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  1. B

    Mac OS 1-5 in swedish?

    Hi and thanks for Your answers. Its true that MacOS Anthology has a lot of languages but only from OS 7 and later. The Legacy Recovery CD have only OS in english. There is a difference in the trash bin icon between OS 2 and OS 3. System 2.0 System 3.0...
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    Mac OS 1-5 in swedish?

    Hi, I have a Lisa 2/10 , ROM H/88, that has been repaired with a lot of help from Its sold in Sweden with a swedish keyboard. There is Lisa OS 3.1 on the harddrive and its booting from the HD. The CRT has been burned in the screen with the previous OS thats obviously Mac OS in...
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    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    I have started this Lisa now almost everyday and let it run for half an hour. Its starting without any mechanical assistance. It running more quiet and no screaming anymore. Stepletons observation is a fact. Now its running almost "as new". No strange noise and perfect start and hardrive and...
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    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    I have started it now 3-4 times and the HD start to spin without any help. You were right (of course) stepleton. Its booting fine. The HD is maybe less noisy but sometimes it start to scream, se video below. Its not related to movement of the disk arm. With some video adjustments the picture is...
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    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    Hello stepleton and all others in this excellent forum. Now I have got the spare parts and replaced the Q3 (BD507) and U1 (ULN2074) I have placed a thermometer on Q3 to measure the temperatur. Q3 was burned the last time I tested the widget. Watch the video below. the text Arkiv, Redigera...
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    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    Thank You stepleton for your enthusiastic suggestions on further troubleshooting. I will report after replacing Q3 and U1.
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    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    I have tested the Darlingtons and unit 1,3 and 4 are working and switching power to a LED. Pin 8 ( unit2) is not connected. So the ULN274 is bad. Now Im waiting for new Q3 and U1. Interesting to see whats happening then, if it will start. As I understand its difficult / impossible to keep the...
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    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    I have looked at the IDEfile and maybee thats the best alternative.
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    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    Thank You Berenod for that video. Quite different sound from Your working drive. The problem is that I have not found any description if its possible to repair och replace those bearings. Or otherwise I will look for a substitute for the widget drive.
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    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    Yes, I have a 4 ch oscilloscope and a logic analyzer. Probably not only Q3 thats defect. The HD didnt spin att all first. Alter adjusting the solenoid it started and burned something (Q3?).
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    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    Testing the U1, ULN2074: I think its damaged. Disconnected it from the board and got the following result. The resistance between B(T) and E was 11.5 to 11.9 kohms. That is pin 2-3, 6-7, 10-11 and 14-15. That should be OK according to the schematics. but when I tested it in a transistor...
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    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    Sorry stepleton, my fault. Q1+Q2 +Q4 are all OK. Q3 is burned and will be replaced. I have ordered a new Q3 and a new U1 ( ULN2074) just in case. I will test the U1 as You described.
  13. B

    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    Here is a video when I manual rotate the drive. Its rotating 8-9 turns with some mechanical noise. I have disconnected Q1, Q2 and Q3 and they are tested OK. I have measured the resitance in the motor from J2. Resistance from pin 1 (12V) to the motor pin 7, 8, 9 and 10 is 2 ohms. I hope...
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    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    I have studied the thread and there is a lot of good information about the widget drive. In the picture of my widget the "ruler scale" is clearly visible. I compared to MarNo84 widget citied above. its obvious that the glass...
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    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    Thank You both for advice. I have realized that You are true experts on widget drives. I will follow your advice and report later. The drive was open for 5 min so I hope no harm was done.
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    Whats the problem with this Lisa widget drive?

    I have a Lisa 2/10 H/88 that was defect when I bought it 10 years ago. There was a problem with the static RAM but with excellent help from this forum ( stepleton and mactjaap) its now working, except for the widget harddrive. Now its time to try to repaire the harddrive. When starting I get the...
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    Whats the problem with this Apple Lisa 2/10?

    Now Im trying to repaire the widget drive , but in a new thread
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    Whats the problem with this Apple Lisa 2/10?

    I have tried to rotate the HD and its possible but it will not spin. There is resistance to rotate it. When I now turn it on there is a weak click from the drive and the drive is moving 1 mm to the left but nothing more. I suppose its the bearing in the HD thats stuck.
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    Whats the problem with this Apple Lisa 2/10?

    Thank You both stepleton and mactjaap for excellent support. The HD is not working. HD error code 82. When I start Lisa the fan in the widget drive spins up. But if that is deconnected the HD is absolutly silent. I have read your post...
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    Whats the problem with this Apple Lisa 2/10?

    Hi stepleton and others. Something really strange happend when I was working with the oscilloscope and the static RAMs. Suddenly the monitor is showing this. CPU error 41. I put in the I/O board , mouse and KB. Its working The text in swedish at the top is burned in on the screen when I...