Search results

  1. G

    Broken Mac Classic Logic board

    It could probably be fixed, but it's a lot of work.  There's a good chance the vias are eaten through and the solder joints and traces are corroded. I attempted to fix one a few years ago.  Managed to get it to boot, but it has issues.  My thread with carnage and attempted repair pics...
  2. G

    Mac Classic Mini-ITX Case Mod opinions?

    Yes, that's correct. :) I'm glad you think the LCD w/custom bezel idea looks good. I was trying to preserve as much of the compact Mac "personality" as possible, but still have the touchscreen work, so I'm glad the bezel is enough to give the illusion of a CRT without needing a cover!
  3. G

    Mac Classic Mini-ITX Case Mod opinions?

    Ah, there's actually no CRT-shaped plastic covering the LCD. Just the bezel around the outside edge of the LCD to fill the gap between round CRT shape of the case and flat LCD.
  4. G

    Mac Classic Mini-ITX Case Mod opinions?

    I'll be removing the protective plastic. I only left that on so it doesn't get scratched up. However, it does actually work through the protective plastic so it should work even better without it! The bezel itself doesn't interfere with the touchscreen since it only touches at the very edge...
  5. G

    Mac Classic Mini-ITX Case Mod opinions?

    Thanks. I made it using ABS plastic sheet. First, I cut out a flat bezel shape. I originally tried to use a heat gun to heat it to see if it would conform to the shape of the CRT - it wouldn't. It just wanted to warp. So instead, I made a cardboard template of the curvature and made 4...
  6. G

    Mac Classic Mini-ITX Case Mod opinions?

    That idea actually did occur to me, the backplane could be recessed up to 1.5" if I cut away part of the metal chassis. For some reason I had thought it would weaken the chassis too much, but I just went back and measured it and it looks like even if I cut it, there would be plenty of metal...
  7. G

    Mac Classic Mini-ITX Case Mod opinions?

    Removable tray (or lack thereof) isn't really what would make the reversible method more difficult to upgrade. The difficult part would be that when a new connector standard comes out, I'd have to source new panel mount extensions and modify my connector panel to accommodate. Using the rear...
  8. G

    Mac Classic Mini-ITX Case Mod opinions?

    I hadn't thought of a breakout box, but I'm thinking that might be overkill since all I need at the moment is ethernet, a few USB, HDMI, and maybe an eSATA. They're all pretty small and might fit in the existing DB25 and DB19 holes. Cost is probably the big thing doing it that way, because...
  9. G

    Mac Classic Mini-ITX Case Mod opinions?

    My Mac Classic actually cannot be used as a Mac since the logic board is shot (eaten away by battery acid - tried to fix the traces, but it gets a memory error), so it's not really an issue of ruining a good vintage Mac, but ruining a good vintage Mac Classic case that someday could be used to...
  10. G

    Mac Classic Mini-ITX Case Mod opinions?

    My Mac Classic has a bad logic board so I've decided to use it for a Mini-ITX case mod. I have 2 ideas on how to approach this, but I can't decide whether I should focus on easier future upgrades, or reversibility: Easier future upgrades - I would build a Mini ITX bracket to fit the ITX board...
  11. G

    Quicksilver i3 project

    I've always loved the looks of the Quicksilver G4 and hated the looks of PC cases. When it came time to build a new PC, I decided I would do what several before me have done - build one into a Quicksilver G4 case. Around 2006, I bought a complete, but gutted Quicksilver case from eBay. I'm...
  12. G

    Old School G4 QuickSilver + Studio Display

    Ah, I see. Yeah, I've seen other people butcher the Quicksilver case to get an ATX power supply in there. I guess most people don't know an Antec Basiq BP500U is a 100% drop-in replacement, no modding needed except for the rear screws being a different pitch thread. Even the front bracket...
  13. G

    Old School G4 QuickSilver + Studio Display

    Nice work! Just curious, why did you swap the Quicksilver internals into a Digital Audio case? Just liked it better? I'm a huge fan of the Quicksilver case. So much so, I picked up an empty Quicksilver case and modified it to house modern components when I built a new PC.
  14. G

    Parting out a Mac Plus

    In my eBay searching experience, the compact Macs actually seem to be worth more whole. Contrary to almost everything else, the sum of the parts seems to be worth less than the whole. In completed auctions, I'm seeing a system board around $7, CRT $10, and analog board $16. Whole Mac Plusses...
  15. G

    Mac Classic PRAM battery carnage

    Yes indeed, it was a Maxell battery. I thought the carnage here was bad, but the pics in that thread look much worse! Just a slight update... the HDD now intermittently works. It's still loud as an angle grinder, but the screeching/screaming sounds have quit. I guess the bearings have...
  16. G

    Mac Classic PRAM battery carnage

    I bought a broken Mac Classic for a Mini ITX project. I plugged it in just to see what it would do. Blank screen, DOA. I could hear something knocking around inside. What could it be? Oh, I see what it was, a really nasty PRAM battery! Its juice had dissolved the entire holder off of the...
  17. G

    Surface Mount Capacitors

    I agree, solid polymer capacitors are currently used in place of conventional electrolytics in almost all modern electronics where reliability and low ESR are important. The hybrid polymer will probably find its way in power supplies where higher voltage capacitors are required.
  18. G

    Surface Mount Capacitors

    They are just a hybrid of conventional liquid electrolytics and polymer solid capacitors, so they're not exactly like a conventional "wet" capacitor and not exactly like a regular solid polymer capacitor. The reason it's hybrid is because solid polymer capacitors aren't available in higher...
  19. G

    Classic II ITX Project

    Got any pics of the back cover?
  20. G

    Classic II ITX Project

    Wow, that's exactly what I wanted to do to my Classic (and the whole reason I bought it in the first place), only I managed to get it working and I didn't have the heart to butcher a working compact Mac so I sold it intact. I wanted to do the CRT-shaped plexi as well, and after seeing yours...