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  1. tony359

    Mac Plus with high -12.9v rail post recap and service

    Hi. A bit late to the party here! I think the Mac Plus I recapped has the same -13ish line. I don't think that line is critical and it's usually a bit off. The voltage adjustment though MUST adjust the positive rails! I'm not sure that that is your problem with the sound but there is definitely...
  2. tony359

    Mac Plus broken inductor on Analogue Board

    And this is the video of the repair! Comments and feedback are very welcome as usual! The inductor seems to be ok! I have a Colour Classic on the bench now, that's not as easy...
  3. tony359

    Mac Plus broken inductor on Analogue Board

    Update for the records. I've glued the inductor back together, the analogue board works, the picture is there. If anything, it's a little trapezoidal. But haven't checked everything yet.
  4. tony359

    Mac Plus broken inductor on Analogue Board

    I've ordered a set of capacitors (a few are leaking) so I guess I'll clean and re-cap the board and see how the picture looks. Would gluing the inductor back have any effect? And just to be honest with the community here, this is a paid service I am offering for someone. I'd rather mention this...
  5. tony359

    Macintosh Plus Analog Board Repair Feasability

    Old-ish message but I notice the deflection connector has overheated at one end - meaning that the connector there didn't make good contact and heated up a lot. Check the solder joints under that connector (maybe that was it, I see the discoloration reaches the PCB at the back), use good contact...
  6. tony359

    Mac Plus broken inductor on Analogue Board

    Hi all, I'm restoring a Mac plus and while inspecting the analogue board I found the below inductance with a broken core. I'll test this unit once I've removed the RIFA and replaced some leaky caps, I am told the picture was a bit wobbly? Question: do you think it definitely needs a...
  7. tony359

    Mac Color Classic 3300uF 400V cap

    Hi all, I am ordering capacitors to recap a Color Classic, from a list online I found the analogue board has a 3300uF 400V cap which doesn't seem to be available anywhere - unless going for super chunky ones which are super expensive. Any advise? I know it might not need to be replaced, but...
  8. tony359

    ROM Replacement for Apple II+

    well the Apple II Europlus failed again so I had to repair it again. I also modded the ROM - with Jeff Mazur's help - to implement a simple feature. Plus I finally re-aligned that floppy!
  9. tony359

    ROM Replacement for Apple II+

    oh that's very cool! I'm not sure what the ROM sharing feature is though?
  10. tony359

    ROM Replacement for Apple II+

    That looks cool! To be fair I would now go for a ROM on a card now - I believe there is an open source language card available? Less hassle, the Apple is untouched and easier to move from one to another. One downside of the one I used is that the pins will inevitably deform the sockets so...
  11. tony359

    ROM Replacement for Apple II+

    I made my usual video about this repair! Feedback is as always welcome!
  12. tony359

    ROM Replacement for Apple II+

    thanks to Applefritter I found the issue - the IC looking after the slot select signal, likely stuck on slot 7. So my ROM is correct :)
  13. tony359

    ROM Replacement for Apple II+

    I've got somewhere with the ROMs - I was using a AT27C512 instead of the expected AT27C256 - the extra address line ended up being pulled high all the time so the data I was saving was not accessible. I got to a point where - I can run Integer basic. I can type and run a basic code. - I can...
  14. tony359

    ROM Replacement for Apple II+

    very interesting thanks. So what I want is Applesoft and Integer there just in case. So fascinating, thanks!
  15. tony359

    ROM Replacement for Apple II+

    I've played with lmhex a bit - looks interesting! Is there a way to say import the BIN files and place them on a new file while keeping track of the patterns with colours for example? So far I have discovered the bookmark section but I have a feeling there is a better way! Thanks!
  16. tony359

    ROM Replacement for Apple II+

    Oh I forgot - slightly OT: what is the difference between Applesoft and integer ROM? Why would someone need both?
  17. tony359

    Reading Roms from an Apple II

    I know this is an old thread but thanks for this! I struggled for a while because as said the original article has typos in it. Also it wasn't clear that pin 20 is tied to the programmer AND to the inverter which is then driving 21 which is NOT tied to the programmer. I've finally got a...
  18. tony359

    ROM Replacement for Apple II+

    Understood. I did write a ROM which was mirrored - 32KB + 32KB. Maybe I made a mistake then as that should have worked. I think I understand now. When the Apple is looking for address 0x0000, because pin 15 is always high, the request is going to 0x8000 instead. Thanks for the explanation...
  19. tony359

    ROM Replacement for Apple II+

    Thanks! Fun and interesting indeed! I understand the 2K = 0x0800 etc. What I am not sure I understand is how you ended up with the below 0x9000 0x9800 0xA000 0xA800 0xB000 0xB800
  20. tony359

    ROM Replacement for Apple II+

    Thank you so much! I knew I should have checked the pinout! I guess I could also tie A15 to ground and use the original layout. Or get a 256 :) I'll try lmHex thanks. Just for my understanding, how do you come up with those addresses? How does the Apple know where to look when it's switched...