    I was even luckier than that. Sep of last year I drove over to Dayton, Oh and came home with a Apple IIe and a monitor. It came with an 80/64k card, of course, two super serial cards, a mouse card, which I have a Shining Mouse I can use with it. Also came with an Apple 5.25 drive and a Laser...
  3. magnusfalkirk

    So much Apple II software and nothing to use it on

    An Apple //c would be fine. You can take the composite output and hook it up to a tv. As to the value of the 5.25 floppies, the ones that are original, not copies, might be worth something. It just depends on what they are and whether you have the documentation that came with them.
  4. magnusfalkirk

    SmartPortSD for IIc with custom case

    Got the SmartPortSD in the mail today! Thank you very much for this.
  5. magnusfalkirk

    SmartPortSD for IIc with custom case

    Here's a picture of my Apple //c+ running a demo of Flight Simulator II on a Dell monitor, via an HDMI setup. The computer to the left is an Atari 800xl.
  6. magnusfalkirk

    IIc with internal FloppyEMU

    Interesting. I bought the Apple version of the Fujinet and have it plugged into the port on the back of my //c+. To boot it I just turn on the computer wait fir it to say' check startup device' and then do the three finger salute to boot the Fujinet.
  7. magnusfalkirk

    IIc with internal FloppyEMU

    Looks really good. Though I have to agree with LaPorta that it probably wouldn't work for the //c+.
  8. magnusfalkirk

    Apple II 5.25 cleaning disk

    Thanks I'll pass this on to the gentleman who I posted this for.
  9. magnusfalkirk

    Apple II 5.25 cleaning disk

    softwarejanitor at Applefritter suggested the same thing. I ofrwarded that on to the OP.
  10. magnusfalkirk

    Apple II 5.25 cleaning disk

    Reposting for a friend Hi. Just wondering if anyone has a spare 5.25 cleaning disk they could spare? I would like to see if cleaning the heads can get my 2c drives to read disks again. Thanks in advance!
  11. magnusfalkirk

    What color monitor for //c ?

    Here's what I'm using to get HDMI output from the //c+. First I've got an Apple //c cable adapter that is plugged into the Video Expansion port on the back of the //c+. With this cable both the video and sound are sent to the LCD monitor. Then that feeds into the AV2HDMI converter that I got...
  12. magnusfalkirk

    Good first Apple II?

    Congrats on getting a //c system for such a good price. I had a //c, then picked up a //c+ and sold the //c. I've got a //c monitor but have it hooke up to an LCD monitor from Reactive Micro. Also have a FujiApple plugged into it, so not really using the 3.5 drive. The 4MHz speed is nice.
  13. magnusfalkirk

    Good first Apple II?

    And I've got 11 more on you!
  14. magnusfalkirk

    PLASMA (Proto Language ASeMbler for All) version 2.0 released

    downloaded your videos from YouTube about PLASMA, now just need to take the time to watch them. Have the language already downloaded.
  15. magnusfalkirk

    Time Capsule

    WOW! Why would someone buy a computer, especially an Apple IIe, and then never use it? The only other question is was the price reasonable?
  16. magnusfalkirk

    Apple iigs setup

    Another option is an Apple IIGS to SCART cable, SCART to HDMI converter with an HDMI cable and then a flat screen monitor that has HDMI input. Not necessarily a cheap solution but I think it works very well with my GS.
  17. magnusfalkirk

    What machine is better for playing Apple II games? (IIgs or LC+IIe card)

    I'd use the Apple IIGS, it is an Apple computer and backward compatible with the majority of Apple software. If you think the GS runs too fast for Apple ][ software go into the Control Panel and slow the machine down to the stock 1MHz that Apple computers ran at. If you don't know how to do that...
  18. magnusfalkirk

    Apple IIe floppy backup DOS vs ProDOS

    I don't think there is any advantage/disadvantage to one format over the other. As far as I know all the Apple II emulators, and Apple II cards such as the CFFA 3K or things like the FloppyEMU, can run both types.
  19. magnusfalkirk


    In my opinion, FWIW, one of the best expansions you can buy for the GS is the AppleSqueezer, which you can find here: It is an accelerator and memory expansion in one. It replaces the 65816 chip. It will have your GS running at 14MHz and expand the memory to...
  20. magnusfalkirk


    Actually if you look at the ADTPro page it's not talking about using SCSI or anything like that on your GS. It is a way to take an 800k disk image of a program for the GS and turn it into a real 800k disk. The same goes for the 140k disk images. You can use your Mac to download lots of disk...