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Search results

  1. maceffects

    IIc with checkboard

    If it has "MT" Ram it probably has a bad memory chip and I would start there.
  2. maceffects

    Local ebay seller purchase

    The 270c was my first laptop. What an awesome score :)
  3. maceffects

    iMac G3 Optical Drive Pinout

    Yep, slot loading.
  4. maceffects

    iMac G3 Optical Drive Pinout

    Hello all, I’m hoping one of you might be able to help. I’m trying to create new rubber rollers and belts for the drive but in terms of testing it’s import to have some trial and error. Does anyone know the pin out? More specifically, I’m looking for the power pins and what inputs they need...
  5. maceffects

    NEW Injection Molded - iMac G3 Inner Bezels

    I tested a couple of the prints personally and had major fitment issues and that was on ones they thought may be good enough. This was just over a year ago. Not a single ABS sample fit correctly enough to totally assemble. It’s possible that a high quality ABS print could sustain the weight but...
  6. maceffects

    NEW Injection Molded - iMac G3 Inner Bezels

    I was told in advance it probably wouldn’t be suitable for 3d printing and accepted the risk. I cannot hold them liable for the several failed prints at my request. I did the 3d prints mainly to validate my design for fitment purposes before tooling. They, and probably you, have more knowledge...
  7. maceffects

    NEW Injection Molded - iMac G3 Inner Bezels

    This was about a year ago and I hired a 3d print house to do analysis and do the prints. They did the ABS prints and we found that 1) the six holes on the side that mount the rear case were not precise enough while maintaining the fit for the lower left and right plastic assemblies 2) they...
  8. maceffects

    NEW Injection Molded - iMac G3 Inner Bezels

    To be clear, I have no objection to anyone wanting to explore for themselves. I’d be happy to offer and feedback I can, but I’ve been down this road before with 3d prints of the bezel and it ended badly. Just don’t want MacEffects associated with an inferior part. There are some applications...
  9. maceffects

    NEW Injection Molded - iMac G3 Inner Bezels

    For those wondering, I believe the only ABS part on the iMac G3 (as compared to polycarbonate) is this bezel. Unfortunately, as you can see, they added fire retardant (“FR”) which is the root cause of extreme brittleness. This structural bezel needed to have the rigidity of ABS as it held the...
  10. maceffects

    NEW Injection Molded - iMac G3 Inner Bezels

    Given that none of the people complaining ever bother to create anything of their own for the community at any price, speaks a lot more of them than us. Please lead the community by example if we are not providing enough value to the community.
  11. maceffects

    NEW Injection Molded - iMac G3 Inner Bezels

    I'm not going to argue the UCC § 2-316 with randos on the internet. Zero benefit but tons of risk for something we know will not work in most 3d printers would be unethical and could expose us to liabilities. Please, by all means, create your own.
  12. maceffects

    NEW Injection Molded - iMac G3 Inner Bezels

    3 Revisions on our tooling is certainly enough evidence that the tolerances are tight. The front bezel provides structural connection to several areas of the iMac. Anything an LLC provides whether free or for a fee comes with an implied warranty and is difficult to disclaim. We have tried...
  13. maceffects

    NEW Injection Molded - iMac G3 Inner Bezels

    A lot of discussion appears to be going on about MacEffects intentions and it's offensive that one would imply we are doing something only for profit and don't care about the community. The Kickstarter alone did not cover the costs, about 60% and the rest was self-funded. We are taking a huge...
  14. maceffects

    Magic 1 Keyboard 10 Year Anniversary Clean!

    Looks to be British.
  15. maceffects

    Anyone have an SE speaker?

    To be fair, the reason I shared the link is because JDW is an electrical engineer and I figured that might support the view that it’s perfectly acceptable and won’t hurt the sound circuitry of an SE. Of course, others had validated before I proposed the solution and I cannot see a material...
  16. maceffects

    Anyone have an SE speaker?

    I've sold over 100 of these speakers with zero complaints other than folks commenting of the Ohm (8 vs 63) difference. JDW discusses this in his video at the time sampled link Extensive testing has been performed to ensure it will work and not hurt the Mac.
  17. maceffects

    Einstein (Newton Emulator)

  18. maceffects

    NEW Injection Molded - iMac G3 Inner Bezels

    My iMac G3 700mhz is in a sad shape with a cracked bezel, grinding hard drive, and popping at the fly back transformer, and in need of capacitor replacements. I've put off doing anything with this until I know I can actually put it back together!
  19. maceffects

    Reverse-engineering the Lapis ProColorServer 8 II

    I have the Verilog emulation of a NuBus video card, however, 12v <> 5v and PCB design for it is beyond our skill level.