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    Macintosh 512K painted black - paint stripping options?

    I can attest to the caustic lye based EasyOff Oven Cleaner (or generic) - the one that warns you about the fumes. It doesn't harm plastic at all but will really remove paint after letting it soak on for a couple hours. I also prefer it to acetone or other flammable spirits when stripping...
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    Mac SE FSHD black screen + loud noise

    If that is a blue glow inside the neck of the CRT then yes, your CRT is broken and arcing inside. Hard to tell if its actually a blue arc in the picture tube or just blue from the camera lighting though.
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    External SCSI CD-ROM drives and CD Sunrise

    Interesting. I'm by no means a SCSI expert but I thought you had to remove an internal terminator if you added an external device to the port and then terminate it there or at the end of whatever chain derived as I thought the chains just continued in series and were't in parallel legs external...
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    External SCSI CD-ROM drives and CD Sunrise

    You made sure the external drives were set to an un-used SCSI ID and that you removed the terminator from the internal CD and moved it to the external? Those are the two things that usually cause issues like this...
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    ImageWriter II lives again

    Before you even power it up, take some silicone weatherstrip lube in the spray can and a microfiber cloth and drench and clean the slider bar that the head unit moves back and forth on - you can slide the head by hand out of the way to thoroughly clean all the old sticky grease off the bar - all...
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    Color Classic II won't boot from BlueSCSI V2

    You removed or at least unplugged the old drive(s) and cable(s)? The log file seems to indicate the BlueSCSI is working and presenting the images properly.
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    Correcting David Pogue's quote on 24-bit color on the Quadra 800

    Glad you updated it as it was that very page that made me question it over on a FB Forum. But my Quadra 800 is living proof that 24 bit works fine with a 24 bit card. I am looking at Millions of colors on mine via the Apple 8-24 Nubus card as we speak :-)
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    Intermittent vertical deflection issue

    Ah yeah that definitely needs re-soldered and could be your issue. I believe that is one of the vertical output transistors
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    Quadra 800 8-24 Nubus Card Green Issue

    I was going off this: and this:,bit%20color%20(256%20colors) - both say it should give millions of colors up to the 1024 x 768 modes?
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    Quadra 800 8-24 Nubus Card Green Issue

    Solved the issue by switching back to a much older 19" LCD "TV" which has the VGA Input. The colors are nice and clean now. I tried all sorts of different switch configurations and finally landed on the 21" Multiscan which gives me the Millions of colors but only in the 640x480 mode, but I can...
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    Quadra 800 8-24 Nubus Card Green Issue

    Anyone had any success with using an LCD monitor with the Apple Display 8-24 card? I wanted 24-bit color so I found a nice decently priced 8-24 card and put it in my Quadra today. But everything is green. The ASUS Multi-sync monitor works great with the onboard video port in Thousands of...
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    Intermittent vertical deflection issue

    Look at the 4 pins in the yoke plug (the big coil of wires which sites around the next of the picture tube) where they connect to the analog board - pull the white plug and look for evidence of burned or overheated contacts and clean up as appropriate, then remove the back side plastic cover off...
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    BlueSCSI Plugged into AppleCD 300 Adpater

    Huh. I have both a V1 and a V2 and had no issues with either working in my Quadra 800. I have the V1 which has the regular cable connector inside my SC20 hard drive enclosure using its power supply and the cable so it truly is an external "hard drive" setup - which sounds similar to what you...
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    Reversing Retrobright Bleaching on a Macintosh 512k Mouse

    Try a magic-eraser mica-sponge with some soapy water. I did this accidentally to an SE/30 case I forgot and left in the gel/solution too long and it was a bright white in some areas and just overly white in others. The bleaching is only on the surface so the magic-eraser is like a very fine...
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    Thin Horizontal line on Mac Classic Screen

    And yes imactheknife brings up a good point...most classic analog boards also need a recap at this could be a dried or leaking cap and/or cracked solder joint or both!
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    Thin Horizontal line on Mac Classic Screen

    That's loss of vertical deflection. Start by locating the plug that connects the yoke (the copper wire electro-magnet section that goes around the neck of the picture tube) to the board. There will be 4 wires and a plastic plug that connects it to the analog board. Pull the plug and see if...
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    Disinfectant 3.7.1 user manual - look at the bottom of the downloads for the lavender Disinfectant-Manual download, it is for 3.7.1.
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    Mac SE/30 - White Screen

    Did you replace those big axial lead capacitors? If you did, check the negative lead on one of those big through-hole axials -C2- where it goes through the hole on the top side of the board. The hole / lead on the top is literally a hair's-width from a trace running next to it and when I redid...
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    LCD Sync Power Mac 7300 and 8600

    Try using the switches for separate sync mode first. Most modern-ish LCD monitors use that mode.
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    AppleColor RGB Monitor Repair

    AH ok. So what you see could just be normal. An unconnected monitor can do various things depending on how its made. Some just sit blank with a black screen but others look like this one. If you see retrace lines (those diagonal lines) when connected to an input source (like a working...