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  1. carbide

    Testing a MDD logic board on the Bench

    Couldn’t you also power it up with an appropriate keyboard with power button? Or is there something there that would ordinarily require the hardware button present?
  2. carbide

    Radeon 7000 Flashing Woes

    Ugh. Another hour and a half of my day wasted with about nothing to show for it. On the Xserve card, I managed to almost get it working with the 119 ROM version included in the 208 Updater application. Except, the colours were off and the image was unstable. I then used the updater to bring it...
  3. carbide

    Radeon 7000 Flashing Woes

    You'd think I'd remember that, though thinking about it, i never would have had much of a reason to even try it back in the day. The old video cards only had a single port, and I never had anything with multiple cards. If I was plugging or unplugging something, it was to move it with it powered...
  4. carbide

    Radeon 7000 Flashing Woes

    Update the... I dunno. Third or fourth? Using the correct set of menu options in Graphiccelerator, I was able to flash the unmodded Diamond #1 with a reduced v226 ROM with no error messages. Even better, the G4 booted up afterwards and detected it. I guess "hotswapping" VGA cables wasn't a...
  5. carbide

    Radeon 7000 Flashing Woes

    So the "Open ROM" option from the Graphiccelerator popup itself is the wrong choice then? I'd complain about what a mess that UI design is, but on the other hand it's... what, twenty years old? I know any UIs I attempted that far back sucked too.
  6. carbide

    Radeon 7000 Flashing Woes

    Hopefully double-posting is kosher. I tested running ATI Multi Flasher from OS 9.2.2 and it's giving the same error, I even grabbed the ROM off of the Rage card to see what would happen and it's still stuck on trying to flash one of the Radeon 7000 ROMs. I'll do some digging, but does anyone...
  7. carbide

    Radeon 7000 Flashing Woes

    It means I'm bad at reading the calculator I was using to convert hex to decimal. Having said that though the reduced ROM files I tested were 64KB and 28KB, so the error is.... in error anyway? Unless Graphiccelerator was failing to pass the correct ROM file to ATI MultiFlasher and was trying...
  8. carbide

    Radeon 7000 Flashing Woes

    The v226 ROM I'm using is from there and I've tried two out of three of the reduced ROMs listed. I haven't tried the 208 reduced one, I may give that a go tonight. As for testing any of them in a PC, I haven't found the LGA-1366 mounting bracket for my spare heatsink, though I didn't have much...
  9. carbide

    Radeon 7000 Flashing Woes

    Sooooo.... I'm even more confused now. I was able to remove and replace the ROM chip on Diamond card #2 with no issues. Flashed it with the 226 ROM and.... the exact same thing started happening that did with the Xserve card. G4 powered up, moved no further. I flashed it with the 208 ROM I...
  10. carbide

    Radeon 7000 Flashing Woes

    That would explain it. Anything special about those that I may need to be aware of? I suppose that's possible. I did a quick visual check of all the boards before slotting them in and didn't notice anything unusual around the caps. Do you know if these need to also be replaced with...
  11. carbide

    Radeon 7000 Flashing Woes

    Hello everyone. For MARCHintosh I had been hoping to get a few Radeon 7000s I'd picked up flashed to work on my beige G3 tower and my power mac 9500. Of the three I picked up, two of them are identical Diamond models that appear to be more-or-less reference cards with 64MB of RAM and the third...